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Film Technology

Development in Film Technology

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Film Technology

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  1. Developments in film technology Emm Wright

  2. Film production technology 35mm Film Digital Video Cameras Mobile Phones CGI Motion Capture Technology 70mm Film

  3. 35 mm film and Digital 35 mm film • Each can of 35 mm film contains 11 minutes of film per can, it is £850 per can • An advantage of using 35mm film is that it is often has a higher resolution than most digital cameras • A disadvantage would be the price, it is very expensive to purchase and develop film and hard for smaller film companies to get a hold of . They are also a lot heavier Digital film • Digital film are a lot cheaper to come by, and still decent quality • An advantage is that it is lighter in weight than 35mm film cameras, it is easier to move around and also cheaper to run • Digital cameras aren’t as good as focusing in low key lighting and sometimes details can be lost

  4. 35mm camera Digital film camera

  5. Mobile phones Advantages • They are portable • The image quality over time has improved • You always have it with you • There are easily accessable apps to help editing and filming • There are accessories like lenses and tripods for phones availiable Disadvantages • The quality may be decent, it stil loses details • The battery life isn’t good • It may be hard to control your image and some of the apps aren’t that good • Low dynamic range

  6. Cgi • CGI is computer-generated imagery • It is commonly used for special effects and video games • The development of CGI has been really useful for bigger film companies that can afford to use CGI as it creates a more realistic film and everything looks a lot more authentic • It improves brand credibility, if smaller companies use CGI it can make them look better • However CGI does use up a lot of processing time CGI in films: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mX84O1Qh-s

  7. Motion Capture When recording movement of objects or people, this is called motion capture • Advantages • It gives immediate and real time results • It makes the entire overall cost of a production cheaper • It allows a lot more styles to be done • It helps record more complex movement • Disadvantages • It requires a particular software • The cost of this software can make it harder for smaller companies to be able to use motion capture • Any movement that doesn’t obey the laws of physics cannot be captured Movies that use motion capture: Avatar, Lord of the Rings, The Polar Express, Pirates of the Caribbean, Tintin, ready player one, avengers and other marvel films, the jungle book, the star wars franchise, dawn of the apes Motion capture in films: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CJ26DEu3E0

  8. CGI and motion capture – for audiences • Good motion capture and CGI can help enhance the viewing experience for the audience • This also draws in the audience and creates a completely new world for them to watch and immerse themselves in • However, bad motion capture and CGI can also ruin a film for the audience • They may get distracted by the bad effects and not really pay attention to the story and more positive parts of the film

  9. 70 mm Advantages • Higher quality • Can be played using an IMAX screen Disadvantages • Very expensive • Hard for smaller film companies to get a hold of 70mm film is a higher resolution format and is twice the size of 35mm film

  10. Film Marketing Technology

  11. The use of: • YouTube • Twitter • Other apps For marketing films

  12. Film Marketing Technology YouTube • Trailers are released on YouTube • Ads for films before other videos Twitter • Twitter pages for films are made to advertise the film • Cast and crew can use their platforms to advertise the film Other platforms • Snapchat have themed filters when some films are released • Instagram can also be used to advertise films

  13. Marketing Technology • Trailers and social media updates are a lot more easy to find with modern technology. Using social media for marketing helps the film companies to reach the target audiences. This is an advantage for the audiences to find content and updates about films they want to see

  14. Film Distribution

  15. You can also split your content White Is the color of milk and fresh snow, the color produced by the combination of all the colors of the visible spectrum. Black Is the color of ebony and of outer space. It has been the symbolic color of elegance, solemnity and authority.

  16. IMAX • IMAX cinemas really help film companies to make more money. They produce better quality films and audiences will want to go pay a little extra to watch IMAX films to get an even better experience • However, it is really expensive to use 70mm film, so smaller companies would be at a disadvantage • Audiences may also feel like the IMAX screen is too big and overwhelming, thus making them go to a normal showing of the film

  17. 3D and 4D 3D 3D gives the audiences a completely different visual of the film, draws them into the action even more Also digital film projectors help smaller film companies can theatrically distribute their films 4D 4D is a fully immersive experience, where you can feel like you are apart of the film This, however, can put off some people, as some people don’t want water sprayed in their faces half way through the movie! Film Companies For bigger companies, this is a good thing having the option to have their films on 3D and 4D Smaller film companies are at a disadvantage here as they won’t be able to afford to buy 3D and 4D film

  18. DVD and Blu-Ray • DVDs and Blu-Rays were a good way for people to watch films in the comfort of their own home, and for film companies to make more money from distributing their films this way. It was also a good way for smaller budget films to release their films. • However, now DVDS and Bku-Rays are becoming less relveant with developments of technolgies and streaming sites.

  19. Streaming sites • Streaming sites make films more accessbile for the general puplic. You can get lots and lots of films for the price of a theatre ticket a month. This is more appealing for audiences as it’s cheaper and easier. Also film companies still make money from this • For big conglomerates, the might lose some money as, for example, netflix would buy a big from from them at a fixed price and if the film makes more money than thay price, netflix would keep the profit.

  20. Piracry • Piracy is a huge issue now with films. The development of technology and digital streams means that it is easier for films to be pirated online. This is a big issue for all film companies, especially big films as they are more commonly pirated.When Warner Brothers released, Wonder Woman, they lost $1 billion because of piracy. This was the most pirated film of 2017

  21. Developments of film technology

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