Kotlin vs Scala: Choose Right JVM Language for 2020
Rust Programming Language It is an open-source, cross-platform, statically-typed programming language developed in 2011 with the latest version of Kotlin 1.3.60. It was recognized as an official Android programming language in 2019.
Scala Designed by Martin Odersky in 2004, Scala is an open-source language facilitating a perfect blend of object-oriented and functional coding in a statically typed programming environment. Designed to address the cons of Java in terms of general-purpose, it can be an ideal Java alternative.
Market Popularity As per Google trends, there’s a surge in searches related to Kotlin as compared to Scala, giving a clear indication that Kotlin is more in trend. However, in terms of job posting, Kotlin is behind Scala by huge numbers.
Ease of Learning Scala is a powerful language with highly- advantages features and flexible syntax. So, it is quite difficult to learn this language. As for Kotlin, one can easily understand basic Kotlin syntax and start coding within 1-3 days.
Functional Programming Scala is more swayed by functional programming languages like Haskell than Kotlin. It encourages the use of functional coding along with some additional features like pattern matching and currying.
Pattern Matching Scala offers better opportunities for pattern matching than Kotlin. Its match statement enables developers to match any type of data, including its own. Also, it shows full support for higher-end and macros types.
App Performance Scala is a good option for employing highly scalableAndroid app development. Whereas, a Kotlin-based app will be easy to code and debug. Consequently, app performance will be higher in the case of Kotlin.
Java Interoperability Both Kotlin and Scala are interoperable with Java, but Kotlin leads the show if you wish to maintain full compatibility with existing Java-based projects and technologies. It is designed to be 100% interoperable with Java.
Community Support Being in the market for the past 15 years, Scala has a bigger community than that of Kotlin. This makes it easier for app developers to find tutorials, solutions, and other resources related to Scala over Kotlin.
Libraries and Frameworks Scala facilitates developers with a wide range of libraries and frameworks to work effortlessly with APIs and applications including Cats, Slick, Shapeless, etc. Kotlin has also come up with a lot of offerings like Ktor, Exposed, and Arrow.
Documentation When talking about Scala, its API documentation is simple, straightforward, and well-structured. It offers search functionality and an option to restrict the number of displayed elements with a filter. Whereas, using the Kotlin API documentation is a bit tiresome.
For more information on this topic, please refer to this blog: Kotlin vs Scala: Choose Right JVM Language for 2020
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