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The Black Death The Common Cold Flight Risk Comprehension Passage Prefixes & Suffixes. *Fiction has characters and events that are made up. * Nonfiction is about real events and real people or animals. Prefixes.
The Black Death The Common Cold Flight Risk Comprehension Passage Prefixes & Suffixes
*Fiction has characters and eventsthat are made up. • * Nonfiction is aboutreal events andreal people or animals.
Prefixes • A prefix is a part of a word that comes at the beginning of a word that changes the meaning of the word. e.g.: Unpleasant (un + pleasant) PrefixRoot • Common prefixes • pre • re • mis • dis • un • in
Prefixes • pre - before To see something before it is released. preview To pay before you get something. prepay To get ready before the game. prepare
Prefixes • pre - before To warm up the oven before cooking. preheat Happened before recorded history such as the dinosaurs. prehistoric School before kindergarten. preschool
Prefixes • re - again To say again. repeat To do again redo To write again. rewrite
Prefixes • re - again To look at again. review To heat again. reheat To give money again. repay
Prefixes • mis – wrong or incorrect To understand incorrectly. misunderstand To do/say something wrong. mistake To behave incorrectly. misbehave
Prefixes • mis – wrong or incorrect To represent incorrectly. misrepresent To use incorrectly. misuse To lead incorrectly. mislead
Prefixes • dis - the opposite of To make something stop working. disable Not to agree. disagree To be rude. disrespect
Prefixes • dis - the opposite of To take apart. disassemble To vanish. disappear To take money off the price. discount
Prefixes • un – not; the opposite of To be sad. unhappy Not having a job. unemployed To loosen a knot. untie
Prefixes • un – not; the opposite of To reverse an action. undo Not stable. unstable Not succeeding. unsuccessful
Prefixes • in - not or the opposite of To be not finished. incomplete To be wrong. incorrect Not able to be cured. incurable
Prefixes • in - not or the opposite of To be cheap. inexpensive Not able to describe. indescribable Not active. inactive
Suffixes • A suffix is a part of a word that comes at the end of a word that changes the meaning of the word. Pleasantly (pleasant + ly) RootSuffix • Common suffixes • able • ing • ly • ed • er • ful
Suffixes • -able - able to be Can be broken. breakable Can be loved. lovable A feeling of comfort. comfortable
Suffixes • -able - able to be Can be liked. likeable Can be consumed or used up. consumable Having knowledge. knowledgeable
Suffixes • -ing - the act of doing Mom is _______ dinner. cooking I am _______ this book. reading We are ________ up the trail on the mountain. hiking
Suffixes • -ing- the act of doing I was _______ when my sister woke me up. sleeping We are _______ our essays. writing We are ________ about matter in science. learning
Suffixes • -ly – in a certain way In a quick way. quickly In a slow way. slowly In a lazy way. lazily
Suffixes • -ly - a way of doing something In a tired way. wearily Acting in an honest way. honestly Keeping things in order. orderly
Suffixes • -ed - happened in the past We _____ to school on the sidewalk. walked To fool someone. tricked The zombie mask _____ us. scared
Suffixes • -ed - happened in the past I _____ 5 and 3 to get 8. added I _____ 7 from 15 to get 8. subtracted He _____ 2 and 5 to get 10. multiplied
Suffixes • -er - someone who does My _____ is the best one at White City Elementary. teacher A person who moves their feet very fast. runner The paper _____ cut the paper into tiny pieces. shredder
Suffixes • -er - someone who does The _____ chose to paint the wall red. painter A person who moves in the water. swimmer The racecar _____ won the race on the last lap. driver
Suffixes • -ful - to be full of Someone who moves with grace. graceful A person who is wishing. wishful The boy was _____ that he got a good grade on his test. hopeful
Suffixes • -ful - to be full of Someone who is very sad. sorrowful Done with a purpose. purposeful Full of cheer. cheerful
Assignment • Ex. 3 p.48. • Ex. 2 p.63 + Ex. 4 p.66. • Ex. 10 p.94.