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Laszlo Varadi Director Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation. Key ISSUES AFFECTING PROFESSIONAL AQUACULTURE: Freshwater. Aquaculture production in Europe, 2005. Species composition in freshwater aquaculture, 2005. Trout and carp production 1996-2005. Key issues.

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  1. Laszlo Varadi Director Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation Key ISSUES AFFECTING PROFESSIONAL AQUACULTURE: Freshwater

  2. Aquaculture production in Europe, 2005 Source: FAO Fishstat Plus, 2006

  3. Species composition in freshwater aquaculture, 2005 Source: FAO Fishstat Plus, 2006

  4. Trout and carp production 1996-2005 Source: FAO Fishstat Plus, 2006

  5. Key issues Environment , Resources • Freshwater availability • Environmental interaction • Introduction of alien species Market (competition with import; rising costs; processing; consumer’s needs; retailers etc.) Regulations

  6. Opportunities • Recirculation systems (ponds and tanks) • New type of production systems (e.g. CIE, PAS) • Integration into rural development • Predation control • Species diversification

  7. Recirculation- and new type of systems

  8. Freshwater fish production in recirculation systems, 2003 Source: O. Schneider, 2006

  9. Species produced in freshwater recirculation systems, 2003 Source: O. Schneider, 2006

  10. Production cost development in recirculation systems Source: O. Schneider, 2006

  11. Intensification of trout production in Denmark

  12. Partitioned aquaculture systems

  13. Special fish ponds for effluent control Combined intensive-extensive system Constructed wetland

  14. Integration into rural development

  15. Role of pond fish farms in rural life • Fish production (fresh fish supply, employment) • Maintenance of wetlands (enhancement of biodivesity) • Contribution to regional water management • Shaping the landscape • Preservation of traditional values

  16. Example of a multifunctional pond fish farm www.aranyponty.hu

  17. Structure of the farm revenue 1000-2400 USD/ ha / year + 20-50% revenue 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Conventional pond farming Multifunctional pond farming Production Subsidyfor production Angling Tourism Subsidyfor nature conservation

  18. Predation control

  19. Predation control Extensive fishpond area: 20 ha pump pump Intensive ponds total area: 1 ha - Appropriate regulations based on international collaboration - Fish protection measures (scaring, fences, bird feeding ponds etc.) - Compensation of losses caused by protected animals

  20. Species diversity

  21. Species diversity in European freshwater aquaculture, 2005 Source: FAO Fishstat Plus, 2006

  22. Cooperation of farmers is a key for success in the future THE EUROPEAN FISHERIES FUND 2007-2013 3,849,000,000 EUR NATIONAL STRATEGY PLAN - OPERATIONAL PROGRAM Support of Producers Associations !

  23. Producers Associations • FEAP • ACFA- Position papers on freshwater issues • Projects (e.g. Profet and Profet Policy, Consensus) • Link with European organisations (e.g. FAO, IUCN) • Promote stakeholder consultation • Producer Associations in CEE countries • Strong associations in Czech R., Hungary and Poland, however weak or non operational associations in other CEE countries

  24. Conclusions • There is a scope for reshwater aquaculture development in Europe • EFF provides good support for development • The period 2007-2013 should be the „period of innovation” (especially in NMS) • Producer Associations are important promoters of freshwater aquaculture development

  25. Thank you

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