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MY Network Tap

MY Network Tap. Richard Elswick Easter Kentucky University. OUTLINE. Motivation Introduction Problem Statement Assumptions Implementation Proposed Solution Results. MOTIVATION. Networking Security Wanted to do something no one else had.

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MY Network Tap

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  1. MY Network Tap Richard Elswick Easter Kentucky University

  2. OUTLINE • Motivation • Introduction • Problem Statement • Assumptions • Implementation • Proposed Solution • Results

  3. MOTIVATION • Networking • Security • Wanted to do something no one else had. • Something I thought would be interesting.

  4. INTRODUCTION • A passive network tap is a type of network tap that can be implemented into a wired network. • Some of the sources that I researched were to see some of the different types of network taps.

  5. PROBLEM STATEMENT • The main problem that I was trying to solve was how to view network traffic and be able to find usernames and passwords.

  6. Assumptions • The way the tap is suppose to work is by plugging it into the network in between the host machine and the router then view the host machines packets from another pc. • It does not retrieve every single bit of information.

  7. Implementation

  8. PROPOSED SOLUTION • How I solved the problem • Looked what I could use to perform this function. • Found what I needed to construct the network tap. • Looked at different types of packet capture software. • Constructed the tap. • Tested by performing this on my parents computer. • Verified results.

  9. RESULTS • After building and testing the tap I was able to view usernames and passwords over the network.


  11. CONCLUSIONS • This project helped me learn how to properly plan for a project. • The project also helped show me that not everything is going to go the way you plan.

  12. FUTURE WORK • One way to extend on this project is to implement my original idea of making a wireless network tap.

  13. REFERENCES • Karunaratne, Janitha. (2009). The Passive Splice Network Tap. Retrieved February 2, 2013, from http://www.janitha.com/archives/146 • Hak5Darren. (2011, June 6). Build a Lan Tap for Packet Sniffing, a lesson Soldering with Snubs [Video File]. Video posted to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zUsJm3bwGY

  14. REFERENCES • revision3. (2009, June 27). Get the Most From Network Tap Analyzers - Best Of...[Video File]. Video posted to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xza86dv3II • McGuire, Ryan. (2006, January 19). Building and Ethernet Tap. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from http://www.enigmacurry.com/category/diy/

  15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • people.eku.edu/chandrav/NET/Capstone_2013/capstoneProjects_2013.html.#richard

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