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What is the Naplan test? . Nation wide test All year 7s and 9s (exceptions) Provides an idea of students’ levels and what skills are being developed Monday - Wednesday15-17 th May at school. What do you have to do? . Language Conventions (45 minutes) Monday
What is the Naplan test? • Nation wide test • All year 7s and 9s (exceptions) • Provides an idea of students’ levels and what skills are being developed • Monday - Wednesday15-17th May at school
What do you have to do? • Language Conventions (45 minutes) Monday • Writing (Persuasive) (40 minutes) Monday • Reading Tuesday (65 minutes)
Grammar and Language Examples of questions Spelling He won a prize at the feistival for singing..... Festival Grammar Jane has ... The car she wants to buy Saw see will see seen Punctuation Where should the apostophe (‘) in this sentence go? George had to buy potatoes, carrots and todays newspaper
Persuasive writing pieceYour aim- What is persuasive writing? • To convince the audience of your point of view • Be strong, be convincing • Aim for a page +
Time: 40 minutes 5 minutes brainstorm ideas 10 minutes intro 15 minutes body 5 minute conclusion 5 minutes read over and check
Topics Examples.... • Homework should be banned • It is cruel to keep animals in cages • Reading books is better than watching TV
Make Your Contention Clear • You can outline arguments from both sides however you need to clearly come down on one side • Rebut arguments from the other side. Show why they don’t work. • Use ‘however”
Eg; A common claim is that homework gives students a safe, calming activity after school. HOWEVER there are plenty of other safe, calming activities that allow them to rest and build other skills
Brainstorming ideas ??? How do i come up with ideas??? I don’t HAVE any ideas on this topic I don’t KNOW about this topic! Or I don’t CARE about this topic!!!
Aim for 3 good, interesting ideas which you can explain with examples
5 pointers for coming up with ideas Look at the pictures and words on the prompt. Everything on prompt sheet is there to give you ideas. Try and come up with one idea for each picture. Think of different points of view – how might a range of people think about the issue? How would it affect them differently? Logical reasons. Think about effects and consequences that may come out of the issue. Emotional reasons. What are the emotional angles to this issue? Ethical reasons. What is morally right or wrong with this issue? What are the possible effects on our whole community? Or other cultures?
Thinking of the bigger picture – values, the wider world... Thank You For Smoking - Icecream
Ice cream is better than chocolate What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Write to convince a reader of your opinions.
Ice cream is better than chocolate • Excitement in choosing from the range of ice cream flavours (picture) • Chocolate is fattening. Could lead to overweight society - expensive on our health system (logical) • Ice cream equates to going to the movies or the beach (emotional) • Poor working conditions in developing countries who make chocolate (ethical)
Ice Cream is NOT better than chocolate • Chocolate is great when you want to cry. Comforter (picture) • Ice cream is messy and drips (logical) • Easter connection (emotional & picture) • If we eat ice cream instead of chocolate people in dev countries who make chocolate will be out of a job (ethical)
Map out your points • Be imaginative. Unusual ideas are great. Think outside the square • Rank your best points in order
Audience Who are you in your writing? Can adopt any voice you want… What beliefs does that person have? What experiences? What language? Who are you writing to? R
Now choose a text type: • Letter to the editor • Persuasive essay
Letter to the editor Audience: Writing to the Editor of a well known mag/ newspaper and unknown readers. Voice: Can be a person with an interest in the issue, or affected by it, or just an interested member of the general public. Addressed to Editor and signed off at end Tense: Present. It’s happening now, not in the past or future. Personal language: “I think...” Emotive expressions: “human stupidity...” Persuasive essay Audience: You as the expert are writing for unknown readers to convince them of your point of view Voice: Strong, clear, persuasive Tense: Present. It’s happening now, not in the past or future. Emotive words: “stressed parents”
Basic structure: Tell em what you’re going to do Tell em Tell em what you’ve told em
One idea per paragraph Best idea first
Show a new paragraph by Leaving a line In the cold, nothing beats chocolate. Another reason why chocolate is better... 2. Indenting on the next line In the cold, nothing beats chocolate. Another reason why chocolate is better... 3. If you forget, add in a “NP” In the cold, nothing beats chocolate. NP. Another reason why chocolate is better...
