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GREENHOUSE EFFECTS. GROUP’S MEMBERS: Noor Syazlin bt Naim Sariah bt Mohd Salleh Nur Aa’in Mazura bt Che Mahtar. What are greenhouse gases?. Global warming. Global warming potential (GWP). is a measure of how much a given gas can contribute to global warming over a given time period .
GREENHOUSE EFFECTS GROUP’S MEMBERS: Noor SyazlinbtNaim SariahbtMohdSalleh NurAa’inMazurabtCheMahtar
Global warming potential (GWP) • is a measure of how much a given gas can contribute to global warming over a given time period. • It is measured relative to carbon dioxide
Greenhouse gases compared The contribution of a greenhouse gas to global warming depends on its global warming potential (GWP) and the amount of that gas present in the atmosphere. GWP Greenhouse gas Average % of atmosphere After 20 years After100 years – – water vapour 1–4 carbon dioxide 0.038 1 1 methane 0.0002 72 25 nitrogenmonoxide 0.00003 289 298
POSITIVE EFFECTS • The next ice age may be prevented from occurring. • Northwest Passage through Canada's formerly-icy north opens up to sea transportation. • Less need for energy consumption to warm cold places. • Fewer deaths or injuries due to cold weather.
NEGATIVE EFFECTS • Increase in average global temperatures (AVT) - The AVT has increased by 0.6◦C over 140 years. - The climate could increase up to 6◦C in the next 150 years.
NEGATIVE EFFECTS b) Shrinking ice caps - The artic sea ice has decreased in area by 38% since 1979. - This melting is caused by rising temperature. - Leads to loss of animal habitats (eg: polar bear)
NEGATIVE EFFECTS c) Rising sea level • Global average sea levels has risen 5cm in 1992. • This is at least partly due to melting ice caps. • It leads to an increase in flooding.
NEGATIVE EFFECTS d) Extreme local weather conditions • Local weather patterns are changing, with increasing incidences of extreme weather • Eg: flooding , storms, droughts