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Regarding additional 100-MW electricity from Iran,

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Regarding additional 100-MW electricity from Iran,

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  1. Regardingadditional100-MW electricityfromIran, Regardingadditional100-MW electricityfromIran,PowerDivisionhasinformedthat the Jiwanito Gwadartransmissionlineof60-KMwouldbe completedduringthecurrent month anditwillbe provided 60-70MWonone circuit.Evacuation,foundationconcretingandbackfilling work isin progresswhereas25-KMstringwork hasbeencompleted.NTDCcomponent will be completedthis monthwhereasMinistryofForeignAffairsandPowerDivisionwill coordinate withIran.Additional Rs1.8billionisrequired tocompletethe project.Sponsorswill meetitthroughre-appropriationor willprocessspecialcaseinmid-yearreview. Khuzdar-Panjgur Transmission line (via Nag-Basima);lot04,Txlinefrom Nag toGwadarisbeing constructedbyFWO.Fundsare madeavailableon time,RightofWay(RoW)andLCletterissues are resolved.Outof 1038towers,232towershavealreadybeenerected.Stringhardwarehasnotyet arrivedfrom abroad. 300-MWGwadarcoalpowerproject:PowerDivision/ PPIBhassuggestedtothe Chinesecompany to explorethe possibilityofestablishingthe projecton localcoalinstead ofimportedcoalas relocatingittoThar.Theotheroptionunderconsideration istoconstruct500-KVtransmissionline from Hub toGwadartocater toalltheenergyrequirementsofthearea. PowerDivisionwillfinalize the decisionbasedonreliabletechnical analysisandshareitwiththe Chinesesideduring theEnergyGroup meetingforconsensusdecision.

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