Introduction Address the editor To the Editor Recently, members of our community have compared chocolate and ice-cream. As a passionate chocolate lover, I believe chocolate is one of the purest pleasures in life and will always win such competitions. It’s an emotional comforter and is linked with one of the year’s most important celebrations. Moreover, supporting chocolate gives jobs to people in poorer countries. Outline the issue Your relationship with the issue State your contention Outline your reasons
Body Paragraphs 1-3 Discuss one point in each paragraph Chocolate is also integral to one of the biggest celebrations of our year. Who could imagine Easter without chocolate? The Easter Bunny just couldn’t deliver using ice-cream instead of eggs. Use topic sentences Explain points with evidence 2+ persuasive devices each paragraph
Here in our suburb most of us are employed and able to feed and support ourselves. But in many countries where chocolate is made people aren’t so lucky. Picking cocoa beans and working to make chocolate is one of the most important industries in these countries. Only the hard hearted would not want to support these people by choosing to buy chocolate.
Conclusion Separate paragraph In today’s hectic world, it’s important to stop and give credit to simple pleasures that keep us going. My guess is all your readers turn to chocolate for comfort, enjoy it at Easter and would appreciate that it keeps poor economies going. There is no substitute for chocolate! Yours sincerely, M. Taylor Personal language Be sure and strong. Be convincing Snappy ending are great. Think of ads. Sign off with a name
Text Type: Persuasive Essay: Introduction Ice cream is one of the greatest pleasures. Anyone eating it will relish its creamy flavour and cool texture. It’s fun and exciting, more ethical and a healthier option. It’s streaks ahead of chocolate. Separate paragraph for introduction Outline the issue State your contention Outline reasons (no detail)
Body Paragraphs 1-3 Ice cream goes hand in hand with some of the greatest pleasures in our lives. It is the perfect accompaniment to going to the movies. And who doesn’t want to eat ice-cream when they are enjoying a day at the beach? While chocolate would just make a melty mess, ice-cream cools and satisfies on a hot day. Therefore it is a much better choice. Topic sentence Explanation and evidence 2+ persuasive techniques Connecting words
Body Paragraphs 1—3 We are learning more about the conditions in developing countries who make chocolate. Everyday people work in terrible conditions and receive very little money, while the big brands reap the benefits. In comparison, ice cream is often lovingly made by the very people who sell it in their shops. Even the commercial products are made in factories which satisfy all working conditions. Therefore, choosing ice cream instead of chocolate shows you care about how people are treated in their workplaces. Topic sentence Explanation and evidence 2 + persuasive techniques Connecting words
Conclusion Separate paragraph for conclusion Ice cream is quite simply delicious. It is a healthier and more ethical choice than chocolate. It’s exactly what we all crave to go with other joys in life, like the beach and movies. To imagine a life without ice cream is to imagine a life half-lived! Be strong and sure Outline again your reasons A dramatic or funny final sentence is fabulous
Using emotive words Many animals live in cages Canteens sell unhealthy food School uniforms are all the same
Persuasive writing is passionate. Even if you’re not, pretend you are!!! Exciting dramatic writing. Take risks. Be creative. This is a good introduction – I think that TV is better than books because of Idea a)... Idea b)... Idea c)... Be happy if you can do this. But this is an excellent, exciting paragraph- On trains and planes, by pools and in schools, look around you. Books are in the hands of so many people. Do you see a TV? I don't think so – because books rule! Books feed brains, foster imagination, build writing and vocabulary skills and allow quiet time. Be rapt if you can do this.
Remember 5 minutes at the end to read over. • Check • Full stops and capital letters • Spelling • Use fabulous synonyms – replace fabulous words with the same fabulous meaning so you don’t say the same fabulous word over and over again • Paragraphs. Use NP if you need to add one in • Joining words. However, although, another reason, firstly, finally… • A great last sentence to finish with
Obama to students- http://www.whitehouse.gov/video/President-Obamas-Message-for-Americas-Students Obama Grant Park - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K8GWCl7P7U Braveheart - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr_OpFxCx-A