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Morning Procedures

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Morning Procedures

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  1. WELCOME TO 4TH GRADE!Please do the following:1. If you have any notes or paperwork for Ms. Crow, please put them in the basket on my red desk.2. Please go pay lunch money if you have it. 3. If you have a lunchbox, you may put it in the blue basket labeled LUNCHES next to the door.4. We will organize folders and supplies later today. Please do your best to keep them inside your desk until we organize them.5. You may use the restroom quickly and quietly if you need to.6. Please sharpen 2-3 pencils. You may use the sharpener in the front of the room or back by the sink.7. Please begin the activity sheet on your desk.

  2. Morning Procedures • Go unpack at your locker before entering the room. • Enter the room by greeting Ms. Crow and others quietly. • Pay any lunch money in the lunchroom. • Use the restroom quickly and quietly. • Put your snack in your desk. • Place any money, notes, or excuses in the basket on Ms. Crow’s red desk. • Sharpen three pencils and be ready for the school day. • Make sure you have a book to read. • Read the message on the board. It will contain your morning work and other important information. • Begin morning work and then read quietly.

  3. Pencils • You should keep 2-3 sharpened pencils in your supply box at all times. • Extra pencils should be kept in your locker. • It is your responsibility to replenish your pencils when you run out. • If you come to school without a pencil, I will provide you one. However, it will cost you coins to purchase a pencil from me. • You will also have to sign the conduct book for responsibility if you continue to forget your pencil. • Pencils that are found on the floor or left in the classroom become class property and should be put in the red Crestline cup on the table near the door. If you notice one of your pencils in this cup, you will have to pay 1 coin to get it back.

  4. Sharpening Pencils • Sharpen pencils in the morning (before the bell) and at the end of the day with the classroom sharpener. • If your pencil lead breaks, you may use your handheld sharpener to sharpen it quietly during class. • Do not get up during class to use the classroom sharpener or to empty your handheld sharpener. This is why you should have several pencils already sharpened.

  5. Paper • Please keep notebook paper in all of your folders. • If you are out of paper, you may get some from the classroom paper basket in the morning before the bell or at the end of the day. • Be responsible and respectful with our paper. This means the classroom paper basket is not for making airplanes, footballs, drawing, etc. • If you are caught wasting classroom paper you will sign the conduct book for misusing classroom supplies.

  6. Restroom 1. You should only go to the restroom if you NEED to go to the restroom! 2. You should always use the restroom before school begins. You will also be given a chance to use the restroom after lunch. These times are considered “free”. 3. You may go to the restroom up to three times per day during class. However, you may not go before 8:30 am because you should go before class begins. 4. You may use the restroom without getting my permission when you are working independently at your desk. Have the President punch your bathroom card. 5. If I am teaching or someone else in the class is sharing, you must get my permission by giving me the “thumbs up” sign. I will nod my head and you may leave the room quietly. Get your bathroom card punched when you return. 6. Get a restroom pass badge from the magnetic clips near the door on your way out to the bathroom and wear it near the top of your shirt. • Use the restroom properly and quickly get back to class. This is NOT a time to talk and visit with friends. • FLUSH BEFORE YOU LEAVE! 9. Return the restroom pass badge when you get back to the room and get some hand sanitizer for your hands. 10. If no restroom passes are available, you must wait until someone returns from the restroom before you can leave. 11. Anyone caught goofing off, playing around, or misusing/wasting supplies in the restroom will sign the conduct book and have to pay coins for not being respectful and responsible. 12. Students caught making a mess in the restroom will have to help the custodians clean it up!

  7. Lining Up 1. Listen for my instructions. 2. The President will be the line leader and will line up first after getting the conduct book. I will then call color groups to line up (red, yellow, blue, green). 3. Stand up and push in your chair quietly. 4. Make sure none of your things are in the floor. 5. WALK to get in to the line. NO TALKING! 6. Be careful around the red computer table and do not touch things on this table. 7. You must be in line behind the person in front of you and be facing the door. Your hands should be behind your back or at your side. Our line should be straight ___________, not crooked. 8. Please wait patiently for the person in front of you to move. Do not push, pass, or go around someone unless you have permission. 9. If you have to get out of line for any reason you must go to the end of the line. 10. No “saving” spots in line for your friends. 11. The Vice-President is the last person in line and must turn out the lights and close the door.

  8. Walking in the Halls 1. The line leader will be given instructions on where to take the line (end of 4th grade hall, health room, lunchroom ,etc.). 2. Always walk silently on the right side of the hallway on the hallway line or on the right side of the sidewalk outside for PE/Music. 3. Your hands should be behind your back or by your side. 4. You should NOT talk.

