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OLE – An insight from Student’s Development to Curriculum Reformation. S.K.H. BISHOP BAKER SECONDARY SCHOOL. 2008-2009 “ Approaches and models to enhance quality student involvement in SLP ” (LW0208). What does OLE mean to people?.
OLE –An insight from Student’s Development to Curriculum Reformation S.K.H. BISHOP BAKER SECONDARY SCHOOL
2008-2009 • “Approaches and models • to enhance quality student involvement in SLP” (LW0208)
What does OLE mean to people? Clearly there are very different understandings and some confusion as to what it is and what purposes it serves. A report by Professor John MacBeath University of Cambridge November 2007
語譯 暮春時節,穿上春天的服裝,由五六個成年人、帶著六七個小孩子,在沂水裏浸浸溫泉,在舞雩台上歌舞一回,然後伴著歌聲歸家去。 暮春者,春服既成, 冠者五六人,童子六七人, 浴乎沂,風乎舞雩,詠而歸。 《論語.先進》
暮春者,春服既成 冠者五六人,童子六七人 浴乎沂 風乎舞雩 詠而歸 自然智能 / 藝術教育 人際溝通智能 / 社會服務 / 品德及公民教育 / 與工作有關經驗 自然智能 /視覺空間智能 肢體運動智能 / 藝術教育/ 體育教育/ 社會服務 音樂智能 / 藝術教育 /社會服務
Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction R.W. Tyler 1949 • What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? • What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes? • How can these educational experiences be effectively organized? • How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained?
夫子喟然嘆曰: 「吾與點也。」 「志於道,據於德,依於仁,游於藝」 《論語.述而》 老者安之,朋友信之,少者懷之。《論語.公冶長》 安撫老年人,信任朋友,關懷年輕人,讓老有所樂,中有所為,幼有所養,老中青三代和洽,社會安定,天下太平,人人過著美好的生活。 一言以蔽之,也就是實現天下大同的理想和境界。
暮春者,春服既成, 冠者五六人,童子六七人, 浴乎沂,風乎舞雩,詠而歸。 《論語.先進》
R.W. Tyler “The Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction” Organization Curriculum Curriculum CO- OTHER ( ) EXTRA Experience Objective Evaluation OLE
School Goal 主動學習
Experience Report on the seed project ‘School-based models in organizing “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE) and “Student Learning Profile” (SLP) in SS curriculum’ (2005-08) LWLL Section CDI, EDB 4 September 2008
Report on the seed project ‘School-based models in organizing “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE) and “Student Learning Profile” (SLP) in SS curriculum’ (2005-08) LWLL Section CDI, EDB 4 September 2008
生命教育科「好撒馬利亞人」義工服務計劃 結合「好撒馬利亞人」故事 校內服務 校外服務 「加油站」 由高中同學支援輔導 初中同學 科本賣旗活動 撰寫專題報告
EQ愛心大使計劃 服務社會經驗增加 學生素質提升 讓中學生提供服務予喪親的小朋友, 從而確立正面的價值觀,並學習情緒管控。
Strategies Collaboration Organization
協作 領袖培訓 學兄協助 校友支持 教育界分享 家校之協作 社區之協作 學生 賦權承擔 科組合作 資源同享 貢獻才能 社區 老師 Organization
Active Learning Evaluation Objective ?? Quality ?? Quantity ?? SLP
Schools should consider how SLP may be used asa tool to achieve school goalsto promotewhole person developmentwith due regard to their contexts and needs. Report on the seed project ‘School-based models in organizing “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE) and “Student Learning Profile” (SLP) in SS curriculum’ (2005-08) LWLL Section CDI, EDB 4 September 2008 Evaluation
Means / Assignment? • Teachers’ input ? • Space ? • Quantity & Quality ? Voice Reflection Students’ ownership • Students’ motivation ? • Personal development ?
H E C O Experience Harmony Change Optimization
Seed Project “Approaches and models to enhance quality student involvement in SLP” Focus Group
Whole-person Development (SLP) 1 Purpose 1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
Quality Quantity 1 2 Dimensions 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
Record Quality Quantity Reflect Renew 1 2 Dimensions 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
1 8 2 1.5% OEBG 2.HKJCLWLF 3.SBASLSP 3 Money OLE 7 3 6 4 5
OEBG Operating Expenses Block Grant 科目及課程整筆津貼 1 HKJCLWLF Hong Kong Jockey Club Life-wide Learning Fund 香港賽馬會全方位學習基金 8 2 1.5% OEBG 2.HKJCLWLF 3.SBASLSP 3 Money OLE 7 3 6 4 5 SBASLSP School-based After-school Learning & Support Programmes 校本課後學習及支援計劃
Celebrate Convey Compile 1 8 2 OLE 7 3 4 Contributors 6 4 1.Students 2.Parents 3.Teachers 4.Citizens 5
MCE : Moral & Civic Education CS : Community Service CRE : Career-related Experiences AD : Aesthetic Development PD : Physical Development 1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5 5Approaches / Areas / Aims
1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5 5Approaches / Areas / Aims Session MCE Horizon Event CS Interests Curriculum CRE Values Project AD Development Activity PD Capabilities
1 8 2 OLE 7 3 4 6 5 6 Concerns People, Policy, Program, Process, Place, Partnership
1 8 2 Quality Flexibility Coherence Student-focused Learning together Student opportunities Building on existing OLE practices 7 P R E C E P T S OLE 3 7 6 4 5
本末倒置 數量取勝 盲從跟風 崇尚功利 捨近取遠 濫竽充數 輕視藝術 缺乏統籌 1 8 Misconceptions 2 8 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
Whole-person Development (SLP) 本末倒置 數量取勝 盲從跟風 崇尚功利 捨近取遠 濫竽充數 輕視藝術 缺乏統籌 Record Quality Quantity Reflect 1 Purpose Renew 2 Dimensions 8 Misconceptions 1 1.5% OEBG 2.HKJCLWLF 3.SBASLSP 8 2 Quality Flexibility Coherence Student-focused Learning together Student opportunities Building on existing OLE practices 7 P R E C E P T S 3 Money OLE 7 3 Celebrate Convey Compile 4 Contributors 6 4 1.Students 2.Parents 3.Teachers 4.Citizens 5 6 Concerns People, Policy, Program, Process, Place, Partnership 5Approaches / Areas / Aims Session MCE Horizon Event CS Interests Curriculum CRE Values Project AD Development Activity PD Capabilities
Enhance Quality Student Life Collaborative Cultures Whole Person Development • Our Students • Our Teachers • Our Schools • Our Community • Whole School Planning • Cross-Sections Contribution • Life-wide Activities • Seed Projects • Focus Groups