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Basics of Chemical Rocket Performance Analysis

Learn about chemical rocket performance analysis, including key equations for exit velocity and thrust, and comparisons between converging and diverging nozzles. Understand the performance characteristics of rocket nozzles.

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Basics of Chemical Rocket Performance Analysis

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  1. MAE 5380: ROCKETS AND MISSION ANALYSIS Basics of Chemical Rocket Performance Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk

  2. Schematic Diagram of a Conventional Liquid Rocket Motor (Figure 11.1 in Sforza)

  3. Northrop Grumman: LOX/LH2 Engine

  4. Northrop Grumman: LOX/LH2 Engine

  5. SUMMARY OF KEY EXIT VELOCITY, Ue, EQUATIONS • For high Ue (high Isp), desire • Propellants with low molecular weight, M • Propellant mixtures with large heat release, QR • High combustion chamber pressure, P02 NOTE: Sometimes subscript 2 is dropped, but still conditions in combustion chamber

  6. SUMMARY OF KEY THRUST, T, EQUATIONS Comparison to best theoretical Measure from actual rocket (parameters that can be easily measured on a thrust stand)

  7. OVERVIEW • Next page shows a plot of thrust ratio vs. area ratio • Figure compares two non-dimensional numbers • Abscissa is ratio of nozzle exit area to minimum area, or nozzle exit area to throat area (minimum area always occurs at throat), Ae/A* • Ordinate is ratio of thrust with diverging to converging nozzle, T/Tconv • Curve is plotted for constant ratio of specific heats, g = cp/cv = 1.2 • Curve would shift for g = 1.4 or any other value • Curves correspond to various ratios of Pa/P0 • Pa/P0 = ambient (atmospheric) to combustion chamber pressure • P0 is approximately constant for most rockets • Compare with Figure 11.7 (page 448) in Sforza

  8. T/Tconv versus Ae/A*

  9. Figure 11.7 (page 448) in Sforza

  10. COMPARISON OF CONVERGING vs. DIVERGING NOZZLES • Examine ratio of thrusts, with and without a diverging section • Examine performance benefit of having diverging portion • Metric of comparison: • Excellent Web Site: http://www.engapplets.vt.edu/fluids/CDnozzle/cdinfo.html Chamber, Pa Chamber P0 Chamber P0 Converging Nozzle Converging-Diverging Nozzle

  11. COMMENTS: CONVERGING NOZZLE (CTconv) • For nozzle with only a converging section → analysis is straightforward • Pa/P0 is varied in equation Evaluate at Me = 1 Sonic exit condition For converging nozzle Ae/A* = 1

  12. THRUST COEFFICIENT, CTconv, FOR CONVERGING NOZZLES • Maximum Thrust Coefficient when Pa = 0 (expansion into a vacuum) • Ae/A*=1

  13. COMMENTS: DIVERGING NOZZLE (CT) • Requires more analysis than simple converging nozzle • IMPORTANT POINT: We can not vary Pe/P0 and Ae/A* independently • Connected through Mach Number, Me Expression for Pe/P0 Vary Pa/P0 and Ae/A* Given A/A* → 2 Me Solutions Subsonic and Supersonic

  14. MACH NUMBER vs. A/A* Differences in Cp/Cv Amplified as M ↑ For Given A/A* → 2 Solutions Subsonic and Supersonic Mach Highly Sensitive Region: Small Changes in A/A* → Large Changes in M

  15. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE WHAT DID WE DO HERE? • Set Pa/P0 = 0.05, g = 1.2 • For any Ae/A* determine supersonic Me • Using this Me calculate P0/Pe • Calculate CT • Plot CT/CTconv (or T/Tconv) as function of Ae/A* (which is equivalent to plotting CT as a function of Me (supersonic)) Function is Maximized when Pe = Pa

  16. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE Maximum Thrust (Pe = Pa) Diverging Portion Increases Thrust In terms of calculation, we could allow T/Tconv to become negative, but as we will soon see, we can deal with this part of the curve more realistically Diverging Portion Reduces Thrust

  17. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE Nozzle is Ideally Expanded Pe = Pa Curve can also tell us where Pe > or < Pa IF: Pe > Pa Nozzle is Under-Expanded IF: Pe < Pa Nozzle is Over-Expanded

