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Regional preparatory process for Rio+20

Regional preparatory process for Rio+20. A Cluster-4 Presentation By Josué Dioné Director, FSSD/ECA 11 th Session of the RCM 14-15 November 2010. Outline. Background Objectives of Rio+20 Regional Preparatory Process Objectives Expected Outcomes Outputs

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Regional preparatory process for Rio+20

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  1. Regionalpreparatory process for Rio+20 A Cluster-4 Presentation By Josué Dioné Director, FSSD/ECA 11th Session of the RCM 14-15 November 2010

  2. Outline • Background • Objectives of Rio+20 • Regional Preparatory Process • Objectives • Expected Outcomes • Outputs • Implementation Strategy and Partnership • Roles and Responsibilities • Resource Requirements • Way Forward: Enhanced partnership through the RCM

  3. Background • 1992:UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) - - adopted an agenda for environment and development:Agenda 21 (A21) • 1993:UNCED established the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) -follow-up implementation of A21 • 1997:Five-yearreview of Rio outcomes -Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 (PFIA21) • 2002:World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) - adopted the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) • 2009:UNGA adopted a resolution to hold UNCSD in 2012 in Brazil -'Rio+20'

  4. Objectives of Rio+20 • The Conference seeks three objectives: • Securing renewed political commitment to sustainable development, • Assessing the progress and implementation gaps in meeting already agreed commitments, and • Addressing new and emerging challenges Will Focus on two themes: • Green economy within the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and • Institutional framework for sustainable development

  5. Regional Preparatory Process • Second Committee of GA called for preparations for the Conference at all levels by Governments and UN system • Effective regional preparatory process essential: • to guide and prepare African countries to collectively articulate their concerns and priorities at the Conference • to ensure these are adequately reflected in outcomes of the Conference • to strengthen regional consultative mechanism to support implementation of Conference outcomes

  6. Regional Preparatory Process… • Objective of the preparatory process • to facilitate effective coordination and consultationsto ensure that Africa adequately prepares for the Conference • to arrive at a consensus on Africa’s key sustainable development concerns and priorities, to effectively articulate them and to ensure that they are adequately reflected in the Conference outcomes • Through RECs, all member States in the five subregions of Africa will be actively involved

  7. Expected Outcomes • Well-articulated documentation of progress in the implementation of A21, PFIA21 and JPOI commitments, clear understanding of the constraints and challenges, and well-informed recommendations to enhance implementation progress; • Enhanced understanding and appreciation of the institutional and strategic frameworks necessary to effectively operationalize sustainable development in Africa; • Increased understanding and appreciation of the new and emerging challenges to advancing Africa’s sustainable development agenda and well-informed action oriented recommendations to effectively address the challenges;

  8. Expected Outcomes (…) • Clear understanding and appreciation of the prospects and challenges for Africa towards transformation to a green economy, to contribute to the realization of its sustainable development and poverty eradication goals; • Clear articulation of Africa’s concerns and priorities in regard to the implementation of sustainable development commitments; and • Increased commitment and actions to advance Africa’s sustainable development agenda

  9. Outputs • Background report on institutional framework for sustainable development; • Background report on a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication in Africa; • Background report on new and emerging challenges to advancing Africa’s sustainable development agenda; • Five subregional review reports on the implementation of A21, PFIA21 and JPOI commitments; • Regional review report on the implementation of A21, PFIA21 and JPOI commitments; and • Africa consensus statement to Rio+20

  10. Implementation Strategy and Partnerships • Regional preparatory process intended to mirror the same process to WSSD • Establishment of a Steering Committee to guide and facilitate the review process • Partners include: • AUC, AU/NPCA, AfDB, RECs • All major groups including African civil society representing the nine major groups identified in Agenda 21 • UN agencies • Development partners

  11. Roles and Responsibilities

  12. Roles and Responsibilities (…)

  13. Roles and Responsibilities (…)

  14. Resource Requirements • Indicative budget for the regional preparatory process for Rio+20 • ~$ 1,500,000 • Production of the reports • Five Sub-regional and One Regional consultations

  15. Way Forward • Mobilize effective partnerships and adequate resources to ensure the region’s effective participation in this landmark conference • Call for collaboration • Inviting the RCM & its clusters to effectively support • the Regional Preparatory Process for Rio+20 and • Africa’s overall sustainable development agenda

  16. Thank you

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