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Why we need to learn a second language?. Because it’s a “ruff” world out there. MIAMI HARBOR CHANNEL, MIAMI, FLORIDA Harbor Blasting and Lessons Learned. Presented by: Luis “Rene” Perez, P.E. Senior Project Manager and Terri Jordan Biologist. Presentation . Project Overview
Why we need to learn a secondlanguage? Because it’s a “ruff” world out there
MIAMI HARBOR CHANNEL, MIAMI, FLORIDA Harbor Blasting and Lessons Learned Presented by: Luis “Rene” Perez, P.E. Senior Project Manager and Terri Jordan Biologist
Presentation • Project Overview • Port Expansion – A Successful Coordination
Port of Miami Cargo Gateway of the Americas and Cruise Capital of the World
Cargo • Largest Container Port in Florida, 5th on the east coast and 12th in the nation • In FY05, it surpassed the 1 million TEU mark and 9 million total tons, three years in a row • Largest import trading region is Europe with 2.09 million tons of trade • Largest export trading region is South America with 2.2 million tons • Other top trading countries are China, Honduras, Hong Kong, Brazil and Italy • Maritime partners call in more than 100 countries and 250 ports around the globe
Cruise • Cruise Capital of the World • Welcomed 3.6 million passengers in 2005 • More mega-ships (200+) than any other port in the world • Eight cruise liner call this their port • Two new cruise terminals, at a cost of over $30 millions each, are under construction
Economic • Creates 110,000 jobs • $16 billion annually in regional economy
Project History • 42-foot Project Authorized in 1990 • Sponsor requested to design and construct the project (Phase I and II) • Section 204(e) Agreement executed • Phase I completed on Aug 1993 • Phase II awarded Sep 1994 to Dutra Construction • Project encountered problems associated with hard rock and was not completed in its entirety • In April 2004, a PCA was executed to allow the Corps to complete the project
Dredging Contract RFP included a Base Bid and 5 Options Base bid = USACE Deepening Dredging Option 1& 4 = USACE Maintenance dredging Option 2 & 3 = Deepening of berthing areas for POM Option 5 = POM Maintenance dredging Awarded on 30 Sep. 2004 to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. Completion date = 20 July 2006
MIAMI HARBOR FLORIDA Contract W912EP-04-C-0024 Base - USACE Deepening Dredging Option 1 - USACE Maintenance Dredging Option 2- POM Deepening Dredging of Berthing Areas Option 3 - POM Deepening Dredging of Berthing Areas Option 4 - O&M USACE Maintenance Dredging Option 5 - POM Maintenance Dredging
Major Challenges • Federal Funding
Public NMFS EPA POM FWS FDEP FWC COE GLDD NGOs OEA CAMA Others Major Challenges (continued) • Complexity of Coordination
Major Challenges (continued) • Blasting Perception
Major Challenges (continued) • Dredging in Biscayne Bay, Outstanding FL Waters • Zero NTUs from background
Major Challenges (continued) • Environmental resources • Adjacent Seagrasses • Endangered and protected Species
Contact Luis “Rene” Perez Senior Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Phone #: 904-232-1597 luis.r.perez@usace.army.mil
Amazing what people can do when they put their minds together!!!