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146 橄欖山前一別離 SINCE THY DEPARTURE. 自從當年橄欖山前一別離, Since Thy departure from Olivet‘s Mountain, 至今 祢 仍未向我們呼召;| Why is Thy coming again so delayed? 歷世歷代我們都求看見 祢 , Thro’ the long years we have longed for Thy coming; 但 祢 好像不聽我們禱告。 Hast Thou not heard all the prayers that we've prayed.

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  1. 146 橄欖山前一別離SINCE THY DEPARTURE 自從當年橄欖山前一別離,Since Thy departure from Olivet‘s Mountain,至今祢仍未向我們呼召;|Why is Thy coming again so delayed?歷世歷代我們都求看見祢,Thro’ the long years we have longed for Thy coming;但祢好像不聽我們禱告。Hast Thou not heard all the prayers that we've prayed.

  2. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

  3. (二)愛主,自從當年祢上升之後,Beloved Lord, since the year Thou ascended這裏都變何等枯燥無味;Everything here has been tasteless and dry;我們時在祈求,又時在看守,Often in praying and often in watching,每一動靜,都疑是祢已回。In every movement, for Thee, Lord, we sigh.

  4. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

  5. (三)景色雖美,祢我何日才相聚?Scenes although lovely, yet when will we meet Thee?山水雖佳,祢今在天何方?Birds and the flowers fair beauty embrace;花香鳥語,不能使我有情緒,All are delightsome, but none satisfy me,因我正在思念祢的容光。For I am longing for Thy loving face.

  6. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

  7. (四)主阿,我們等待已久,真焦灼,Lord, we‘re impatient awaiting Thy coming,不知還要多少時候等待;We do not know how much longer ’twill be;從每次日出,直到每次日落,From every sunrise to every bright sunset,我們都是望祢能就回來。Hope we each moment Thy coming to see.

  8. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

  9. (五)當雨每次滴瀝,海每次澎湃,Whene’er ’tis raining, or strong winds are blowing,風每次吹動,月每次照明,Whene‘er the moon shines, or rises the sea,我們都望就是祢已經回來;We ever hope to discover Thy coming;何等失望,至今尚無動靜!How disappointed when no sign of Thee!

  10. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

  11. (六)若非記念祢臨行所賜命令,If it were not for the bidding Thou gav‘st us,我們就要灰心,無意工作;We’d be discouraged, Thy service we‘d shirk;但祢要我們一面等祢來迎,But Thou dost want us while waiting Thy coming,一面努力工作為祢生活。For Thee to live and in diligence work.

  12. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

  13. (七)主阿,求祢記念日子已長久,Oh Lord, remember the days have been lengthened應許已過多年尚未應驗;Since Thou hast promised ere going away;希望又希望,一直希望不休,We hope and hope and are endlessly hoping,要來未來,可否來在今天?That Thou wilt come. Canst Thou come e'en today?

  14. (副)祢來!就來!我們呼求祢快來!Come Thou, come now; Lord, for Thy coming we yearn;我們的心所有盼望是祢來!All our desire is Thy promised returning,我們等候祢快來!Oh, may Thou quickly return.

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