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The Final Year. Class of 2014. Review your Transcript. Is your lane correct? Will you have the correct number of credits in each subject area? Are you enrolled in the classes you need to graduate (checklist)? How many credits will you have by the end of your senior year?
The Final Year Class of 2014
Review your Transcript • Is your lane correct? • Will you have the correct number of credits in each subject area? • Are you enrolled in the classes you need to graduate (checklist)? • How many credits will you have by the end of your senior year? • Have you passed ECA’s?
Senior Timeline • Take ACT/SAT-end of Junior year or N-O-W • Apply to College- first semester if possible before December 1st to qualify for some scholarships (Nov 1st for Purdue) • Fill out FAFSA and submit online before March 10th. Must have tax information to fill out form. • Most Scholarships are advertised in the spring.
Submitting a College Application Make sure to sign a “Release of Information “ Applications can be submitted on line or a paper application can be submitted by mail. All EVSC transcripts will be submitted via Parchment *please allow 5 days for processing. *10 days if you need a recommendation .
Parchment • All Central transcripts will be sent via Parchment if possible. If Parchment shows a charge you may bring a stamped envelope with the college address. • Please apply to the college before you request a transcript through Parchment.
FYI • Central’s Profile is also sent with Parchment • The college will review your application and either Admit, Deny or keep application Deferred. • Remember to bring in your acceptance letters so we can post them on the College Wall! • Be aware that some scholarship deadlines are early (Nov 1st). • College may ask for a 7th semester transcript so make sure to keep up with your grades.
SAT/ACT • It is VERY IMPORTANT that every college bound senior has taken one or both of these tests. Seniors still have at least one other opportunity in the fall of the senior year to retest prior to most college admissions and scholarship deadlines. • CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL CODE 150955
Which test to take SAT ACT Critical Reading English Math (Arithmetic, Geometry, Math (Arithmetic, Algebra Algebra, and Algebra II)Geometry and Trig) Writing (mandatory) Reading Science Writing Optional 50% Math 25% Math 50% Critical Reading 25% Reading + Writing 25% Science 25% English
Register on line • SAT:www.collegeboard.org (register for the SAT reasoning test, not the subject tests) • ACT: www.actstudent.org (remember to register for ACT writing) • Practice tests can be found on line or in the guidance office. • Waivers are available if you are on F/R lunch and can not afford the test • ACT + Writing $50.50 SAT Reasoning test $50
FYI • Make sure to check your admission ticket for accuracy • Make sure to take your admission ticket, driver’s license, pencils , calculator and a jacket. • Choose Central as your test site if at all possible.
Clearinghouse/NCAA/NAIA • Register with the clearinghouse to find out if you are academically eligible. • Go to http://eligibilitycenter.orgfor NCAA Division I or II sports • Click on Fall 2013 or after • Click on the phone icon to register • Go to http://www.playnaia.org for NAIA sports they will begin taking applications Sept.1 • See your counselor with any questions. • Send your ACT/SAT scores directly to NCAA (9999).
Senior Calendar/ Scholarship Reports • Please fill out a cover sheet if you are applying for a scholarship. See Mrs. Stewart for a cover sheet • Turn in all scholarship applications directly to YOUR counselor. • Updated monthly • Posted on Central’s website • Like our Central Counselor Page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @centralguidance for up to date scholarship information and other news.
College Visits at Central • College reps visit Central so watch the Daily bulletin/Angel/FB/Twitter for times and location of visits you are interested in. A list will also be posted on the guidance department window. • Permission slips are available from Mrs. Stewart, have classroom teacher sign the form. • Take the time to make a campus visit!
Campus Visit • We encourage all students to make campus visits. If you are unable to visit the college you are interested in when Central is not in session you may need to schedule a visit during the school day. A college visit daywill be counted as a field trip day and will not count against your attendance, in any way. If you should choose to visit a college while Central is in session you will need to provide verification of your visit to the attendance office. The verification should include the date and time of the visit and be signed by a university official. You may schedule up to two college visits in any semester.
College and Career Lab • Need help finding a College Application? • Need information regarding a College? • Need a Scholarship Application? • Need help with Parchment? Help is available in the College and Career Lab! Ask Mrs. Stewart for a request form. The Lab is located in the counseling hallway.
Wells Scholarship Full ride, study abroad, researchCriteria: Average SAT (cr+m) 1430, 3.9 GPA, unique talents or interestDue to counselor by: September 20th Kelly Scholarship Apply and be admitted by Nov 1st Indicate Business as a major Criteria: Average SAT (cr+m)1300 or 30 ACT Application packet will be sent automatically when you apply if you qualify
Other News • Credit Recovery (Apex)- • Greater Evansville College Fair Sunday, October 6th , 2013 • College Go Week Sept. 23rd-27th
All EVSC transcripts will be submitted via Parchment whenever possible. Some out of state schools charge a fee to use Parchment, if this is the case you may request that your transcript be mailed (you will need to provide the postage). You can find a Parchment link on the Central Web Page
*Prom, Dances, Fan Busses *Running for Elective Office*Exempting Finals*Selected Honorary Positions*Common Privileges *Home Coming Court Seniors don’t lose your citizenship due to attendance! Remember 6 latesor 3 periods of truancy will prevent you from participating in;