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2009 SLUO Annual Meeting SLAC Science Opportunities and Future Directions

2009 SLUO Annual Meeting SLAC Science Opportunities and Future Directions. David MacFarlane Associate Laboratory Director for PPA. SLAC Mission.

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2009 SLUO Annual Meeting SLAC Science Opportunities and Future Directions

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  1. 2009 SLUO Annual MeetingSLAC Science Opportunities and Future Directions David MacFarlane Associate Laboratory Director for PPA

  2. SLAC Mission Explore the ultimate structure and dynamics of matter in the domains of energy, space, and time―at the smallest and largest scales, in the fastest processes, and at the highest energies.

  3. LCLS: Linac Coherent Light Source Turn-on in 2009: LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser SLAC Science Programs FACET

  4. Structure of RNA polymerase Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) 3rd generation synchrotron light source for investigation of matter at atomic and molecular scales LCLS: Linac Coherent Light Source Turn-on in 2009: LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser SLAC Science Programs FACET

  5. Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) World’s first x-ray FEL: probing the ultra-small, capturing the ultra-fast LCLS: Linac Coherent Light Source Turn-on in 2009: LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser SLAC Science Programs FACET LCLS Ultrafast Science Instruments (LUSI)

  6. Injector at 2-km point Existing 1/3 Linac (1 km) (with modifications) New e- Transfer Line (340 m) X-ray Transport Line (200 m) Undulator (130 m) Near Experiment Hall (underground) X-Ray Transport/Optics/Diagnostics Far Experiment Hall (underground) LCLS: Linac Coherent Light Source Turn-on in 2009: LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser SLAC Science Programs FACET

  7. LCLS: World’s first hard x-ray FEL • Free electron laser • 0.8-8 keV energies • 1012 photons/pulse • ~100 → ~2 fs • Coherent • Study structure (nm) and dynamics (fs) in materials • Collect a scattering pattern in one shot • Characteristic time for formation/breaking of molecular bonds • Watch chemical processes unfold in real time April 11: Lasing at 0.15nm after inserting 12/33 undulators

  8. SLAC-Stanford Institutes for ultrafast structural and electronic dynamics, and key challenges in condensed matter physics and materials science Photon Science LCLS: Linac Coherent Light Source Turn-on in 2009: LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser SLAC Science Programs FACET PULSE Institute for Ultrafast Energy Science Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science (SIMES)

  9. t= t=0 Start of commissioning, early operations Aluminum plasma classical plasma G =1 G =10 dense plasma AMO 09-09 G =100 high density matter SXR 04-10 1 - 4 - 2 2 4 10 10 10 10 Density (g/cm-3) XPP 10-10 CXI 08-11 08-11 XCS MEC Tentative instrument operation scheme LCLS: The first experiments Femtochemistry Atomic Physics Near Experimental Hall Nanoscale Dynamics in Condensed Matter AMO SXR XPP Plasma & Warm DenseMatter X-ray Transport Tunnel 200 m CXI XCS MEC Structural Studies on Single Particles and Biomolecules 08-13 X-ray Laser Physics Far Experimental Hall

  10. Ne10+ from focused LCLS x-ray beam John Bozek and Christoph Bostedt in the AMO Control Room at LCLS Time-of-flight mass spectrum of charge states of Ne at ten different LCLS pulse energies, for 2keV x-rays. Ne10+ requires fluences > 1020 photons/cm2

  11. Future light sources for the West Coast • The Challenge: Atomic resolution in energy (meV), space (nm), and time (fs) • Need both FELs & CW ring-based machines • Coordinating strategy with LBNL to address the challenge • Goal is to offer full suite of capability to the west coast • SLAC pieces of the strategy • Upgrade the LCLS to extend energy range adding capability and capacity • PEP-X: Ultra-bright CW source with nm spatial resolution and meV energy resolution • Why west coast • Unmatched combination of intellectual and technical capability and capacity between LBNL and SLAC in coordinated approach

  12. LCLS: Linac Coherent Light Source Turn-on in 2009: LCLS will be the World’s First X-ray Laser SLAC Science Missions Particle Physics & Astrophysics (PPA) Investigation of the ultimate structure of matter and the forces between these fundamental particles FACET Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology (KIPAC)

