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The Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad . Chapter 8. 8.3 Muhammad’s Early Life. 1. Birth, orphan, trader, marriage Few people noticed Muhammad’s birth Poor family, became an orphan Became a trader At 25, a widow named Khadijah proposed marriage They had several children, including a daughter named Fatimah.

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The Prophet Muhammad

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  1. The Prophet Muhammad Chapter 8

  2. 8.3 Muhammad’s Early Life 1. Birth, orphan, trader, marriage • Few people noticed Muhammad’s birth • Poor family, became an orphan • Became a trader • At 25, a widow named Khadijah proposed marriage • They had several children, including a daughter named Fatimah

  3. What was Muhammad’s occupation? • Herder • Teacher • Farmer • Trader

  4. 8.4 The Call to Prophethood 1. Cave, Gabriel, Allah, Qur’an • Spiritual man, often prayed in the mtns. • While praying in a cave, the angel Gabriel appeared to him • For 22 yrs, he listened to messages Gabriel brought from God, whom Arabs call Allah • Muhammad preached faith in one God & the values: compassion, honesty, & justice • Gradually, a small group of followers formed, who called themselves Muslims • His writings were later written down and became the Qur’an

  5. How did Muhammad learn that he was to be a prophet? • Saw it in a dream • Told by the angel Gabriel • Allah spoke to him through a burning bush • His uncle told him

  6. 8.5 Teaching Meets with Rejection 1. Reject, followers, boycott, Night Journey • He began to preach his message to the Makkans • Most Makkans rejected his teachings, but Muhammad did gain followers • Powerful Makkans ordered a boycott of his clan to make them reject Islam • It lasted for 3 years but Muslims didn’t give up their faith • In 619, he described being taken on a winged horse to visit Jerusalem & the 7 levels of heaven & to meet earlier prophets & God • Called the Night Journey

  7. How did most Makkans feel about Muhammad’s preachings? • They eagerly accepted • They didn’t care • They rejected it

  8. 8.6 Migration to Medina to the End of Life 1. Madinah, People of the Book, battles, Last Sermon • People in Madinah invited him to live there & promised to protect him • He created a Muslim community in Madinah that respected people of other faiths • Christians & Jews were to be treated w/ respect as “People of the Book”

  9. Once in Madinah, Muhammad preached… • tolerance of other religions • that everyone must be convert to Islam • that belief in Allah was not important • that Hinduism and Islam were very similar

  10. Christians & Jews were respected and referred to as • Polytheists • People to be feared • People of the Qu’ran • People of the Book

  11. 8.6 Migration to Medina to the End of Life 3. Summary: • Christians & Jews were to be treated w/ respect as “People of the Book” • Fighting broke out b/tMakkans & Muslims • After several battles, his army captured Makkah w/o a fight • He destroyed idols at the Ka’ba & dedicated the shrine to Allah • He forgave his enemies, & the war ended • Before his death, he delivered his Last Sermon • He told Muslims to be faithful & to treat each other well

  12. Fighting broke out between the Muslims and • Makkans • Jews • People of Medina • Christians

  13. Once Muhammad’s army won control of Makkah, he dedicated this place to Allah • Bazaar • Ka’ba • The cave where he used to pray • Madinah

  14. 8.7 & 8.8 Four Caliphs & Umayyad Dynasty • Most of Arabia was under Muslim control when he died • After his death, caliphs unified Arabia & expanded across the Middle East and N. Africa • The fourth caliph was his son-in-law, Ali • After Ali’s death, Sunnis & Shi’a split in a dispute over who should be the next caliph • This division continues today. • In 661, the Umayyad dynasty moved the Muslim capital to Damascus • Muslims expanded into India, central Asia, & Europe • A loss at the Battle of Tours in France in 732 ended expansion into Europe, but Muslims kept control of Spain, which became a great center of culture & learning

  15. Following his death, Arabia • Became unified • Fell into chaos • Was attacked by the French • Became known as the Far East

  16. Muslims split into two major sects, Shi’a and • Sunni • Saudi • Makkans • Syrians

  17. Muslims split into Sunni & Shi’a due to a dispute over • Muhammad’s property • Access to the Ka’ba • The official language of the Qu’ran • Who should be the next caliph

  18. The Battle of Tours was significant because • It was the first battle of Muslim expansion • It marked the furthest extent of the Muslim empire • Muhammad died in this battle • The Muslims defeated the French

  19. This city in Spain was an important center for learning & culture • Madrid • Makkah • Cordova • Barcelona

  20. Flow MapYour Life • Four major events in your life

  21. Flow MapThe Prophet Muhammad • Four major events in the life of Muhammad

  22. Flow Map Migration to Madinah • Four major events in the life of Muhammad

  23. Processing 9 (Photo Story) • 5 Slides. Each slide should have • Appropriate image • 1-2 sentence caption explaining an important event in Muhammad’s life • Slide 1 = Title slide • Slides 2-5 = Four phases of Muhammad’s life • 6 points / slide = 30 points total • Digital or by hand. • No images on flash drive = no laptop

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