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21/10/2011. SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz). 2. Who is busy with SME`s ?. UniversitiesUniversities of applied science (FH)Chamber of commerce (Wirtschaftskammer) and it`sInstitute of Business Promotion (Wirtschaftsf
1. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 1 SME`s in AustriaWhat`s going on? Education
2. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 2
3. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 3 Who is Who? Universities are funded generally by the state, but they also can acquire money from others.Their duty is to warrant a high academic education in all fields with respect to theory. There are short-term studies (baccalaureat) and long term studies (diploma and doctoral studies).
4. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 4 Who is Who? Universities of applied science (FH) are funded by the state, by public communities and private persons.Their duty is to provide for a high, but more practical oriented education in different fields and shorter terms. There are more than 10 FH`s and much more degree programmes for studies in special subjects (FHST)
5. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 5 Who is Who? The Chamber of commerce is funded by the state and by entrepreneurs.The chamber is the official representative of the economy in Austria with in the system of social partnership. E.g. the chamber negotiates with trade-unions about wages. The chamber is very attentively heard by the government.
6. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 6 Who is Who? The Institute of Business Promotion is funded by the Chamber of commerce, by entrepreneurs and by the state. This institute is very engaged in practical oriented courses and offering information for entrepreneurs ore just turned entrepreneurs and also employees in various fields like law, languages, financing, innovation etc.
7. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 7 Who is Who? The Fund to promote research in industrial economy (FFF) is funded by the state, the chamber of commerce and private entrepreneurs and supports enterprises in doing research for development. Especially SME`s are supported.
8. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 8 Universities and SME`s First of all it should be said, that in my opinion a studies scheme for SME-management cannot be done up with general points but has to be filled up with reflections on distinct strengths and weaknesses of SME`s.
9. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 9 Universities and SME`s At the most of Austrian universities students can study Business Economics. There is no specification according to SME`s, the introductions to studies schemes seldom include the term SME and in general there are only a few specific lectures dedicated to SME`s.
10. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 10 Universities and SME`s Only one department at the Viennese University of Economics (Wirtschafts-universität WU) covers the topic of SME`s in a direct sense and in a whole. It is called „Department of Small Business and entrepreneurship“(the net-address is:http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/inst/kmb/)
11. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 11 Universities and SME`s Nearby 30 lectures dealing with SME`s are offered in the summer semester 2003.But the Business Economics of SME`s is not obligatory within the studies scheme of Business Economics, it`s only an optional topic among others.
12. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 12 Universities and SME`s Nevertheless the studies scheme of Business Economics at WU-Wien explicitely wants to supply the students with skills to master different problems in big, but also small and medium enterprises and non-profit organisations.
13. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 13 Universities and SME`s The studies scheme for Business Economics at the Viennesse University says very similarely, that they want to equipp their students with skills necessary i SME`s and big enterprises. Especially the short term Bakkalaureat will educate a well skilled „generalist“ as needed in SME`s.
14. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 14 Universities and SME`s So the Viennese University differs between a „generalist“, appropiate for SME`s and a „specialist“, appropriate for big business and IT (information technology). With her studies scheme they want to consider the huge amount of SME`s in the Austrian economy.
15. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 15 Universities and SME`s In special projects the Viennese university addresses the problems of technology transfer to SME`s and the costs for realizing e-commerce by SME`s.
16. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 16 Universities and SME`s Very similarely at KF-University in Graz the studies of Business Economics take into account the predominant role of SME`s, especially outside the industrial centers. There are no special lectures for SME-Management, but several projects concentrated on the problem to support SME`s.
17. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 17 Universities and SME`s E.g. there is a project defining the area of Graz-town and surroundings as a „learning region“.The strengths of SME`s are seen in their capability to react very fast to changing structures of demand, to be flexible and to specialize themselves.
18. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 18 Universities and SME`s The general aims of the project are:
To increase the competetive abilities of Graz-region
To increase the competetive abilities of SME`s
Support of labour-market
19. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 19 Universities and SME`s
The net-address of this „learning region“ project is:
20. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 20 Universities and SME`s
The university of Linz offers in the project „Uni goes public“ SME`s admissions to results of universitarian research. This admission is realized in different ways:
21. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 21 Universities and SME`s SME`s can define their special problems and students will address their doctoral thesis to these problems.
Members of the university are organizing seminars in further education for SME`s.
And there are special grants for research projects concerning SME`s.
22. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 22 Universities and SME`s For example, the department for Banking Economics founded a partnership with the so-called
S-research center of the Upper Austrian savings bank.The net-adress is:http://www.jku.at/fbw/Institut/spfoinstitut.htm
23. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 23 Universities and SME`s Another example is the realization of further education seminars for SME`s, covering the virulent problem of e-commerce in SME`s at the Danube-University in Krems.The net-adress is:http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/weiterbildung/
24. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 24 Universities and SME`s Another examples for this strategy of supporting SME`s are realized at the Technical university in Vienna (http:/www.tuwien.ac.at/ai/ibr99_2.htm)
or at the University in Innsbruck(http://www2.uibk.ac.at/fakultaeten/c8/c816/forschung/forschungsbereich_unternehmensf.htm)
or at the Montan-University Leoben(http://www.unileoben.ac.at/~twinkler/texte_2002/0211265.htm)
25. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 25 FH`s and SME`s Only some examples:
The FH of the Viennese Economy GMBH, partially mainly funded by the Viennese Chamber of Commerce, offers a special course (FHST) in the management of SME`s and announces to educate today the manager of the future.The net adress is:http://www.fhw.at/
26. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 26 FH`s and SME`s Just another example:The FH Wiener Neustadt tries to establish a center of competence in e-commerce cause we know, that e-commerce will become more and more important in our economy and that especially SME`s have problems in financing research and investments in this field.The net adress is:http://www.tig.or.athttp://www.fhwn.ac.at/aktuelles/detail.asp?ID=44
27. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 27 FH`s and SME`s And one more example:In Krems on Danube also a special course is offered with the title Business Management for SME`s and e-businessThe net adress is:http://www.imc-krems.ac.at/syllabi-neu/kmu/semester2/Tauber_e_Business_2_de.htmlhttp://www.imc-krems.ac.at/200/240.html
28. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 28 FH`s and SME`s And the penultimate example:The FH Eisenstadt is focussed on courses in B-to-B Marketing for SME`s and in marketing for SME`s in EU-economy and global economy.The net adress is:http://www.fh-eisenstadt.ac.at/ma/fhiwb_im_ma_gaubinger.html
29. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 29 FH`s and SME`s And the last example:EU is supporting within the INTERREG-programme a project of FH Vorarlberg, FH Liechtenstein and the St.Gallen university centred on the establishment of a network between SME`s called u.nets. Strong points in the project are e-business and innovation management. The net adress is:http://www.fh-vorarlberg.ac.at/curr/press/2002mar07.html
30. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 30 Summary In Austria different institutions are busy in SME`s, especially centred on
basic education
advanced education
cooperation with/contacts to SME`s
funding research in/for SME`s
further education
31. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 31 Summary In Austria different institutions are busy in SME`s, especially centred on following topics:
Technology transfer
EU (law, common market etc.)
32. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 32 Basic numbers about Austrian enterprises 1999
33. 21/10/2011 SME`s in Austria (Teibenbacher Peter, KF-Uni Graz) 33 fact 1: the enterprises are dominated by small ones (97,2% of all enterprises have up to 49 employees)fact 2: all other values are very concentrated in the opposite direction (e.g. 2,8% of all enterprises cover 55,6% of all employees)fact 3: but SME`s hold the same percentage of all proceeds, editvalue and investments