  13. Accelerator research: ILC, high-gradient, plasma-wakefield, laser Accelerator-based particle physics: ATLAS & BABAR Nonaccelerator physics: EXO-200, CDMS Astrophysics & Cosmology: Fermi GST, DES SLAC Particle Physics & Astrophysics

  14. Current HEP activities & areas of excellence • Accelerator-based particle physics: • Facilitating full exploitation of the unique B Factory dataset • Playing a growing role in ATLAS & LHC accelerator • Leading particle-astrophysics and cosmology: • Operating the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope and continue scientific discoveries with this unique observatory • World-class accelerator research program: • Playing enabling role in technology development for the ILC and leading high-gradient X-band research in the US • World-leading theoretical programs in particle physics and particle astrophysics and cosmology • Expertise at the frontiers of detector R&D • Device development, end-to-end electronics system architecture and design, & high-performance DAQ system architecture and design

  15. The new gamma-ray sky from Fermi

  16. Fermi-LAT e++ e- spectrum

  17. Searches for New Physics at BABAR Constraints on Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Models: Light Higgs limits A0 = mixing of a singlet with MSSM-like Higgs = A-MSSM cosθA + A-singlet sinθA A0 detectable in (2,3S)A0 non-singlet fraction cosA

  18. Science Directions Higgs, SUSY, discovery physics Future energy frontier facilities Properties of new physics Expanding discovery reach Accelerator research: ILC, high-gradient, plasma-wakefield, laser Accelerator-based particle physics: ATLAS & BABAR Astrophysics & Cosmology: Fermi GST, DES Non-accelerator physics: EXO-200, CDMS Nature of the neutrino Inflation, cosmic rays Dark matter, AGNs Direct dark matter searches Dark matter & dark energy

  19. Future Experimental Tools ATLAS upgrade Linear Collider, Project-X SiD, SuperB LHC upgrades Accelerator research: ILC, high-gradient, plasma-wakefield, laser Accelerator-based particle physics: ATLAS & BABAR Astrophysics & Cosmology: Fermi GST, DES Non-accelerator physics: EXO-200, CDMS EXO CMB, AGIS NeXT, PoGO SuperCDMS, GeODM LSST, JDEM

  20. Investments in future HEP programs • Expand energy frontier program at LHC and ultimately a future LC • Major role in the upgrade of the ATLAS detector and the LHC machine • Enhance ATLAS computing for physics exploitation of the LHC data • Lead US involvement in offshore SuperB Factory at the intensity frontier • Expand role as a leading center in particle astrophysics and cosmology • Construct and operate LSST for cosmology and dark energy studies • Develop next generation non-accelerator experiments for neutrinoless double beta decay (EXO) and dark matter searches (SuperCMDS) • Expand frontiers of long-range accelerator research • Enable forefront experiments in beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration for next generation ultra high-gradients with unique FACET facility • Perform state of the art experiments in laser dielectric acceleration and develop high power X-band rf sources • Expand R&D efforts to enable longer-range future programs such as SiD, SuperB, SuperCDMS/GeoDM, and AGIS • Pursue forefront device development, electronics, and DAQ R&D

  21. SLAC Organization: 8/1/09 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Persis Drell, Director Alexander Merola, COO Director’s Council Director’s Advisory Council Operations Alexander Merola Accelerator Dale Knutson (Acting) LCLS Jo Stohr SSRL P. Pianetta (Acting) Photon Science K. Hodgson Particle Physics & Astrophysics D. MacFarlane • Major Changes • Jo Stohr named LCLS ALD as of July 1 • Piero Pianetta named SSRL ALD (Acting) as of July 1 • LCLS, Sector 0-20, & SSRL Accelerator Operations moves into Accelerator Directorate (AD) • ETS is absorbed into Accelerator Directorate (AD) • Accelerator Research Division moves from PPA into AD DOE Briefing 7/27/09 Page 21

