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Control Center: Order Status

Control Center: Order Status. September, 2011.

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Control Center: Order Status

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  1. Control Center: Order Status September, 2011 Welcome to Control Center. The intent of this module is to provide an introductory view of the features and functionality available in Control Center for the Administration module. Individualized training modules have been established for each segment and service available in Control Center. For links to customized training videos, visit the Message Center after logging in. Availability of CenturyLink Services varies. Check availability.

  2. Control Center Order Status Whether you are a new or an established customer CenturyLink’s Control Centers Order Status Module will keep you up to date on the status of your CenturyLink orders. Order Types Displayed: Legacy Qwest Local Service , CenturyLink Long Distance (LATIS billed) (DED Services, MPLS orders, E-Line, Toll Free, More) Customer provide Equipment (CPE) A prominent location on the Control Center Dashboard allows you to quickly check the status of your orders with a just click of the mouse. 24x7

  3. Order Status Screen Order Status Screen- Columns are sortable1: ascending and descending and can be customized to meet your needs. Customize Columns- To customize the columns click2 the action button to bring up a secondary screen where you can add new fields or modify the existing display. Columns3can be arranged to meet your viewing preferences using the tools provided. Note: Parent Order will always show “In Progress” until all Sales and Engineering order have been Completed4 or Cancelled.

  4. Search and Advance Filtering Standard Search1 and Advanced2 Filtering Options are available to facilitate finding an order or types of orders. . • Selecting the Advanced Filtering Options button displays a secondary screen to facilitate your search. Using the scroll bar3presents additional filters. • *Advanced Filtering includes: • Parent order • Sales order • Order Type • Service Type • Account ID, Acct Name • Status • PON • *To search for multiple IDs, separate IDs with commas

  5. Order Details After selecting a Parent Order ID1Control Center presents a secondary screen titled Order Details2. The Order Detail screen summarizes your order, provide a link to Sales and Engineering Orders if applicable. . To view the related sales order3 for your parent order “click” the Sales & Provisioning Orders Tab. Attachments4: FOC (firm order confirmation) IPAA (IP assigned) and LCNR (local contact not ready) Future release

  6. Sales & Provisioning Orders “Highlighting / Clicking” a Sales Order ID1 displays related Engineering Orders2. In this example Tracking # 90167768 is the engineering order. Engineering/Provisioning orders include Service ID, Status and Status Date with the Status Column reflecting the most current status of your order. Selecting the Tracking # 3 will display a pop-up4with the historical job steps completed to date. In this example the engineering order and the related job steps have been completed5. 1. 90137693 5. 2. Status/Job Steps available for display 3. 4.

  7. Local Service • Local Service Order Details: • Order details are presented in a separate window after selecting the Order ID. • Fields: • Service Type • Account Name • Account ID • PON • Location • Status • Status Date • Order Details

  8. Customer Provided Equipment (CPE Orders) • CPE Order Details Include: • Sales Order ID • Location • Status • Status Date • Equipment on Site • Current Due Date

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