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Biology Crash Course!!

Biology Crash Course!!. What are angiosperms?. Vascular plants, flowering, fruit, roots, stems, leaves. What are gymnosperms?. Vascular, needle leaves, roots, stems, cones. How do ferns reproduce?. spores. What is pathogen?. Virus or bacteria that can make you sick.

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Biology Crash Course!!

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  1. Biology Crash Course!!

  2. What are angiosperms? • Vascular plants, flowering, fruit, roots, stems, leaves

  3. What are gymnosperms? • Vascular, needle leaves, roots, stems, cones

  4. How do ferns reproduce? • spores

  5. What is pathogen? • Virus or bacteria that can make you sick

  6. What does food chain show? • Energy flow

  7. What is selective pressure on a species? • Something that can influence the survival of the species

  8. Types of bacteria • Archaebacteria—live in any type of environment; photosynthesis • Eubacteria—make you sick

  9. How does a hypothesis become a theory? • When it is supported by consistent data from many experiments

  10. Gametes must be haploid because • They will unite during fertilization to create a diploid cell

  11. T or F Enzymes function at a certain pH and temperature. Overheating or changing the pH can lose its ability to catalyze a reaction or function properly

  12. What is phototropism? • Plant moves toward the sunlight

  13. What is geotropism • Plant (roots) moves toward the earth (for nutrients, water)

  14. The variable being tested (independent variable) is the variable that: • Changes (ex: temperature, sunlight, pH)

  15. If two populations are being tested and one is moved to another location and a scientist notes physical variations in the populations. The variations were probably caused by the • Environment

  16. Evidence of common ancestry: • Fossil comparison • DNA/similar genes • Embryo development similarities • Body structure

  17. The variable being changed by the scientist (ex. pH, temperature, amount of light) is the • Independent variable

  18. The item being tested (type of plant, type of algae) should be held • constant

  19. A good experiment should have a _______ group • control

  20. The result of the experiment is the • Dependent variable (height of plant growth)

  21. A student wants to view cells under the compound microscope at a total magnification of 400X. If the eyepiece is 10X, which of the following objective lenses should be used? • 40x

  22. Observation is what you • see

  23. When seeking information go to what type of source? Why? • Professional journal, not newspaper or textbook. Not biased, includes new discoveries

  24. What type of instrument came first in the study of living things? • Microscope (light)

  25. What two scientists collaborated to come up with DNA model? • Watson and Crick

  26. What does collaborate mean? • Work together

  27. T or F: Science requires many people to work together • True

  28. What is the total magnification to view onion cells using 10X ocular lens and 50x. • 500x

  29. Why should you lay a coverslip down at an angle over a slide? • Reduce bubbles

  30. What discovery allowed scientists to view monera and protista kingdom? • Electron microscope

  31. A scientist designed an experiment to test the effect of temperatureon bacterial growth. What was the independent variable in this experiment?The dependent variable? • Temperature. Bacteria growth

  32. What is a hypothesis? • Educated guess

  33. What universal system of measurement do scientists use? • metric

  34. Pasteur’s theory using bacteria growth in closed container was to reject what theory? • Spontaneous generation

  35. At the end of an experiment a student would come up with a • conclusion

  36. If one population is more abundant than another, they may have an _______ over another population • advantage

  37. A control group is the group that ______ receive the treatment • Does not

  38. Why is a control group important? • Allows for a comparison

  39. What layer of a leaf protects it from drying out? • cuticle

  40. What is this? • Cell membrane

  41. What does this do? • Controls movement of substances in and out of the cell

  42. What allows movement of large substances into and out of the cell? • Protein channel

  43. How many cells does a paramecium have? • one

  44. This type of cell has no cell specialized organelles; ribosomes and no membrane-bound nucleus. What is it? • Prokaryote (bacteria)

  45. What is a flagella for? • movement

  46. What makes a copy of DNA to make a protein? • mRNA

  47. What carries coded information out of the nucleus to the ribosome? • mRNA

  48. What characteristics do all living things share? • Have DNA

  49. What is responsible for “rough” appearance of the ER? • ribosomes

  50. What are the three shapes of bacteria? • Rod, sphere, spiral

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