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PARCC Pilot: SAL Training

PARCC Pilot: SAL Training. Overview of PARCC Assessments. Why CMAS PARCC?. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) The expectations of what students need to know. Measures critical skills and knowledge our students need. PARCC Consortia.

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PARCC Pilot: SAL Training

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  1. PARCC Pilot: SAL Training

  2. Overview of PARCC Assessments

  3. Why CMAS PARCC? • Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) • The expectations of what students need to know. • Measures critical skills and knowledge our students need

  4. PARCC Consortia

  5. Overview of PARCC Assessments • PARCC replaces TCAP in spring 2015 • English Language Arts: • Grades 3-11 • Math: • Grades 3-11 • Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II • Will provide evidence of college and career readiness based on the assessments in 11th grade

  6. Test Structure • Performance-Based Assessment (PBA): • Administered in March • English language arts/Literacy: Writing effectively when analyzing text • Math: Problem solving and application AND • End-of-Year Assessment (EOY): • Administered April/May • Acquired skills and knowledge by answering machine-scorable questions

  7. What is a “Standardized” Assessment? • All students have the same test content, resources, directions, testing conditions, and scoring procedures. • A score obtained by one student in one part of Colorado (in the case with PARCC – across the consortia) will mean the same as the same score obtained by another student in a different part of the state and consortia.

  8. Timeline and Pilot

  9. PARCC Assessments: Timeline • Spring 2014: • March: TCAP reading, writing and math in all schools grades 3-10 • March/May: PARCC pilot (selected schools) for English language arts and/or math • Spring 2015 • March/April: Performance-based • Grades 3 – 11: English language arts • Grades 3 – 11: Math • April/May: End-of-Year • Grades 3 – 11: English language arts • Grades 3 – 11: Math

  10. Purpose of the Pilot • Main Purposes: • Examine the quality of items so that PARCC can build assessment forms for the 14-15 school year; • Pilot assessment administration procedures, including technology readiness; and • Give schools and districts the opportunity to experience the administration of PARCC assessments • Purpose is NOT to assess student achievement. Schools will NOT receive student scores. • Take it SERIOUSLY.

  11. PARCC Pilot Schools: PBA

  12. PARCC Pilot Schools: EOY

  13. PARCC Pilot Schedule and Key Dates

  14. Performance-Based Schedule • March 24 – 28 • East (ELA – 10th grade) 3/26 • Noel Community Arts (ELA – 6th grade) • South (ELA – 11th grade) • West Leadership (ELA – 9th grade) • March 31 – April 4: Spring Break! No Testing! • April 7 – 11 • Cesar Chavez (ELA – 6th grade) • Denver Green (Math – 6th grade) • DSST: GVR (ELA – 9th grade) • Garden Place (Math – 3rd grade) • University Park (ELA – 3rd grade)

  15. PearsonAccess (Test Management App)

  16. PearsonAccess: Overview • PearsonAccess is the test management system for PARCC pilot. • You can perform the following test-related duties: • Create, View, and Edit Individual User Accounts • Test set-up, including proctor caching (only for charter schools) • Add, delete, and change student data, including requesting accommodations • Viewing and adding test class test assignments • Manage test sessions • Training modules and other resources • ALL SALS required to review the PearsonAccess training modules. PARCC Field Test and Infrastructure Trial training modules are highly recommended. To document training completion, please complete the Google Form after doing so.

  17. PearsonAccess www.pearsonaccess.com Select: PARCC

  18. Accessing: Practice Items and Tutorials Access Sample Items

  19. PARCC Sample Items

  20. Accessing Pearson Training Modules Step 1: From PARCC Home Screen, click on “Support” tab Step 2: Click on “Training” Step 3: Click on “Training Modules”. Step 4: It will take you to a different site, where you have to enter your e-mail address. Step 5: Click on “Test Administration” Step 6: Click on “Computer-based Testing Test Administration” OR Go directly to the website and skip steps 1-4. https://parcc.tms.pearson.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f

  21. Management System

  22. TestNav8 (Test Delivery App)

  23. TestNav8: Overview • TestNav 8 is Pearson’s newest test delivery platform for online testing. • It can be run on Macs, PCs, Chromebooks and iPads. • Java requirements (consult with your STR)

  24. Accommodations

  25. Types of Accessibility Features and Accommodations

  26. Accessibility Features for ALL Students

  27. Accessibility Features for ALL Students: Cont …

  28. Accessibility Features for ALL Students: Cont …

  29. Additional Accessibility Considerations for ALL Students: • Small group testing • Frequent breaks (Test session must be completed in one day!) • Time of day • Separate or alternate location • Specified area or seating • Adaptive and specialized equipment or furniture

  30. Accommodations • Must be based on an individual need documented in the student’s approved IEP, 504, or English learner plan • A master list of all students and their accommodations must be maintained by the SAL. These will need to be recorded in PearsonAccess. Please include students using text-to-speech. • Accommodations are available for computer-based and paper-based administration. • Paper-based form is itself intended to be an accommodated form

  31. Accommodations that Must be Selected during the Test Registration Process for Students with Disabilities

  32. Accommodations that Must be Selected during the Test Registration Process for English language learners

  33. Paper-Pencil vs Computer-Based • Use of paper-based assessments are expected only to be available to students who: • Have a neurological disorder, a condition that causes seizures, or another health condition that prevents the student from accessing the computer • Need a braille form with tactile graphs • Have an IEP or 504 plan that requires assistive technology, such as speech-to-text or 504 plan that may not be compatible with TestNav8 • Will provide oral or written responses in a language other than English or Spanish

