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ISPEAK PHONE Offering the best BUYBACK LCD program by providing easy money and best rates on Apple, samsung, and ipad broken LCDs and digitizers. done settle for less, generate more revenue and sell us now.
LCD Buyback Program - Make More Money Through Broken Screens
HELLO! I am Emily clark I am here because I love to give presentations. You can find me at @Emilyclark
Have you ever thought about protecting the broken or cracked cell phones LCD screens while sending them to sell? You must be thinking “Why would I? they are already damaged.”
Well, let me tell you, the latest research has proven that 60% of the Broken cell phone LCD sellers don't get much payout in return due to not caring for their packaging. And the remaining 40% not choosing the right cell phones LCD Buyback buyer.
Now, what to do as you have damaged broken and cracked cell phone LCDs but don't know how to safely get them to the right LCD buyback buyer. Don't worry, we are here to help you with secret cell phone LCD packaging hacks for generating more revenue by selling broken LCDs.
Never go with empty space left in the packaging box. Before sealing the LCD package with the tape make sure there is no Space left. To check that, follow the steps below: • Place your broken cell phone LCDs in the box carefully • Cover the box with the lid • Shake the box vigorously for 5 seconds • if you hear the content of the box striking together then more safety filler material is needed • Take care of the box’s dimensions and choose according to the number of cracked or broken cell phone LCD screens. • Go for the recycle boxes that they are sturdy enough and undamaged Standard Rules to follow:
TAPE : It is highly recommended to use enough tape to close the box properly and try to pack from each side of the box. • BOX: Choosing the box is also of high importance for safety. If the carton box will have large letters printed on it with “FRAGILE-GLASS” the carrier will handle the broken cell phone LCDs package with extra responsibility and care. • WEIGHT: Another important aspect is to keep into consideration the final weight of the box with broken cracked or damaged cell phone LCDs. The final weight of the box should not be exceeded to the allowed weight. It is strongly recommended not to pack more than 350-400 LCDs or a maximum of 15.5 kg in one box Packaging Instructions:
The cell phone LCDs packaging with air cushions process and steps involved are more or less the same as of packaging without airbags but some steps need to be followed:
It is best to use the air cushion bags in which your cell phone LCD screens are supplied Place the broken cell phone LCD screens in air cushion bags with the flex cables facing the open side of the bag. Make sets of 10 LCD screens and keep the sets together with an elastic band. Make sure that the elastic is not so tight that the screens can be damaged. Place the sets in the shipping box on a layer of paper plugs and also fill the sides and top of the box with paper plugs so that the contents cannot move.
Yes, we said earlier that packaging your broken or cracker LCDs with air cushion is the best but if you don’t have it don't worry we are here to help you out with some easy peasy steps to take making your LCDs safe to the ispeak phone warehouse without any further damage which will also give you maximum LCD buyback program payout in return. Packaging Without Air Cushions Bags:
Step - 1 Place two LCD screens with the front facing each other (face-to-face) Step - 2 Place two sets of 2 pieces with the backs against each other (back-to-back) Step - 3 Make a stack of five pairs of LCD screens (so a total of 10 screens). Wrap each stack in bubble wrap. Seal the bubble wrap with tape so that the foil does not open during shipment. Fill the box with packaging chips; these act as shock absorbers.
Step - 4 Place the sets wrapped in bubble wrap in the packaging chips and ensure that the sets are surrounded by the packaging chips. If you want to send multiple layers of sets, protect the layers with, for example, a padded envelope so that the sets cannot move. Step - 5 Place packaging chips around the packaged LCD screens and along the inside of the box. This prevents shifting and minimizes the risk of damage. Tape the box tightly so that it does not open accidentally.
Air cushions are highly important for preventing cell phone LCDs from initial damage or further hazards while shipping to the buyback address. Let us tell you one secret here, Never throw away your new LCDs Air cushions as they can be very handy in packaging broken cell phone LCDs and making them securely landing in your ispeak phone warehouse for refurbishing services or getting maximum buyback payout. Packaging with Air Cushions:
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