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AP Chemistry

AP Chemistry. Chapter 13 Solutions. 13.1. Solvation- solvent part surround solute part. Hydration- when solvent is water Process in which the NRG content ↑ tend to occur spontaneously. Process in which the disorder of the system increases tend to occur spontaneously. 13.2.

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AP Chemistry

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  1. AP Chemistry Chapter 13 Solutions

  2. 13.1 Solvation- solvent part surround solute part. Hydration- when solvent is water Process in which the NRG content ↑ tend to occur spontaneously. Process in which the disorder of the system increases tend to occur spontaneously.

  3. 13.2 Solute+solventcrystallizedissolvesolution Saturated Unsaturated Supersaturated Solubility = grams dissolved per 100g H2O

  4. Supersaturated solution

  5. 13.3 Factors Affecting Solubility • Temp solids ↑ temp. ↑sol. gas ↑ temp. ↓sol. 1. Miscible- mutually sol. 2. Immiscible- insol. B. Type of solvent P/NP C. Stirring D. Pressure (gas only)

  6. …Continue 13.3 1. Henry’s Law sol. & pressure (directly proportional) Cg = kP(g) E. Particle Size (surface area)

  7. 13.4 Ways to Express Conc. • Mass % = mass x 100 mass total B. ppm- parts per million C. ppb- parts per billion D. Molarity= M=moles of solute liters of solution E. Molality= m= mole of solute Kg of solvent F. Mole fraction= X= moles total moles

  8. 13.5 Colligative Properties Colligative Properties- depend on amount of solute, not what kind. • Vapor Pressure- lowered 1. Raoult’s Law= PA=XAPA˚ 2. Ideal solution – obeys Raoult’s Law B. Boiling Point ↑ 1. ∆T = Kb x m Kb = molal boiling pt. Elevation constant. = .52˚C/m = .512˚/m

  9. …Continue 13.5 C. Freezing Point ↓ 1.) ∆T = Kf x m Kf = molal freezing pt. Depression constant = 1.86˚C/m Sample 13.8, 13.4 Van’t Hoff factor. 2.) NaCl  Na+ + Cl- x 2 CaCl2  Ca+2 + 2Cl- x 3 AlCl3 Al+3 + 3Cl- x 4

  10. Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Won Nobel Prize in 1901 Van’t Hoff factor

  11. …Continue 13.5 D. Osmotic pressure- π 1. π= MRT = (mol/L)RT PV= nRT 2. Osmosis- diffusion through a semipermeable membrane 3. Net movement of solvent is always toward the soln. w/ higher solute conc. 4. Isotonic - =conc. 5. Hypotonic – lower ost. Pressure 6. Hypertonic – more conc. Soln.

  12. …Continue 13.5 II. Calculate Molecular Weight **N.B. Sample 13.11 pg. 494 ∆ T = Kbm .357˚ = (5.02˚/m) m m= .0711m MW= g1 1000 = (.250g)(1000)= 88.0 g/mol g2 m (40.0g)(.0711) g1= solute g2= solvent m= molality

  13. 3.6 Colloids 1. Hydrophilic (water loving) 2. Hydrophobic (water fearing)

  14. Queenstown is now Cobh

  15. Halifax, Nova Scotia

  16. Poor Leo

  17. There was enough room for Jack.

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