  34. Modifications = Misadministration • Requiring a student to be assessed on less content matter than other students because he has been taught less material • Reducing the scope of assessments so a student needs to complete only a limited number of problems or items • Modifying the complexity of assessments to make them easier • Giving hints, clues, or other coaching that directs the student to correct responses on assignments and tests • Adults defining vocabulary on the test or explaining test items • Allowing the student to complete an assessment of English language arts in a language other than English • Using dictionaries that provide definitions (rather than acceptable word-to-word dual-language dictionary)

  35. BEFORE testing Tasks

  36. Before Testing:PearsonAccess 1. Review PearsonAccess (Test Management System) Training Modules and Practice Items • Review PearsonAccess (required) • Review Practice Items (recommended) • Review Infrastructure Trial (recommended) • Review TestNav module (recommended for STRs)

  37. 2. Establish the School-Specific Testing Schedule Using district guidelines, set your school’s specific testing schedule, including make-ups. See slide 13 for school-specific PBA testing timeframe. Policies on scheduling and testing time: Each session for a subject and grade must be completed in a single school day to avoid compromising item validity Schools should take into account breaks between sessions (for make-ups) Before Testing:Test Scheduling

  38. Guidelines for Scheduling Sessions For each test session, plan for a MINIMUM of 85-145 minutes. Recommendation: Given that this is the first year, plan for extra time.

  39. Grade 3: English Language Arts/Literacy Every student must be provided with the FULL amount of Session Time. For this year, additional time is available to ALL students if some are still diligently working. Schools should plan on the Total Time for testing.

  40. Guidelines for Testing Time In planning schedule, include Total Field Test Administration Times for each session (See Appendix 1) Session Time is the amount of time it should take a student to complete a session Additional Time Allowed is approximately 50% of Session Time Schools must provide all students with the entire amount of field test administration time listed for the Session Time and must schedule accordingly Students who are productively engaged in testing must also be provided the Additional Time Allowed to complete session. Schools should plan schedule to include the additional time allowed. Before Testing:Test Scheduling Cont …

  41. Guidelines for Testing Time Cont … Test sections can only be administered to students in consecutive order One grade level and one content area at a time A new session cannot be started until ALL students in session are finished Before Testing:Test Scheduling Cont …

  42. 3. Develop a Test Administration Logistics Plan To ensure successful and secure administration of the PARCC Field Test, make sure that your Logistics Plan includes the following tasks: Identify an alternate SAL Develop a plan in case your STR is not available on testing day(s) Identify all students participating Authorize individuals to serve as Test Administrators (Must be a certified teacher or licensed profiessional) Train all relevant staff Inform students and parents about the PARCC Field Test Meet with students to review testing day policies and expectations Work with Test Administrators to schedule Sample Tests for their assigned students prior to the Field Test Designate appropriate testing spaces Before Testing:Logistics Plan

  43. Student-to-Test Administrator ratio must not exceed 25 to 1 (+ 1 extra and 1 for test administrator) Students should not be able to see each other’s work from a normal testing position. Consider the following seating configurations to maintain test security: Seat students in every other seat (useful in a computer lab setup) Arrange monitors back-to-back Seat students back-to-back Seat students in a semicircle (useful for schools using laptops) Seat students in a widely spaced rows or in every other row (appropriate for a classroom setup) Dividing screens or other privacy materials may be used if students cannot be placed far enough away from each other. Before Testing: Room Configuration

  44. Test Administrator must be able to actively monitor the space within the testing environment. Test Administrators should be in a position to see students’ eyes, not screens Recommendations: Group students separately who will use Session Time vs those who will need extended time. Before Testing: Room Configuration Cont…

  45. Test Administration Logistics Plan Plan ahead to provide “accessibility features” for all students and accommodations for ELL/LEP students and students with disabilities on test day by: Reviewing each student’s approved IEP or 504 Plan ahead of time Preparing a list showing each student and his/her specific accommodation(s) Indicating whether a specific test setting or Test Administrator will be required Training all Test Administrators (including substitutes) on accommodations and Computer-Based Test accessibility features Ensuring required accessibility features and accommodations are selected during registration process (e.g., read-aloud/text-to-speech) and ensuring each student knows how to use accessibility features and accommodations prior to testing Before Testing:Logistics PlanCont …

  46. Test Administration Logistics Plan Schedule test administration sessions and locations (PearsonAccess) Testing Group Naming Convention (30 characters): TestAdministratorLastNameFirstInitial_TestSession_Rm# Example: SmithJ_G5Sci1_300 Prepare a record of Test Administrators and their students for each testing session Assign students and testing locations to Test Administrators (PearsonAccess) Establish school policy for allowing students to read a recreational book after completing individual tests Before Testing:Logistics PlanCont …

  47. Materials Allowed ONLY After Testing Completed Subject matter must be unrelated to content being assessed!! • Recreational books • Textbooks for subjects other than the one being tested • Pamphlets, magazines, or periodicals • Notebooks or papers of any kind • Pens or colored pencils

  48. Test Administration Logistics Plan Develop a plan to store Secure materials and Test Administration Manuals between administrations if your school is administering both the PBA and EOY components of the Field Test Consult with STR to confirm that all computers used for testing meet minimum requirements for computer-based testing (refer to the PearsonAccess User Guide for details on infrastructure and system requirements) Before Testing:Logistics Plan Cont …

  49. The STR must complete the following before the first day of testing: Prepare Student Computers and Test Administrators’ Computers for Testing (~45 min/computer lab/classroom) Develop a plan to charge devices and/or keep them charged during testing Plan for easy access to extra device, keyboard, mice, microphone (if applicable). Recommendation: Have one extra set per classroom. Before Testing:Computer Readiness

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