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The Crusades

The Crusades. Feudalism. The Crusades. A series of holy wars between Christians and Muslims for control of the holy land of Jerusalem. Do NOT copy on to notes!. 1076 Seljuk Turks captured Jerusalem and began to restrict access of Christian pilgrims to the holy places.

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The Crusades

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  1. The Crusades Feudalism

  2. The Crusades • A series of holy wars between Christians and Muslims for control of the holy land of Jerusalem

  3. Do NOT copy on to notes! • 1076 Seljuk Turks captured Jerusalem and began to restrict access of Christian pilgrims to the holy places. • 1095 Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus, threatened by Muslim advances towards Constantinople, appealed to the pope for help against the Seljuk Turks. Pope UrbanII proclaimed a holy war.

  4. COPY ON LY WHAT IS IN YELLOW  • 1096–99First Crusade, led by Baldwin of Boulogne, Godfrey of Bouillon, and Peter the Hermit.Motivated by occupation of Anatolia and Jerusalem by Seljuk Turks. • 1099 Capture of Jerusalem by the crusaders, accompanied by looting and massacre. A number of small crusader states established on the Syrian coast. • 1147–49Second Crusade, led by Louis VII of France and Emperor Conrad III,failed to capture Damascus and Edessa.

  5. 1189–92Third Crusade,led by Philip II Augustus of France and Richard I the Lion-Heart of England, failed to recapture Jerusalem. • 1202–04Fourth Crusade, led by William of Montferrata and Baldwin of Hainault. Originally intended to recover the holy places, itwas diverted by its Venetian financial backers to sack and divide Constantinople.

  6. 1212 Children's Crusade. • Thousands of children crossed Europe on their way to Palestine but many were sold into slavery in Marseille, or died of disease and hunger.

  7. 1228–29 Sixth Crusade, led by the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II. Jerusalem recovered by negotiation with the sultan of Egypt. • 1244 Jerusalem finally lost, to remain in Turkish hands until liberated by the British general Allenby in 1917. • 1249–54 Seventh Crusade led by Louis IX of France. • 1270–72 Eighth Crusade, also led by Louis IX of France. • 1291 Acre, the last Christian fortress in Syria, fell to the Turks.

  8. Krak des Chevaliers, Syria

  9. The 10th Crusade - 2003? • This is a new kind of… a new kind of evil. And we understand. And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while. September 16. 2001

  10. The Green Zone

  11. The Green Zone

  12. The 10th Crusade - 2003?

  13. Causes • Muslims controlled the Holy Land and threatened Constantinople • Byzantine Emperor calls for help • Pope appeals to Christian knights • knight feel religious zeal and want land, riches, and adventure • Italian cities desire commercial power

  14. Effects • Byzantine Empire is weakened • Pope’s power declines • power of feudal nobles weakened • kings become stronger • religious intolerance grows • Italian cities expand trade and grow rich • Muslims distrust Christians • trade grows between Europe and Asia • Europeans adopt Muslim technology

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