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COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS. 2. Financial Feasibility. Determine the objective of sellers.Prepare an initial valuation of company stock.Analyze the ability of the company to repay its debt to the lender after the ESOP transaction.Determine if the company has sufficient payroll to enable full deductibility of ESOP loan payments for tax purposes.Determine the likely structure for the transactions.Use of common, super-common, or convertible preferred stockConsider term of loan between ESOP 25
1. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS ESOP Feasibility andValuation Basics Ohio Employee Ownership Center
Akron/Fairlawn Hilton
Fairlawn, Ohio
April 21, 2006
Richard A. Schlueter
3. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS ESOP Tax Benefits Deductibility of Principal and Interest
Deferred Gain on Sale to ESOP
S Corporation Tax Exemption
4. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Appraisal Requirements ESOP owned employer securities that are not readily traded on organized exchanges must be appraised by a qualified, independent appraiser.
An appraisal is required:
when the ESOP makes initial acquisition of stock;
at least annually thereafter for plan administration purposes;
whenever there is an employer corporation stock sale transaction with a control shareholder or member of a control group; or
if the ESOP sells out of its stock position.
5. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Valuation Process Issue engagement letter
Gather financial information and other documents
Schedule due diligence visit
Prepare valuation analysis
Issue a draft report containing preliminary analysis, key assumptions and conclusions
Review of draft report by client
Respond to questions
Issue final valuation report
6. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Valuation Principles Fair Market Value
Adequacy of Consideration
Financial Fairness
7. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Fair Market Value The price at which the company’s stock would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all relevant facts.
8. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Adequacy of Consideration For securities of privately owned companies, adequate consideration is defined as the fair market value of the security, as determined in good faith by the trustee or a named fiduciary under the terms of the plan, in accordance with regulations issued by the Department of Labor.
9. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Financial Fairness Absolute Fairness
The ESOP may not pay more than fair market value when it purchases the stock.
Relative Fairness
The ESOP must receive terms that are fair in relation to terms given to other investors.
10. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Nature and history of the business
Economic and industry outlook
The book value of the stock and financial condition of the business
The earnings capacity of the company
The dividend-paying capacity
Goodwill/Intangible Value
Sales of the stock and size of the block being valued
The market price of stocks in the same business Valuation Factors to Consider
12. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Control vs. Minority Ownership An ESOP that buys more than 50% of the stock may pay a “control premium.”
An ESOP can buy less than 50% of the stock and may be able to pay a control premium if the ESOP will acquire control in a “reasonable” period of time.
The ESOP should have “voting control” and “control in fact” in order to justify the control premium.
Degrees of control may exist based on the rights granted under the various state laws.
13. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Adjustments to Earnings Interest expense (invested capital approach)
Inventory valuation method restated to FIFO
Restate to conform with GAAP
Non-recurring / extraordinary items
Non-operating income & expense
Discretionary expenses
Owner’s compensation & perks
Bonus and employee benefit plans
14. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS General Valuation Approaches Asset Approach
Net Asset Value Method
Liquidation Value Method
Income Approach
Capitalization of historical earnings or cash flow method
Discounted cash flow method
Market Approach
Guideline Company Method
Merger and Acquisition Method
Prior Transactions
15. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Marketability No established market for closely held companies.
Control interests may be marketable. Likely buyers include strategic buyers, financial buyers, company management, ESOP or family members.
A buyer for minority interests is difficult to find, particularly if you are looking for a fair value.
Most likely buyers for a minority interest are the company, company management, existing shareholders or an ESOP.
16. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Marketability Discount, as defined by the American Society of Appraisers is an amount or percentage deducted from an equity interest to reflect lack of marketability.
Under ERISA, an ESOP participant may require the employer to purchase his non-publicly traded ESOP stock at the appraised fair market value.
ESOP Marketability Discounts impacted by:
Level of control
Ability of company to redeem stock
Extent of pre-funding of repurchase obligation
Marketability Discounts for ESOPs
17. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Conclusion on Value No set formula
Consider central tendency
Do methods support each other?