  9. Lockers 1. You must use the lock I assigned to you. No other locks are allowed. 2. You must keep the locker assigned to you. You are not allowed to switch. 3. Keep your locker combination private. Do not share it with anyone. 4. Make sure the straps on your backpack or any coat sleeves are not hanging out of the locker when you shut it. 5. Do not slam your locker door shut. 6. Lock your locker correctly every day. 7. If you have trouble opening your lock, be patient, start at 0 and then do your combination. Try at least 3 times before you ask for help. 8. You may only go to your locker before school and at the end of the day. 8. Magnets are allowed inside lockers only. 9. Stickers are NOT allowed.

  10. Lunchroom 1. The President will send a few people through the line at a time. Do not enter the lunchroom until you are given permission. 2. Get everything you need as you go through the line: tray, fork, ice cream, ketchup, mustard, drink, etc. You can only go through the line once so make sure you have everything. If you forget something, I will have to go get it and you will have to pay me coins!! 3. Be respectful of the lunchroom ladies when they are refilling pans, etc.. Don’t make a mess when getting food. 4. If you bring your lunch and are only buying a drink, do not pass to the front of the line. Wait in line like everyone else. 5. Know your lunch number. Make sure you put in your number correctly before leaving the line. If you don’t have money on your account you may not by ice cream or any “extras”. 6. Sit at your assigned table. 7. The first ten minutes of lunch is silent lunch. This is a time for you to eat. If you are caught talking during this time you will sign the conduct book. 8. After the first ten minutes is up, I will raise my hand and you may talk. We will abide by the 1-2-3 finger rule: 1: Warning. Lower your voice level. 2: Whisper. 3: Silent. You may no longer talk.

  11. LL 9. After the first ten minutes is up, I will raise my hand and you may talk. We will abide by the 1-2-3 finger rule: 1: Warning. Lower your voice level. 2: Whisper. 3: Silent. You may no longer talk. 10. You may talk quietly to the people sitting next to you or across from you. Do not yell down the table or talk to students in other classes. 11. If you goof off or misbehave you will be sent to eat in a location by yourself. You will also sign the conduct book. 12. Do not share food. 13. Do not come to me unless it is an emergency! This is my lunch time too and I’m hungry! 14. When it is time to leave, I will come over to the table with the big garbage can. Make sure you have all of your paper picked up. 15. Stay in line and wait patiently. Do not move ahead of someone in line. 16. Carefully place your trash in to the garbage can and walk to the appropriate exit. 17. You may not bring any food items back to the classroom if it has been opened. You may bring unfinished water bottles if they have a screw-on top. 18. The President and Vice-President will clean the tables.

  12. Teacher Needs Your Attention • There are times that your attention will be needed. • The signal used will be the teacher’s arm/hand raised in the air (as if waiting to ask a question). When you see this signal, you are to: • Get quiet • Face front • Look at the teacher • Have your hands free (put everything down) • Give your total attention • This may be used in the classroom, hallway, lunchroom, outside, at an assembly, or anywhere in the school.

  13. Voice Levels You will have certain voice levels to maintain in the hallway, lunchroom, classroom, etc. Silent – no talking Whisper – very soft Regular – normal inside talking voice • You should always be SILENT when the teacher is talking, in the hallway, the first 10 minutes of lunch, and when taking a test or doing graded classwork. • WHISPER in the classroom when working in groups or with a partner. If we are not working on a graded activity and you need help, you may ask a neighbor for help by whispering. ***How to know if you are whispering – put your hands under your throat and put your thumb on one side and your index on the other if you are talking and can feel the vibration of your vocal chords you are not whispering. If the majority of the class is talking above a whisper when you have been asked to whisper, you will be put on silent. If you choose to talk when you are on silent, you will have to pay me a coin. If the talking continues, you will sign the conduct book. • You should use a REGULAR voice when talking in front of the class, reading aloud to the class, responding to a teacher, or in the lunchroom.

  14. Conduct Book • When you break a rule, you must sign the conduct book. • Use a pen from the pouch in front of the conduct book to write what happened. Do not use a pencil. Be sure you are writing on your page. • Write as neatly as possible. • Fill in the date—it is always posted on the board. • Write specifically what happened: Examples • Talking in the hallway • Pushed (student name) in the line • Running in the classroom • Talking during silent lunch • Flicked pencil across room • Goofing off in bathroom • Do not write things like: • I don’t know • Ms. Crow made me sign • ???

  15. Check whether it was behavior or responsibility. • Check the name of the teacher you were with when action happened: Halverson, Kimbrell, Crow, or Zuck. • If you sign in PE, music, or library, check that it happened there. • You begin each week with a 100. • Each time you sign for behavior or responsibility, it counts off 4 points from your weekly conduct grade. • Consequences will be given (walking laps at break) for each time signed in a day. • You will get a conduct grade each week. Then, I will average each week’s grades to get your conduct grade for the 9 weeks. • You must earn an A or B in conduct for the nine weeks to participate in the next special activity or field trip. • You must maintain a B average in conduct for the year to have the opportunity to go on the year end field trip to Montgomery.

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