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Enhancing Student Learning Through Interactive Blogging in Health Education

This research project aims to utilize an interactive blog to enhance the unit "Surviving High Schools" in a Personal Health classroom for 9th and 10th-grade students. The study evaluates the impact of incorporating blogs on student participation, response frequency, and response quality in an educational setting.

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Enhancing Student Learning Through Interactive Blogging in Health Education

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  1. Weblogs to Enhance Student Learning In a Personal Health Classroom Sharice Cabral University of Hawaii, Manoa sharice@hawaii.edu

  2. How many of you participate in a blog? Select the following: • A: Daily • B: Weekly • C: Monthly • D: Hardly ever

  3. Purpose of Study The purpose of this action research project is to develop and evaluate the use of an interactive blog to enhance the unit Surviving High Schools (SHS) in the ninth and tenth grade Personal Health Class at a large private high school .

  4. Introduction • Blogging • Web 2.0 tools • Twenty-First Century Learner • Teaching in the Twenty-First Century • World Wide Web in the Classroom

  5. Methods: Participants 9th and 10th grade Personal Health students at a Large private school in Hawaii. Personal Health is a mandatory semester course teaching life skills Class demographics

  6. Methods: Research Question #1 Does the implementation of blogs in the unit Surviving High School increase the frequency of participation by all students online?

  7. Methods: Research Question #2 Will students respond to each other with greater frequency online?

  8. Methods: Research Question #3 Will the quality of students’ responses to one another increase on the blog compared to the classroom?

  9. Methods: Procedures

  10. Methods: Procedures

  11. Methods: Measures frequency students responded to each blog type of response given quality of the response

  12. Results *The total number of posts across all three blogs and all three response types was 166 **Across all blogs the median and the mode quality of response score was 5

  13. Discussion & Implications • Students • Were not motivated • Participation decreased for blog post #2 & #3 • Explanations • Blog topic • Novelty • Workload • Student Contentiousness

  14. Discussion & Implications • More current research • Meet the needs of the digital natives • Teen trends • Student input • Focus groups and student surveys • Topics • Choose a blog more like a social networking site • Familiar • Creating profiles

  15. Conclusion • Implementing the blog • Increased motivation initially • increase the quality of the responses in respect to thoughtfulness, insightfulness, and emotional expression • Recommendations • Student feedback • Student autonomy

  16. Thank You! “A blog is in many ways a continuing conversation.” Andrew Sullivan

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