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Warm Up 2-13-2012. Neither. . . . nor and either. . . .or seem to be referring to two different things but watch out---neither and either are singular pronouns, and they require singular verbs. of neither
Warm Up 2-13-2012 Neither. . . . nor and either. . . .or seem to be referring to two different things but watch out---neither and either are singular pronouns, and they require singular verbs. of neither Test your comprehension of neither. . . .nor and either. . . .or by using them to combine the following sentences. • Jonas isn’t coming tonight. Marianne also isn’t coming. • Tonight’s program could be Bach. It could also be Beethoven. • Houses can be built from wood. They can also be built from brick. • Fox News is inaccurate. CNN is also pretty biased. • Gordon doesn’t like Chinese food. Sally also doesn’t like Chinese food.
Warm Up 2-14-2012 Cinquain Poem A Cinquain poem is a type of poem that has five lines and does not rhyme. Create a Valentine’s Day Cinquain poem by following these steps: Line 1: Write a noun Line 2: Write 2 adjectives describing the noun on line one. Line 3: Write three action verbs ending in –ing that describe what the noun on line one might do. Line 4: Write a phrase describing the noun on line one. Line 5: Write a synonym for the noun on line 1. Example: Mother Kind, helpful, caring Loving, sharing A special person in my life Friend
Warm Up 2-15-2012 • Identify the structure of the following sentences. THEN, write WHY you chose the structure (based on the definition of the four sentence structures) • While you were out, there were six phone messages for you. • We loved the instruments and the singing that the band performed. • Bessie Coleman was an African American woman who lived in Chicago in 1919. • Many fans filled the stands, yet the crowd was relatively quiet during the game. • My wonderful, amazing teacher assigned three worksheets, two essays, and one novel to read.
Warm Up 2-16-2012 It’s Not That Hard Almost everyone gets its and it’s confused, and it’s easy to see why: usually, when we want to show possession, we use an apostrophe(‘)and an s (Mara’s attitude, the dog’s breakfast, and so on). For this reason, people often use it’s when they want to show possession. Unfortunately, that is wrong, wrong, wrong. It’s is a contractionof it is; its is the word that shows possession. Write each sentence and fill in the blanks with it’s or its. • _____ all right, _____ okay, you’ll be working for us someday. • The storm unleashed _____ fury right above our house. • When all’s said and done, _____ better to be the one who ends the relationship. • The cat meowed _____ head off, as if to say, “_____ time for my dinner!”