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Advancement Services June, 2008. Agenda. What is Advancement Services? What is a charitable donation? Donor Bill of Rights Why do I need to send charitable donations to Advancement Services? Example of IRS Tax Receipt and Acknowledgement Corporate Sponsorships Things to Keep in Mind
Advancement Services June, 2008
Agenda • What is Advancement Services? • What is a charitable donation? • Donor Bill of Rights • Why do I need to send charitable donations to Advancement Services? • Example of IRS Tax Receipt and Acknowledgement • Corporate Sponsorships • Things to Keep in Mind • How to contact Advancement Services
What is Advancement Services? Advancement Services department supports the fundraising and alumni relations departments of Case Western Reserve University. This is accomplished by providing high quality technology and information management services for advancement professionals in the schools and in central University Relations and Development, including: • Gift & Biographical Data Administration • Financial Reporting & Data Analysis • Central Files • Advancement Systems, Technical Services & Training • Prospect Research • Prospect Management & Tracking
What is Advancement Services? Financial Reporting Bio Maintenance Gifts Processing
What is Advancement Services? Prospect Research & Mgt Information Processing Central Files
What is a Charitable Donation? • A contribution received by an institution for either unrestricted or restricted use in the furtherance of the institution for which the institution has made no commitment of resources or services other than possibly committing to use the gift as the donor specifies. Charitable grants typically come from a corporation, foundation, or other organization rather than from an individual. SOURCE: CASE Management Reporting Standards, page. 24
Why do I need to send charitable donations to Advancement Services? • We use CASE* Management Reporting Standards as guideline for gift entry, so all data is consistent with other American university gift processing standards. This information is used to rankus against our Peer Institutions. • We are audited every year by the CWRU Internal Audit staff and the University’s external auditor to insure donor intent has been followed • Gifts Processing generates the official University tax receipt for donors to use when proving charitable donations to the IRS • Gifts Processing tracks pledges and subsequent payments to the University, and generates the official University pledge reminders for donors • The data tracked by the Gifts Processing unit enables the University’s Donor Relations Office to properly thank and steward donors to CWRU • Gifts and pledges are processed daily. The gift processing update program is run nightly and updates the University Financial Management System. • Advancement Services produces the official University attainment reports for internal and external use from data entered in the Wizard system. For example, these reports are used by the President, the Board of Trustees, and U.S. News and World Reports, among a host of other users • Advancement Services produces the official Honor Roll of Donors for the schools and the university as a whole. Donors expect to be listed in these publications *CASE: Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Sample of University Tax Receipt and Acknowledgement 123 Main Street Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Corporate Sponsorships • Corporate sponsorships are becoming more common • Corporations and other organizations often give money to institutions to sponsor activities or events, and in return, receive recognition or other benefits. • The determining factor of whether corporate sponsorship donations are fully charitable is whether the recognition received constitutes advertising or whether the donor receives other substantial benefits as a result of the sponsorship, i.e. dinner tickets
Corporate Sponsorships, con’t • There are many factors to consider when determining the portion of the sponsorship that may be charitable, such as: • the sponsorship should not be contingent on event attendance, ratings, or public exposure • there should be no qualitative advertising of the sponsor’s products or services • Please work with Advancement Services PRIOR to any event that seeks Corporate Sponsorships. We will help determine the charitable amount of the corporate sponsorship based upon any quid pro quo factors that may exist.
Things to Keep in Mind • Advancement Services will work with individual departments to insure donor needs are met. For example, if a donor does not wish to be contacted by the University for future donations, we can code that individual so that they are not solicited • The University is gearing up for a Campaign. Donors will expect their gifts to be counted in Campaign totals. They will expect to be listed in the official Campaign Honor Roll of Donors produced by Advancement Services • Advancement Services supports the President. Before she travels, we produce briefings for her on the people she will visit. These briefings require the utmost accuracy and must include a summary of ALL donations received by the University
How to Contact Advancement Services • Cindy Creegan, Executive Director, • Bio Enterprise Bldg., 4th floor, x8552, or cindy.creegan@case.edu • Advancement Services Bio Enterprise Building, Room 400 Location Code: 7035 • Website • http://www.case.edu/development/univ_dev/