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Stars and Wishes for. __________________________________ child’s name 3 Stars 3 Wishes (positive comments) (things to improve).
Stars and Wishes for __________________________________ child’s name 3 Stars 3 Wishes (positive comments) (things to improve) Please take a moment to share your thoughts about your child’s work. What is your opinion about being given the opportunity to review evidence of your child’s learning? Please comment below. From Together is Better (1992) by Davies, Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published by Portage and Main. Winnipeg, Manitoba. SAL ‘06
Parent Stars and Wishes Parent Portfolio Response Sheet Nothing succeeds like success. When we know we’ve done something right, we feel good about ourselves and accept challenges more readily. As you look through these pages with your child, please look for your child’s successes. Please give your child at least two compliments (two stars). After your child hears your compliments he or she will be more ready to listen to your wishes—what you’d like him or her to continue to work on. Two Stars One Wish From Together is Better (1992) by Davies, Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published by Portage and Main. Winnipeg, Manitoba. From Standards-Based Grading and Reporting: A Professional Learning Resource (2006) by Anne Davies. Published by Connections Publishing, Courtenay, BC. SAL ‘06
Home Reading Record for _____________ Type Codes: E = (too) easy J = just right C = challenging Opinion: Exciting, Great, So-so, Scary, Couldn’t get into it, etc. SAL ‘06
Yes, I have seen… ___________________’s portfolio for the 1st Quarter ____________________ Parent Signature 2nd Quarter ____________________ Parent Signature 3rd Quarter ____________________ Parent Signature 4th Quarter ____________________ Parent Signature SAL ‘06
All About Me My name is_______________________________________ . I am ________ years old. I am in the ____________ grade. My birthday is on _________________________________ . My mother’s name is _______________________________ . My father’s name is ________________________________ . I have ________ sisters and brothers. Their names are: _____________________ _________________________ _____________________ ________________________ _____________________ _________________________ When I’m not in school I enjoy ________________________ _______________________________________________ . SAL ‘06
Name __________________ Date _________ Report to My Parents • 1. The most important thing in our classroom that I am trying to do well is • ________________________________________________________ • 2. This is important to me because ____________________________ • ________________________________________________________ • One thing I have done well these past few months is _____________ • ________________________________________________________ • 4. One thing that I need to work harder at is ____________________ • ________________________________________________________ • Something I am proud of this quarter is • ______________________________________________ • My goal for next year will be to _____________ • ________________________________________ From Together is Better (1992) by Davies, Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published by Portage and Main. Winnipeg, Manitoba. SAL ‘06
Name __________________ Date _________ My End of the Year Report to My Parents The most important thing in our classroom that I am trying to do well is _______________________________________________________ This is important to me because ______________________________ _______________________________________________________ Two things I have done well these past few months are _____________ _______________________________________________________ My goal for next school year will be to _________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ During the summer I will need your help and support at home in _______ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Adapted from Together is Better (1992) by Davies, Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published by Portage and Main. Winnipeg, Manitoba. SAL ‘06
Parent Feedback Sheet What have you learned about your child’s progress in school after viewing this portfolio? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are some areas of concerns you have for your child’s progress in school? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of home support(s) did you and your child decide would be best in helping your child attain the learning goals set? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any comments or concerns: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAL ‘06
Please write a note to your child about how you feel about his/her progress in school. Date ______________ Dear __________________ , ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Love, SAL ‘06
All About Me My Name is: ____________________ Me! My Family My Favorite Food My Favorite Color My Favorite Toy or Game I like to... SAL ‘06
Dear Parents and Guardians, • This portfolio has been put together by your child. It has examples of the kinds of learning we’re doing in school. • We want you to notice that we have grown in our reading, writing, and math skills, and in our understanding of the world around us. • We are also working to reach the State’s General Learner Outcomes (GLOs) which are to be : • Self-Directed Learners – responsible for our own learning • Community Contributors – able to work together • Complex Thinkers – critical thinkers and problem solvers • Quality Producers – recognize and produce quality products and performances • Effective Communicators • Effective and Ethical Users of Technology • Please be sure to take some time to sit with your child and let him/her share this portfolio with you. • Sincerely, • I’m proud of my work and hope you are too! • ____________________ • SAL ‘06
Dear Parents and Guardians, • Your child is a STAR!. He or she has taken some time to prepare samples of his or her school work to show progress in this portfolio. • We are asking that after you review your child’s report card and portfolio, you take a few minutes to make a few comments about the work. Hearing from one of their favorite people about what they’re doing well and what they can do to improve is a powerful way to motivate children. • Please take a look at the sample sheet enclosed. We strongly request that you follow these guidelines when making your comments: • 2 Stars – This is where you record your positive comments. • notice improvement in their work (even small steps) • praise their increased efforts to meet criteria • cheer for their ability to maintain efforts • don’t limit yourselves to two, have as many as you like. • 1 Wish – Not a put down, but a time for encouragement. • note ONE criterion they have not met yet • ask ONE question to allow your child to explain something more clearly. • make just ONE wish for your child • Sincerely, • SAL ‘06
Dear Student, • This is your portfolio. It’s a collection of your work that shows your progress throughout the year. Because we are focusing on literacy, this portfolio will focus on reading, writing, and learner behavior. • A portfolio also helps you to evaluate your own work and learning. You will be able to see what areas you need to work on. Your teacher will help you met the State’s standards and your personal goals. • This collection will also help us to communicate with your parents on your progress and how best to help you. We’ll share your portfolio with your parents and you’ll be able to show them how you have progressed. • The contents of this portfolio will include: • Learner Behavior • Reading • Writing • Putting a meaningful collection together will be hard work but we can do it if we work together. • SAL ‘06