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Landslides. Rock or earth that flows on slopes due to gravity Depends on soil type, moisture, and slope angle Caused by rain, flood, earthquake, etc. Also caused by excessive human development. Landslides. Negative environmental effects include : Blocked roads Damaged and destroyed homes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Landslides • Rock or earth that flows on slopes due to gravity • Depends on soil type, moisture, and slope angle • Caused by rain, flood, earthquake, etc. • Also caused by excessive human development

  2. Landslides Negative environmental effects include: • Blocked roads • Damaged and destroyed homes • Destroyed habitat • Damaged power lines

  3. landslides

  4. Wildfires • A natural event in most forest ecosystems • Can be beneficial to the ecosystem • Necessary in the life cycle of some trees • Generally, neither good or bad • Typically caused by humans or lightning

  5. Wildfires Negative environmental effects include: • Increased air pollution • Habitat destruction • Destroyed homes or property

  6. Wildfires

  7. Floods • An unusually high water stage • When water overflows its natural or artificial bank onto normally dry land • Two types of floods: river flood and flash flood (quick and dangerous)

  8. Floods Factors that contribute to flooding include: • Heavy, intense rainfall • Over-saturated soil (soaked with water) • High river, stream, or reservoir levels • Urbanization (buildings, parking lots)

  9. Floods Negative environmental effects include: • Endangering human and animal life • Damaged property • Soil erosion • Sediment deposition

  10. Floods

  11. Floods

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