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Artists Throughout Time. A brief overview of styles that have emerged over time. By Randy Farley. Can you name a style of art?. Pre-historic Egyptian Art Ancient Greek Art. Primitive Art. Pre-Historic.
Artists Throughout Time A brief overview of styles that have emerged over time. By Randy Farley
Pre-historic Egyptian Art Ancient Greek Art Primitive Art
Pre-Historic • Art made by primitive man. Made out of natural materials and painted on the side of caves. • Found in Lascaux, France. • Flat, two-dimensional art. • Prehistoric people: http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/timelines/10000bc.htm
Egyptian Art • Mask of King Tutankhamen • 1337 BCE • Made of Gold and inlayed stone • Used as a burial mask
Ancient Greek art • 520 BCE • Hermes, Dionysus, Poseidon are individuals from Greek mythology that are represented on these pots. • The pots are made by placing a black slip on the dry clay, then carving away where you want the red clay to show through.
Renaissance Art • Statue of David by Donatello. Bronze sculpture. Made from a wax cast. • Portraits and paintings were ideal and people looked like real people.
Baroque Art • CARAVAGGIO • 1593 AD
Rococo • Focused on the carefree life of aristocrats. • William Hogarth, 1729
Classicism • Around 1825. • Focused on the revival of classical Greek and Roman art. • Focused on the perfection of sculptures, architecture and paintings.
Romanticism • The rejection of balance, order, harmony and idealism. • Late 18th and early 19th century. • The Sea of Galilee by Eugène Delacroix.
Realism • “Realism is a type of art that shows things exactly as they appear in life. It began in the 18th century, but the greatest Realist era was in the mid-19th century.” • Daumier’s Third Class Carriage.
Impressionism • 1840-1926 • Nympheas Effet du Soir by Claude Monet: http://library.thinkquest.org/J001159/famart.htm#monet • A style of painting where the artist focused on his or her impression of the object. They were not concerned with making it look real. These pieces often had blurry, quick brushstrokes.
Expressionism • “In Expressionist Art, the artist tries to express certain feelings about some thing. The artists that painted in this style were more concerned with having their paintings express a feeling than in making the painting look exactly like what they were painting.” • 1905 • Started in Germany and in France. • Marc Chagall: http://library.thinkquest.org/J001159/famart.htm#chagall
Abstract Art • Art that is missing parts or has parts rearranged so that you do not recognize the object. Artists did not worry about trying to make art look like the subject appeared in real life. • Jackson Pollock, Lavender Mist, 1954. • Action painting: http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/actionpainting.html
Cubist Art • A style of painting where the artist uses geometric shapes to create the object. In the beginning of Cubism, around 1914, the artists used grays, browns, yellows, and greens. However, after 1914 they began using bright colors. • Pablo Picasso is the founding artist of this movement. Guernica
Fauvism • “Fauvism was an art style that lasted only four years, beginning in 1905. The leader of this movement was Henri Matisse. The word Fauvism is French for "wild beasts.” It got this name because the paintings had bright and unusual colors. The subjects in the paintings were shown in a simple way, and the colors and patterns were bright and wild.”
Pointillism • A style of art where the artist paints using small dots only of a single unmixed color. The artist actually uses the eye to blend colors together by placing two colors next to each other. • Paul Seurat, La Grande Jatte, 1884.
Pop Art • Pop art is inspired by items that are part of our everyday lives. (Movie stars, Campbell soup cans.) Artists use bright, bold colors or unusual methods to paint, draw, or sculpt these pieces. • Andy Warhol’s Marilyn. • Claus Oldenburg, Clothespin.
Surrealism • “Surrealist paintings were generally based on dreams. Their paintings were filled with familiar objects which were painted to look strange or mysterious. They hoped their odd paintings would make people look at things in a different way and change the way they felt about things.“ • Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory.
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Bibliography • http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/m/images/mask_tut.lg.jpg • http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/tl/20th/expressionism.html • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=www.vskrems-lerchenfeld.ac.at/kikuki/galerie/marc_chagall_ich_und_das_dorf.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vskrems-lerchenfeld.ac.at/projekt_kikuki04.htm&h=400&w=314&sz=30&tbnid=Moz_i1HHlsUJ:&tbnh=119&tbnw=94&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMarc%2BChagall%2B%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DG • http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/daumier/ • http://www.vskrems-lerchenfeld.ac.at/kikuki/galerie/marc_chagall_ich_und_das_dorf.jpg • http://www.unitedscripters.com/scripts/monet.jpg • http://www.lib.usf.edu/tampa/mr/bigpics/monet.jpg • “” http://library.thinkquest.org/J001159/artstyle.htm • http://bjorkeby.jfog.net/galleri/picasso_guernica.jpg