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Indirect search for Dark Matter with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope. Vincent Bertin - CPPM-Marseille on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration. Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology – Avignon – April 2014. Indirect detection of WIMPs in a neutrino telescope.
Indirect search for Dark Matter with theANTARES Neutrino Telescope V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Vincent Bertin - CPPM-Marseille on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology – Avignon – April 2014
Indirect detection of WIMPs in a neutrino telescope Relic WIMPs captured in celestial bodies m n n c c c c c n V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 n n Potential ccn sources areSun, Earth & Galactic CentreSignal less affected by astrophysical uncertainties than g-ray indirect detection cc self-annihilationsinto c,b,t quarks, t leptons or W,Z,H bosonscan produce significant high-energy neutrinos flux
Neutrino telescope: Detection principle 3D PMTarray p, a nm p m Cherenkov light from m g nm g 43° Sea floor V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 m interaction Reconstruction of m trajectory(~ n)from timing and position of PMT hits n
The ANTARES detector Site Map • 12 lines • 25 storeys / line • 3 PMs / storey • ~900 PMs Buoy Storey 14.5 m 350 m V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 JunctionBox 100 m Main Electro-optic Cable (~40 km) ~60-75 m Submarinelinks Depth : 2500m
The ANTARES site ANTARES site2480 m depth V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14
Region of Sky Observable by Neutrino Telescopes CRAB CRAB VELA SS433 SS433 IceCube (South Pole) (ice: ~0.6°) ANTARES (43° North) (water: ~0.3°) Angular resolution V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Mkn 421 Mkn 501 Mkn 501 RX J1713.7-39 GX339-4 Galactic Centre
Indirect search towards the Sun with ANTARES • Detector building started in 2006, completed in May 2008 • Analysisbased on data collectedbetween 2007 and 2012 >7000 upgoing neutrino candidates (in ~1321 effective days) • Reconstruction strategies: • BBFit(c2 based) optimal for low energies/masses (<250 GeV) • Single line events : reconstruction of zenith angle only very low energies • Multiline events: reconstruction of zenith & azimuth angles • AAFit(likelihood based) high energies/masses (>250 GeV) • lambda (quality parameter, basically the likelihood value) • beta: angular error estimation • Selection parameters: • tchi2: ~c2 (BBFit) • lambda: Quality reconstruction parameter ~ likelihood (AAFit) • beta: angular error estimate (AAFit) • Cone opening angle around the Sun (or zenith band for single line events) V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14
Event selection : background rejection • Selection ofneutrinosand rejection of atmospheric muonsbyselecting up-goingtracksandcutting on track fit quality MC atm. mMC atm. n V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Track fit qualityparameter Elevation angle • Rejection ofatmospheric neutrinosby lookinginto a conetowards the Sun direction (or zenith band for single line events) • Remainingbackgroundestimatedfromscrambled data
Neutrino signal from WIMP annihilations • WIMPSIM package (Blennow, Edsjö, Ohlsson, 03/2008) used to generate events in the Sun in a model independent way • Annihilations into b quarks (soft spectrum) and leptons, WW/ZZ bosons (hard spectrum) used as benchmarks • Take into account ninteractions in the Sun medium, regeneration of ntin the Sun and n oscillations V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14
Selectionoptimization and observedevents • Neutrino fluxesat the Earthproduced by DarkMattercoannihilation are convoluatedwith the detector efficiencyfor givenselectionparameter sets (track fit quality, cone size) • Neutrino background given by scrambleddata in the Sun direction isevaluatedfor the sameselection set • Optimization of sensitivityperformed by minimizing Optimal half-opening angleof the searchconearound the Sun Observedevents in the Sun directionvs. scrambled data in 2007-2012 No observedexcess V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14
