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  2. Moving From Home • Most people move out of the family home and set up their own place during their late teens to late 20s. Whether or not leaving goes smoothly depends on the reasons you are moving out and the strength of the relationship you have with your family.

  3. Reasons to Leave Home • The wish to live independently • Location difficulties: for example, the need to move closer to university • The desire to live in a de facto relationship • Conflict with your parents • Being asked to leave by your parents.

  4. Where to get help • Your doctor • Kids Helpline Tel. 1800 551 800 • Lifeline 13 11 44 • Home Ground Services Tel 1800 048 325 • Relationships Australia Tel. 1300 364 277 • Centrelink Crisis or Special Help Tel. 13 28 50

  5. Arranging Accommodation Sharing a house • House sharing is one of the easiest ways to save money when you move out of home. For example, splitting rent and household expenses for a 3-bedroom unit with 3 flatmates will probably be cheaper than paying for a 1-bedroom unit by yourself.

  6. Government housing assistance • If you have to leave home but can't afford a place to stay, you might be eligible for support from the government housing authority in your state: ACT - Housing and Community Services 13 34 27 NSW - Housing NSW 1300 468 746 Northern Territory - Territory Housing Queensland - Housing and Homelessness Services 1300 880 882 South Australia - Accommodation and Housing 13 12 99 Tasmania - Housing Tasmania (Department of Health and Human Services 1300 135 513; TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 1300 13 55 13) Victoria - Office of Housing 1300 650 172 Western Australia - Department of Housing 1800 093 325

  7. A guide for tenants • At the start of every tenancy, the landlord or agent must give you a copy of a Fair Trading publication called New tenant checklist. The New tenant checklist is a fact sheet that contains important information you should be aware of before signing a new lease. Make sure you read it carefully and ask your landlord or agent about anything you do not understand.  • You should also be given a copy of your lease and two copies of the premises condition report, which you should fill in and then return one of the copies to your landlord or agent within 7 days. You should take your time to fill it out with as much detail and accuracy as possible.

  8. The condition report will be a key piece of evidence at the end of the tenancy if there is a dispute about who should pay for cleaning, damage or the replacement of missing items. • You should not be asked to pay for the cost of preparing your lease, or for the initial supply of keys and security devices to each tenant named on the lease. You should not be required to pay more than 2 weeks rent in advance, or more than 4 weeks rent as a rental bond.

  9. Rights & Responsibilities of the tenant Housing NSW tenants have rights and responsibilities. Tenants can expect Housing NSW to meet its obligations as set out in the Residential Tenancies Agreement and manage tenancies in line with its policies. • Tenants can expect Housing NSW to meet its obligations under privacy, freedom of information, child protection and other laws when providing services. • Tenants are responsible for meeting the terms of their Residential Tenancy Agreement including: • Paying rent on time • Looking after their property • Not being disruptive to neighbours  • Not using their property for an illegal purpose • Telling Housing NSW when repairs are needed • Telling Housing NSW about changes in their financial, household or other circumstances when this information is relevant to the services that Housing NSW provides Housing NSW will take steps to evict tenants who repeatedly do not meet their responsibilities as tenants.

  10. Task Sharing Share the tasks with your flatmates. • E.g. cleaning, cooking, shopping, washing up, laundry, ironing… • Take those tasks in turns.

  11. Managing Finances • Major Costs • Insurance

  12. Paying rent Your biggest cost when you leave home will be rent. If you don't pay your rent on time, you might be evicted. Know what rental costs you have to pay. There are different rules in each Australian state and territory for: • Bond amounts • Rental increases • Notice periods before moving out • Inspections by the landlord or real estate agency • Rental disputes

  13. Bond • Before you even move in, you will need to pay a 'bond', or deposit, to your landlord. Depending on which state or territory you live in, your bond could be 4 weeks rent or more. Your bond acts as a form of security for your landlord, so if you damage the property or owe rent when you move out, your landlord may be able to keep some of the money. So make sure you get a receipt for your bond.

  14. Setting up your new home • Before you move into your rental place, put money aside for: • Removalist fees, or a moving truck (plus a vehicle deposit) • Rental bond • Connection fees for phone, internet, gas and electricity - do your research a week or two in advance, and set these up a few days before you move in • Parking permits • Postal redirects • Your first big grocery shop (food, cleaning products and other household essentials like toilet paper and light bulbs) • Furniture and furnishings, linen and kitchenware

  15. Consider insurance • While insurance is optional and not everyone can afford it, it can be expensive to replace uninsured goods after a robbery or fire. • But before you buy a home and contents insurance policy, find out exactly which of your items are covered. Are your CDs and DVDs, computer equipment, musical instruments etc. covered? Shop online to compare prices and coverage. • Keep a list of the expensive items covered by your policy so that there is no argument about them if you need to claim. If you live in shared accommodation, be aware that some policies require your property to stay under lock and key

  16. Major Purchases Main Items We need main items to be purchased for independent living. • Mobile Phone • Car • Computer

  17. How to select items to purchase? Car www.carsales.com.au/, www.carsguide.com.au, www.drive.com.au, Computer, Mobile Phone www.harveynorman.com.au/, www.jbhifi.com.au, www.apple.com/au/sydney, www.dicksmith.com.au, www.ebay.com, www.gumtree.com

  18. Community Involvement There are community legal centres in most areas of Australia. These centres offer legal advice and advocacy services for people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage. Call 9318 2355 for your nearest centre.

  19. Accessing to community services • NSW Commission for Children and Young People: 02 9286 7276 http://kids.nsw.gov.au- information on laws that protect young people • Legal Aid Hotline for under 18s: 1800 101 810 http://www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au/ • LawAccess: 1300 888 529 http://www.lawaccess.nsw.gov.au/- free legal information and referrals (NSW Attorney-General's Department) • The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre: 02 9360 1847 www.theshopfront.org- for homeless or disadvantaged young people

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