  18. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE Nozzle is Ideally Expanded (Pe = Pa) Nozzle is Under-Expanded (Pe > Pa) Nozzle is Over-Expanded (Pe < Pa)

  19. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE Nominal Range of Pa/P0 Decreasing Back Pressure or Increasing Altitude

  20. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE Line of Maximum Thrust: Connects Locus of Maxima For each value of Pa/P0 there is an optimum area ratio for nozzle

  21. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE Small Ratios of Pa/P0 Require Very Large Area Ratios

  22. EXAMPLE: ROCKET LAUNCH Ae/A* = 20 Burnout (Under-Expanded) ↑ Vertical Flight Max Thrust (Ideally Expanded) Launch (Over-Expanded) Notice we are closer to Optimum Thrust on Under-Expanded Side

  23. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE What can physically happen to supersonic flow in this region? For this combination of pressure ratios and area ratios, a shock enters nozzle

  24. MODEL OF SHOCK IN EXIT PLANE • We can plot shock line by located a shock at exit plane of nozzle • Requires 1 additional equation • Flow across a normal shock to connect conditions • For a given g only one Pa/P0 for which a normal shock will locate in plane of a nozzle of given area ratio Ae/A*

  25. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE On this line a normal shock wave located at exit of nozzle

  26. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC OF A 1-D ISENTROPIC NOZZLE If Pe reduced substantially below Pa flow can separate A rough approximation for this condition is: Pe/Pa < 0.4 NOTE: Axial thrust direction is not usually altered by separation and CT can actually be increased over non-separated case

  27. THRUST COEFFICIENT PLOTS • Taken from: Rocket Propulsion Elements, 6th Edition, by G. P. Sutton • Notation • p1 = p0 • p2 = pe • p3 = pa • CF = CT • A2/At = e = Ae/A* • k = g = cp/cv • Comments: • Plots are only CF (CT), they are not normalized by CTconv as in Figure 11.3 • Large region of separated flow • Asymptotic behavior as p1/p3→ ∞ • pa/p0→ ∞ in H&P



  30. KEY POINTS ON PERFORMANCE CURVE • How does a rocket flying vertically move on Performance Curve? • High Pa/P0 to Low Pa/P0 • P0 usually remains ~ constant during flight • Pa ↓ as altitude ↑ • As Pa/P0↓ very large Ae/A* for maximum thrust • How does optimal Ae/A* vary as rocket flies vertically? • Required Ae/A* for maximum thrust increases as rocket altitude increases • If T/Tconv < 1, diverging portion of rocket is hindrance • Actual rockets never operate in this region • Best nozzle gives best performance (Isp, range, etc.) over flight envelope • If nozzle operation is still unclear, lecture on operation of C-D nozzles coming soon

  31. COMMENTS ON ACTUAL NOZZLES • Model of thermal rocket thrust chamber performance • Model has many simplifications → measure of best theoretical performance • Actual rockets benefit from diverging nozzle portion, operate above T/Tconv =1 • Actual thrust chambers (non-idealities important to consider) • Pressure losses associated with combustion process • Actual flow in nozzle is not isentropic • Friction • Heat losses • Shocks within nozzle • Chemistry • Frozen Flow: Propellant composition remains constant • Shifting Equilibrium: Composition changes with propellant temperature • Actual shape of nozzle affects performance

  32. SUMMARY: WHAT HAVE WE DONE? • Simplified model of thermal rocket thrust chamber • Model resulted in connection between thermodynamics and exit velocity, Ue • Propellants with low molecular weight to achieve high exit velocity (high Isp) • Desirable to have propellant mixtures with large QR/M • Desirable to have high combustion chamber pressure, P0 • For a given thrust, higher P0 leads to lower A* (smaller rocket) • Increasing P0 leads to difficulties (stress, heat transfer, chemical issues) • Model resulted in connection between thermodynamics, geometry and exit velocity • Developed Characteristic Velocity, c*, and Thrust Coefficient, CT • Compare actual rockets to theoretical predictions • Developed plot of Performance Characteristics of a 1-D isentropic rocket nozzle BASICS OF THERMAL (CHEMICAL) ROCKET PROPULSION AND PERFORMANCE

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