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The Brain

The Brain. Runs all aspects of the body Voluntary Involuntary Reasoning Intelligence Communication. Divided up into 3 parts Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem. General Information. Cerebrum. General Reasoning “Identifies” the person “Soul?”. Function. Senses Motor Skills Emotions

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The Brain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Brain

  2. Runs all aspects of the body Voluntary Involuntary Reasoning Intelligence Communication Divided up into 3 parts Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem General Information

  3. Cerebrum • General Reasoning • “Identifies” the person • “Soul?”

  4. Function • Senses • Motor Skills • Emotions • Consciousness • Memory • Divided into 4 Lobes by 3 fissures/sulcus

  5. Frontal Lobes • Speech • Sexual behavior • Voluntary motor skills • Smell • Reasoning/Abstract Thinking • Body imaging • Aggression

  6. Parietal Lobe • Sensory Awareness • Taste • Symbols • Abstract Reasoning (Math)

  7. Temporal • Auditory • Emotions • Language • Major Memory

  8. Occipital • Visual • Memory

  9. Fissures & Sulcus • Longitudinal Fissure • Separates two hemispheres • Central Sulcus • Separates the frontal from the parietal lobe • Lateral Fissure • Separates the temporal from the frontal & Parietal

  10. Cerebellum • Movement • Muscle actions • Voluntary & Involuntary

  11. Functions • Equilibrium • Position • Muscular coordination • Fine Motor Movements • Muscle Tone • Posture

  12. Brain Stem Function • Basic Body Functions • Involuntary Control

  13. Brain Stem Divisions • Thalamus • Hypothalamus • Pineal Gland • Mid Brain • Pons • Medulla

  14. Thalamus • Processes Sensory Impulses • Appropriate Motor Responses to Sensory Impulse • Consciousness • Sensory Relay station to Cerebral Cortex

  15. Hypothalamus • Emotions • Autonomic Reactions to Emotions (Primitive Brain) • Body Temperature • Water Balance • Appetite • Sexual Arrousal

  16. Pineal Gland • Produces melatonin • Diurnal cycles (Day & Night) • Influences the start of puberty

  17. Mid Brain • Involuntary movements in response to visual and auditory stimuli (reflex)

  18. Pons • Respiration • Somatic and Visceral Reflexes • Regulates arousal, wakefulness, alertness

  19. Medulla • Respiration • Heart Rate • Vasomotor functions • 2-way communication between higher brain functions and spinal cord • Voluntary movement related


  21. Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem

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