If not, identify why and select most appropriate method
Will method give reasonable consistent results over time?
Income approach
Often receive greatest weight
Availability/reliability of forecast
Market approach
Quality/comparability of market data
Consistency of market multiples
Asset approach
Often a floor value
18. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Valuation Report Content Valuation Opinion Letter
Executive Summary
Company Profile
Economic and Industry Outlook
Financial Performance
Identification of Guideline Companies
Valuation Methods
Discount for Lack of Control and Marketability
Reconciliation and Conclusion on Value
19. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Company is required to repurchase the stock of a terminated ESOP participant.
Examine impact on value of 1) the company as a whole; 2) per share value; and 3) value of plan accounts.
Redemption by company
Repurchase by ESOP
The repurchase of shares requires planning as cash flow is needed to fund this future obligation. ESOP Repurchase Obligation
20. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Pre- vs. Post- Transaction Value Depending on the structure of the ESOP transaction the value of the stock may decrease if leverage is used in the transaction.
The reduction in value may be reduced through the use of Super Common or Convertible Preferred Stock or through the substitution of ESOP benefits for other existing benefits.
21. COMSTOCK VALUATION ADVISORS Overview Obtaining an independent and defensible valuation is the first step in determining the financial feasibility of an ESOP.
An appraisal is required at the date the ESOP purchases or sells stock.
Annual valuations are required for plan administration purposes.
The trustee of the ESOP needs to conduct a review of the valuation report and access the reasonableness of its conclusions.
Managing Director
Rick is a Senior Member of the American Society of Appraisers and is a cofounder of ComStock Valuation Advisors, Inc. He has over 25 years of experience in the valuation and management of closely held business interests, as well as securities comprising their capital structure. He has extensive background in trust and estate planning, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), litigation support, and related financial advisory service. He has acted as an arbitrator and has served as an Expert Witness or Consulting Expert regarding financial issues in the United States Federal Tax Court and the United States District Court.
Prior to co-founding ComStock, Rick was a Vice President for Valuemetrics, Inc., a national financial advisory firm. He was a regional manager with responsibility for the firm’s Cincinnati office.
Rick served in the trust industry with responsibilities in the administration and valuation of closely held businesses held in a fiduciary capacity. He was an Assistant Vice President of Harris Trust and Savings Bank, where he was primarily responsible for preparing and reviewing valuation studies for trust and estate holdings. He has extensive experience in preparing valuations for Gift and Estate Tax purposes and has also prepared valuations and custom financial analysis for the purpose of assisting the corporate fiduciary in making asset management decisions. Before joining Harris Trust and Savings Bank in 1986, he worked as a Personal Trust Officer for The Central Trust Company, N.A. of Cincinnati, Ohio, specializing in the valuation and administration of closely held business interests.
Rick is a member of the Institute of Business Appraisers and a former Designated Certified Review Appraiser of the National Association of Review Appraisers & Mortgage Underwriters. He served as the past President and Vice President of the Business Valuation Association. In addition, he formally served on the International Board of Examiners for the American Society of Appraisers.
Rick’s continuing education includes participation at the National Trust Closely Held Business Association workshops, the ASA Advanced Business Valuation seminars, the ASA International Appraisal Conference Advanced Business Valuation seminars, University of Miami Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, and the ESOP Association conferences. In addition, he has spoken on valuation topics before the ESOP Association, the National Center for Employee Ownership, the National Trust Closely Held Business Association, the Business Valuation Association and various seminars sponsored by banks and law firms.
Rick holds a M.B.A. in Finance from Xavier University and a B.S. in Management from the University of Cincinnati, where he graduated magna cum laude. He has taken specialized coursework including Small Business Consulting, Small Business Operations, Problems in Corporate Finance, Personal Financial Planning, and Taxation of Partnerships and Corporations.