  22. Why reorganize accelerator activities? • Our accelerator skills are widely spread across SLAC • Need to consolidate, optimize and focus our accelerator core competency for the benefit of the lab as a whole and our shared long term vision • Need to appropriately balance near/mid/long term priorities • Accelerator Research and Operations will be enhanced by being tied more closely together • Both performance of current programs will benefit and ties to future science drivers will be improved • Not all aspects of operations are being managed with the same rigor • We can create a more uniform conduct of operations everywhere, with uniform standards and a broader environment for career development • We take our role as a “National Accelerator Laboratory” seriously • Accelerator infrastructure must be managed to optimally support science long-term in a sustainable fashion

  23. AD Organization Chart *Matrixed to Research Program Leadership as Needed Dale Knutson (Acting) Associate Laboratory Director Bob Hettel, Deputy John Seeman, Deputy SPEAR 3* Program Division John Schmerge LCLS* Program Division David Schultz Sector 0-20 & FACET* Program Division Uli Wienands Accelerator Research Division Tor Raubenheimer Nan Phinney, HEP Deputy Paul Emma, LCLS Deputy Business Office Cindy Lowe (Acting) Strategic Projects Division John Galayda Accelerator Engineering Division Karen Fant Accelerator Operations & Safety Division Roger Erickson

  24. Summary • Photon science • World’s first x-ray FEL coming online, with great promise to open up new regimes in the ultra-fast and ultra-small world • Developing ambitious plans, together with LBNL, for the next generation of west coast light sources • Particle physics and astrophysics • Fundamental questions confronting us are more compelling than ever with new frontier facilities coming online • Toolkit includes satellites, surface observatories, underground experiments, and accelerator-based collider experiments • Ambitions to expand energy frontier program, further develop our leading particle astrophysics center, and expand the frontiers of accelerator research

  25. Rich science opportunities and a rich toolkit 26

  26. Backup

  27. Fundamental Questions • What are the ultimate Laws of Nature? • Are there new forces, beyond what we see today? Do the forces unify? At what scale? Why is gravity so different from the other forces? • What lies beyond the quarks and leptons? What completes the Standard Model? How do the neutrinos fit in the picture? • What is the structure of space and time? • Why are there four spacetime dimensions? Are there more? What are their shapes and sizes? What is the quantum theory of gravity? • What is the state of the vacuum? What is the origin of mass? • How did the Universe come to be? • What is the dark matter and dark energy? What happened to antimatter? What powered the big bang? • What is the fate of the Universe?

  28. X-Rays for the ultra-small -- realm of storage rings X-Ray lasers for the ultra-small & ultra-fast -- realm of LCLS SSRL LCLS

  29. Outcome of 1st call for proposals “Experiments at the AMO beamline (0.8-2 keV)” 28 proposals were received with 219 scientists from 16 countries involved , many of them in more than one. ScientistsProposals Scientists Proposals Australia 4 Ireland 1 China 2 Italy 8 Czech Republic 4 Japan 6 Denmark 1 Netherlands 4 Finland 1 Poland 3 France 1 Sweden 263 Germany 708 United Kingdom 1 India 41 United States 8316 • Half of the proposals were motivated by single particle imaging. • 21 proposals want to use the AMO station as built, 5 proposals want to use a special chamber built in Hamburg and moved to LCLS for the experiments, 2 proposals want to use very special chambers which the groups will provide.

  30. ScientistsProposals Scientists Proposals Australia 5 Italy 201 Canada 1 Japan 9 Denmark 1 Netherlands 51 Finland 1 Sweden 425 France 332 Switzerland 91 Germany 11818 United Kingdom 413 India 31 United States 17730 Ireland 4 Outcome of 2nd call for proposals “Experiments at the AMO and SXR beamlines (0.8-2 keV)” 62 proposals were received with 469 scientists from 15 countries involved , many of them in more than one. • 24 proposals want to use the AMO, 38 proposals the SXR beamline. • At the AMO beamline, 15 proposals want to use the AMO instrument as built by LCLS, 9 proposals want to use the CAMP chamber built by CFEL in Hamburg. • At the SXR beamline, experimental stations will be provided by members of the SXR Consortium and used in collaboration with these groups. More specific, 11 of the proposals want to use the CAMP chamber.

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