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eMentor Connect is offering the best product you need for your business growth. We provide a professional mentoring program for employees engagement and increase the ROI of your business. Save Your Time & Money by Sign up today.
ImproveEmployee Engagement With Workplace MentoringProgram eMentorConnect®
Presentation Overview DISCUSSION PowerOfMentoring About eMentorConnect HowItworks Features Available ineMentorConnect MeetOurTeam ContactUs
The Powerof Mentoring Are you seeking a powerful way to grow and develop your talent? Consider how many of today's leaders have had the benefit of a mentor. The wisdom and experience shared by thatmentor has helped them grow into their current roles. This leads you to wonder, how might a mentoring program benefit your entireorganization? sharing, leadership development, skill development,and employee engagement throughout yourorganization.
OVERVIEW OFEMENTORCONNECT® eMentorConnect is amentoring and knowledgetransfer platform which provides enterprises with the tools to measure mentoring resources and participantsonline. Matching technology allowsusers to match mentors and mentees automatically based on customizablematching criteria,suchaslocation,department,orskilllevel,and eMentorConnectalsoallowsmenteestoself-selecttheir ownmentor.
FeaturesA ailable ineMentorConnect® REALTIME SUPPORT NOTIFICATIONS Chat & email support for admins and participants. LEARNING CONTENT Create and schedule notifications once, and ensure high engagement throughout your program. Build or integrate your learningcontent.
S OP H IA M. WILLIAMS Principal &Founder Meetthe Team N A NCY W OL K Principal &Founder DIANE SIMONE Sr. Director of Implementation
MAILING ADDRESS 1275 Pasadena Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306,USA Get InTouch P H ONE N U MB E R +1855-363-6867 E M AIL ADDRESS info@ementorconnect.com