Limit on neutrino flux comingfrom the Sun Limits on neutrino flux assuming100% Branching Ratio of WIMP annihilations into benchmark channel V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Effective area of signal as functionof WIMP mass lowthresholdat MWIMP ~ 50 GeV
Limits on Spin Dependent cross sections Conversion to limits on WIMP-proton Spin Dependent cross sections assumingequilibriumbetween capture and annihilation rates inside the Sun muchbettersensitivity of neutrino telescopes on SD cross-section w.r.t. direct detection due to capture on Hydrogeneinside the Sun PRELIMINARY Comparison to predictions of CMSSM and MSSM-7 modelstakingintoaccountrecentexperimentalconstraints(Higgs mass,…) V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 First limitswith ANTARES 2007-2008 data published in JCAP11 (2013) 032
Search for Dark Matter towards the Galactic Centre ne, nμ, nτ WIMPs noscillations in the vacuum ncan propagatewith a minimumof astrophysicaluncertainties Earth GalacticCentre WIMPs self-annihilate according to <σAv> (halo model-dependent) V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 where ρsc Sun position Rsc
Search for Dark Matter towards the Galactic Centre ANTARES visibility ofthe Galactic Centre MWIMP = 1 TeV Effective area for Aafitanalysis V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 SpectrafromDarkMatter annihilations in vacuumincluding EW correctionsfor 5 main benchmark channels from M. Cirelli et al., JCAP 1103 (2011) 051 (www.marcocirelli.net/PPPC4DMID.html)
ANTARES observation of the Galactic Centrewith 2007-2012 data BBFit-single line, tchi2<1 AAFit, lambda>-5.6 No observedexcess V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Optimum coneopening angles
Limits on neutrino flux fromGalactic Centre PRELIMINARY b bbar W+ W- t+ t- m+ m- n nbar V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 dash-dotted: BBFit-1L dasded: BBFit-ML solid: AAFit-ML
Limits on <s v> from Galactic Centre Diff. J-factor NFW profile PRELIMINARY J factor for DM profilescomputedusing CLUMPY version 2011.09_corr2 A. Chardonnier et al., Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, 656 (2012) (http://lpsc.in2p3.fr/clumpy) Integ. J-factor NFW profile V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 NFW profile: Navarro, Frenk, White ApJ 490 (1997) 493.
Comparison to other experiments PRELIMINARY DM DM t+t- IC40 - GC IC79-Halo IC22-Halo IC79 2010-2011 IC59-dSphs IC59-Virgo PAMELA ANTARES NFW Einasto steep NFW* V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 PAMELA + FERMI + HESS Fermi-dSphs natural scale *(α,β,γ) = (1,3,1.3) and ρS= 0.3 GeV.cm-3, and RS= 21.7 kpc.
Search for DM towardsDwarf Galaxies: sensitivity PRELIMINARY V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Stackinganalysis of visible Dwarfs in progress…
Indirect Search for DarkMatter in the Earth Angular distribution of neutrinos Capture rate of WIMPs in the Earthdominated by SI cross-section Resonnantenhancementon dominant nuclei (Fe, Ni, Si,…) Energy distribution of neutrinos V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 MWIMP = 100 GeV fromM. Blennow, J. Edsjo and T. Ohlsson, arXiv:0709.389
Sensitivity to DM annihilations in the Earth DarkMatterdensityusually not atequilibirumdue to low capture rates by the Earth Assume annihilation rate <s v> = 3 10-26 cm3 s-1 PRELIMINARY V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14
Summary and Outlook • Indirect search for DarkMatteris a major goal for neutrino telescopes (important complementarity to direct detectionexperiments) • Indirect searchtowards the Sunperformed by ANTARESwith data recorded in 2007-2012 competitvelimitsderivedespecially for low DM masses • First ANTARES limitstowards the Galactic Centrebest currentlimitsusing neutrinosimportant complementaryconstraints on leptophilicDarkMattermodels • Study of otherpotential signal sources (Earth, dwarf galaxies, galaxy clusters…) are in progress V. Bertin - CPPM - PONT Avignon - April'14 Stay tuned for the BIG DARK DISCOVERY !!