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This Pro gramme is funded by the European Union. PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership. Man-Made & Industrial Disasters Environmental issues. Task C2.3 Assistance to Government Environmental Emergency Projects. 2.3.1 Project Preparation Assistance (PPA).
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership Man-Made & Industrial Disasters Environmental issues • Task C2.3 Assistance to Government Environmental Emergency Projects • 2.3.1 Project Preparation Assistance (PPA) • 2.3.2 Co-participating in the Training Tailing Management Facility
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • Assistance to Government Environmental Emergency Projects 3.1 Project Preparation Assistance (PPA): Key driver : Country with national Working Group PPRD assists active Working group Round Table 30-31 August 2011 Problem analysis and Joint action plan Follow-up meeting Kiev 16-17 November 2011 Concrete separate actions December plan + budget for approval by Minister
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership Principal of mechanism: country does all homeworkincl. preparation PPRD adds up with specificexpertise
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership 1st RoundTable in Kalush, 30-31 August 2011: site visit and public debate HCB wasterepacked and stored for export
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership Interestingconclusionabout the mechanism: Most urgentproject in region Kalushprojectwas a combination of: TMF Tailing Management Facilitieswith highdanger of collapse of tailing dams and consequences to drinkingwatersupply of Millions of inhabitants of Moldova and Western Ukraine (Dniestr) Chemicals dangers: Ukraine eliminated more than 30,000 tons of extremelydangerous HCB
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • At SteeringCommittee meeting 2013: • 2 Project PreparationAssistances (PPAs) werebudgeted • Requestscouldbeforwardedtill end of April 2013 • …………… No requestsreceived • …………... Mechanismwasclosed!
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • 2.3.2 Co-participating in the Training Tailing Management Facility Tailings: ground rock & process effluents that are generated in a mine processing plant The unrecoverable and uneconomic metals, minerals, chemicals, organics and process water are discharged, normally as slurry, to a final storage area commonly known as a Tailings Management Facility (TMF) or Tailings Storage Facility (TSF)
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • Improving the Safety of Tailing Management Facilities for Ukraine –UBA Germany • Base: UNECE "Safety Guidelines and Good Practices for Tailings Management Facilities (TMF)" • August 2013: Startup with Kick-off meeting in August 2013 in Kiev Discussion action plan for the project • Step 1: • November 2013: Investigation of degree of implementation in legislation and administration in Ukraine in relation to implementation of UNECE Guidelines
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • Step 2: Start end of August 2013 • Analysis of safety specific technical provisions at • concrete TMF (2 sites), by means of CHECKLIST • by Ukrainian Team supported by international experts, to be used for: • Training of Inspectors and • Operators in Ukraine to improve the safety of TMF • 14 November Steering Committee meeting in Kiev with authorities and International experts that have given input to the work of the Ukrainian TMF experts • First discussions Comments/input on the draft checklists • PPRD –East SergejAnagnosti ---- issues on cooperation PPRD • 2nd Draft has been and will be used for the 1st Training
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • PURPOSE OF Checklist: • Work out a Catalogue forthenecessary • Short-term measures • Medium-term measures • Long-term measures • in ordertoinitiatethepotentiallynecessarysafetymeasures
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • Measures • Short-Medium term are simple/easy to implement at low cost • Long-term measures in order to secure an international acceptable safety level in the long-term • The checklist is therefore an international Cross border tool that supports the capacity-building for Authorities and Operators • UN ECE can easily support process of training and use in whole UNECE region in future
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • Step 3: Field training and field test • 13-15 May 2014: Lviv TMF Explanation of modules for participants Site testing of checklist on practicability by Ukrainian regional inspectors, owners and inspectors of PPRD-East project and International experts • Participation by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia based on official requests received • Last minute call offs from Armenian and Azeri colleagues and some international experts fearing the situation in Ukraine, however all was perfect in Lviv!
TMF Access Road: duringrains and in winter times heavy economic losses due to extremedifficult transport conditions (investmentsneeded)
Top: Guidance by TMF operator for the inspectors Right hand: Monitoringwell for groundwater
Re-utilizationand re-exploitation of firstdisposal site, which is nowagaineconomicallyfeasible
Ukrainian and Georgian PPRD Inspectorssurrounded by international experts and organisers and Armenian TMF owner
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership • Step 4: June-August new improvement of checklist • Step 5: October-November 2014: 2nd Field training and field test at TMF in Dnepropetrovsk region –What about possibility of PPRD countries participation? • PPRD Phase 2 will start …………….2015………….????? • Step 6: Final improvement of checklist • Step 7: final setup of Training Toolkit 2014 - 2015 • Step 8: International workshop on project results: 2015 • New opportunity for joint-venture with PPRD-Phase 2