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My stay in Greece. Mavrikos Hotel. We stayed and worked in the 3 star Mavrikos Hotel in Tsilivi . This hotel is perfect for families and couples , has a pool and a small one for the kids too . Rooms and services.
Mavrikos Hotel • Westayed and workedinthe 3 starMavrikos Hotel inTsilivi. This hotel is perfectforfamilies and couples, has a pool and a smalloneforthekidstoo.
Rooms and services • The hotel has 3 types of rooms, thefirst is thesimple hotel roomwhichcontains a mini fridge, thestudioroomwhereyoucanuseovenasyouhave a smallerkitchen. The apartmentsarebigger, havekitchen and twobedroomswithdoublebeds.
Meals • Breakfast: quitevaried, youcanchoosefrommanythingslikefruits, yoghurt, cornflakes, toasts, ham, butter, scrambledeggs, friedeggsetc. (buffet) • Snack bar: hamburgers, toasts, chickensouvlaki, frenchfries, chickennuggets (fastfoods) • Dinner: dailymenuwith 5 dishes, oryoucanchoosefromthemenu
Wealways had dinnerinthe restaurant whichwas made byMimoza, theonly chef attheMavrikoswhoworkesonherownattheevenings!
Reception and restaurant I alsoworkedat reception where I didthecheckin, checktherooms and justhelpedwhat I could.