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Trade Unions attract young people. Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009. Mike De Herdt ABVV – FGTB Youth coordinator Flanders. Some Belgian numbers . - Federal state - 3 languages/regions - Negociations (with or without government) at all levels - Population: 10.000.000
Trade Unions attract young people Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009 Mike De Herdt ABVV – FGTB Youth coordinator Flanders Workshop Turin 18th of December 2009
Some Belgian numbers - Federal state - 3 languages/regions - Negociations (with or without government) at all levels - Population: 10.000.000 - Working people: 6.000.000 - Unionization: 3.400.000 = about 65 % - 3 Trade union federations: • ABVV-FGTB: 1.400.000 members • ACV-CSC : 1.600.000 members • ACLVB-CGLSB: 400.000 members Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Some ABVV-FGTB numbers Members: 1.400.000 Students: 40.000 Working youth (-35 y) 500.000 Young working activists 3.000 7 branch unions = 1 white collar + 5 blue collar + 1 government-employed 17 regional federations Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
The beginning • Federation Founded in 1898, unions started in 1885 • First youth activities 1932 • In the 50-ies ABVV-FGTB created 3 youth structures - Services for students – information - Young (Working) Activists (no students) - Organising military recruits ( they got rigths too ! ) Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Since the 50ies • No more organising military recruits (obliged service was abolished in 1993) • 4 organisations left, became 2 (only French & Dutch) • Subsidies of the government (youth organisations) • 30 years focus on services & trying to organise students, but not on the working youth • last 5 years new formula Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
“New” formula Each organisation => 2 main goals = 2 strategees • Free membership for students = MAGIK? => info (membermagazine) => aid/assistance with student-job-related issues • Organise young activists = WORKING CLASS HEROES => They work & are active already => Inform, educate, positions Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Budget & Organisation • 2 organisations: FGTB-jeunes + ABVV-jongeren French-speaking + Dutch-speaking • Each has a comparable budget- 70% Government, based on regulations, decreasing - 30% Trade union, based on membership numbers, increasing- 80% staff budget 20% working budget Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Staff for 2 organisations (Belgium) • 2 x 1 coördinator • 2 x 5 people national office • 2 x 10 people in regional offices • No volonteers working in our offices They are active on their own working spots Volunteers = Working Class Heroes = Young working activists Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Students • Free membership • 40.000 in total • Membership & services only • no structure, no meetings or activities • Special “brand” = Magik? • www.magik.be Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Activities for Students • Services, no other activities= info on financing studies = info & help if a student works… - part-time, trainees- weekends, holidays • Communication: • Colourfull (people and background), genderbalanced, - Posters, flyers, little books - Member-magazine (Magik?) Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Young working activists • Re-started to work with them in 2006 • Pay membership to branch unions • Join network freely : a network, no structure • 3000 ‘members” (Belgium) • Special ‘brand” = Working Class heroes • www.workingclassheroes.be Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Activities Young working activists 3 activities • Informing them (get information quickly, positions, actions) • Joining them & education (weekends, workshops) • Extra campaigns during social elections (posters, working class night) Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Influence on decision-making who? Starting up Youth commissions on all levels. Example: Flemisch youth commission Who? • All youth organisation staff members • 50% young delegates of regions • 50% young delegates of branch unionsBased on membership numbers of eachMeeting 4 times a year Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Influence on decision-making what? Strictly youth issues • => take a position publicly • Change legislation on student work • Change policies on youth employment General policies (within trade union or in general) • => Advise the formal trade union structures • => Not publicly, respect internal democracy • Debate on retirement …. • How to modernise out trade union Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
Cooperations in Belgium With other trade union youth • Actions on youth unemployment / working conditions • Actions to present ourselves in schools (promo Magik?) With others • Youth organisations (youth parliament / services) • NGO/ONG => decent work campaign (www.ilo.org) • www.sharkmark.be Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
International cooperations • Representatives in ETUC & ITUC • Trainings / workshops for ILO-initiatives • European Social Fora, World Social Fora and World Climate fora (Copenhagen, dec 2009) • Associations with other trade union youth – visit each other • YES… www.youngeuropeansociety.eu Belgian + Swedish • We are planning to do this more in the near future Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October
HOW TO GET STARTED ? • Analyze youth - trade-union - relationship Their position towards AND within the trade union(s). Membership, activism, popularity, youth issues approach • Bring the (mostly bad) numbers to responsables (why is it important to do something) 3. Make a plan with strategies and goals (what, when, who & numbers) 4. Attach a realististic budget 5. Keep on trying & fighting – persevere ! Workshop Kiev 6-9th of October