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Combinatorial Interpretations of Dual Fitting and Primal Fitting. Ari Freund Cesarea Rothschild Institute, University of Haifa Dror Rawitz Department of Computer Science, Technion. Approximation Using LP Duality. Minimization problem LP-relaxation and dual:
Combinatorial Interpretations of Dual Fitting and Primal Fitting Ari Freund Cesarea Rothschild Institute, University of Haifa Dror Rawitz Department of Computer Science, Technion
Approximation Using LP Duality • Minimization problem • LP-relaxation and dual: • Find xZn and y such that wTx r · bTy wTx r · bTy r · Opt(P) r · Opt Question: How do we find such solutions?
Primal-Dual Schema • x and y are constructed simultaneously • In each iteration: y is updated such that relaxed dual complementary slackness conditions are satisfied • Primal complementary slackness conditions are obeyed • Used extensively in the last decade (e.g., [GW95,BT98])
A Combinatorial Approach:The Local Ratio Technique • Based on weight manipulation • Primal-Dual Schema Local Ratio Technique [BR01] • Dual update Weight subtraction • Local Ratio Technique is more intuitive • Breakthrough results were achieved due to local ratio (e.g., FVS [BBF99,BG96], Max [BBFNS01]) Conclusion: combinatorial approach is beneficial
Metric Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem (MUFL) Non-Standard Applications: • 3-approximation algorithm that relaxes primal comp. slackness conditions [JV01] • 1.861 and 1.61-approximation algorithms both using dual fitting [JMMSV03] Motivation: combinatorial interpretations of both non standard applications
Find r s.t. y/r is feasible • wTxbTy = r· bT(y/r) r · Opt Dual Fitting • Construct an infeasible dual y and a feasible primal x such that wTxbTy Problem: finding the smallest r s.t. (for all input instances) y/r is feasible. y y/8
This Work Two new approximation frameworks: • Combinatorial • Based on weight manipulation (in the spirit of local ratio) * Defined in this paper
Approximation ratio is An Example: Set Cover • Input: C = {S1,…,Sm}, SiU, w : C R+ • Solution: C’ C s.t. • Measure: Algorithm Greedy: 1. While instance is not empty do: 2. k argmini{w(Si) / |Si|} 3. Add Sk to the solution 4. Remove the elements in Sk and discard empty sets
Combinatorial Interpretation • Uses weight manipulation • A new weight function: w$= r · w • Opt$ = r · Opt • w(Solution) Opt$ Performance ratio r • In this case r = Hn
Combinatorial Interpretation In each iteration: • Uncovered elements issue checks • Bookkeeping is performed by adjusting weights • A weight function is subtracted from w (and from w$) • A zero-weight set Sk is added to the solution • Elements covered by Skretract checks that were given to other sets • Checks are not retracted with respect to w$
Example u1 S1 w1=4 0 =0 u2 S2 w2=10 4 8 4 10 =2 =2 u3 S3 =4 =6 w3=12 6 8 0 u4
Analysis - w • Consider an element u • u is covered by S(u) in iteration j(u) • u pays for S(u) w(Sol) =
Analysis – w$ In the j’th iteration: • Opt$ decreases by at least |Uj| · j (“Local Ratio” argument: one check from each element must be cached) • Deletion of elements may further decrease Opt$ Also, Opt$ = 0 at termination Solution is r-approximate Assumption:w$ 0 throughout execution
u1 z1 • zi - amount paid by ui • For fixed d and w(S) u2 z2 S u3 z3 . . . ud zd Analysis (same as [JMMSV03]) Problem: find min{r | w$ 0 at all times} Approx ratio Hn
Combinatorial Interpretation of Dual Fitting Remark: problem of finding the best r can be formulated using LP, but LP-theory is not used in its solution.
Primal Fitting • Construct an infeasible primal solution x and a (feasible) dual solution y such that wTxbTy • The primal solution is non integral • r s.t. r ·x is a feasible integral solution wT(r ·x)= r · wTxr · bTyr · Opt • Can be used to analyze: • 3-approx algorithm for MUFL [JV01] • 9-approx algorithm for a disk cover [Chu] • Both were originally designed using primal-dual