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The Prophet Muhammad (S) said "Islam has been built upon five things - on testifying that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger; perform salah ; give the zakah ; fasting during Ramadhan;and on Hajj to the House ;“ [ Al- Bukhari & Muslim]. What is Hajj.
The Prophet Muhammad (S) said "Islam has been built upon five things - on testifying that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger; perform salah; give the zakah; fasting during Ramadhan;andon Hajj to the House;“[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
What is Hajj • Hajj is the fifth Pillar of Islam. • Like other pillars of Islam , it molds our life and prepares us so that we may live in our lives by surrendering to Allah.
Who has to do Hajj? • Hajj is obligated by Allah(swt) upon every Muslim, male and female, who is physically and financially able. • Every Muslim must perform Hajj only once during their lifetime.
How did Hajj begin? • The origin of Hajj is from the prophet Ibrahim’s life peace be on him. • The real life story of Prophet Ibrahim(A) is a good example of strong belief and submission to the will of Allah(swt). WHY? • This story has lot of lessons for all of us. • We must know his story to fully understand the benefits of Hajj .
Story of Prophet Ibrahim(A) • Ibrahim(a) was born in Iraq, over four thousands years ago. • His people worshiped to idols and had forgotten the One God. • His Own father, name Azar was an idol maker. • .
Ibrahim(A) thought and thought. He didn’t accept that these stone idols, which are made by man himself. • He didn’t accept the kings, who are human beings like ourselves to be gods, either! • He wondered… They can’t help themselves, how can they help us?
Story of Prophet Ibrahim(A) • These thoughts led the prophet Ibrahim(A) to the decision that he would never worship these idols and he openly declared before them: • “O my people, I am quit of all those you take as gods beside God. I have turned my face unto Him who brought into being the heavens and the earth, having turned away from all false gods; and I am not of those who take gods beside God.”(al-Anam 79-80)
Calamities start! As soon as he made declaration calamities came on him: • His father threatened him with expulsion from the family home. • After the threats he broke their idols to prove them that they are powerless.
Calamities continue • He had an argument with the king that you are not my Lord. My Lord is the one whose hands are your life and death and mine too. • King decided to burn him alive in the fire. • But Ibrahim(A) didn’t walk back! • He willingly came forward to suffer this horrible punishment because of his strong faith in the One God.
Who saved Ibrahim (A)? • Allah (swt) saved him! • He came out safely from the fire without any harm. • After that Ibrahim(A) left his home land with his wife, Sarah and nephew Lut(A) and wandered in Egypt, Palestine and Arabia. • His purpose of life was to bring people to the worship of the One God.
Allah(swt) blessed him • When Ibrahim(A) was 86 years old, Allah gave him a child, Ismail (A). • His wanted to educate and train his son to continue his mission of teaching people about One God. • The life of Prophet Ibrahim was the life of a true and genuine Muslim.
The pledge of Ibrahim(A) a true Muslim • Allah asked him ‘Aslim’, that means enter Islam totally and surrender completely to Allah. • In reply, he gave the pledge: • “Aslamtuli rabbi l-alamin”…. • “I have entered Islam, I belong to the Lord of the worlds. (Al-Baqarah; 13). • To this pledge Ibrahim remained true throughout his life. This is the pledge we have to follow as well.
The Greatest of Trials • After all these tests ,there was still one test left! • Allah(swt) asked Ibrahim(A) to sacrifice his only son. • When he was about to slaughter his son with his own hands, Allah(swt) said: “Ibrahim I accepted your sacrifice and made you the leader of the whole world.”
Back to Hajj • Ibrahim’s (A) story is the beginning of Hajj. • Makkah was the headquarters for the mission propagate the message of Islam. • So Hajj , or pilgrimage, was instituted by the Prophet Ibrahim to serve as the focal meeting place for all believers in the One God
Importance of Hajj Allah(swt) said in the Quran In Surah Al-Imran 97 وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ حِجُّ ٱلۡبَيۡتِ مَنِ ٱسۡتَطَاعَ إِلَيۡهِ سَبِيلاً۬ۚ وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَنِىٌّ عَنِ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ “And Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Ka'bah) is a duty on mankind, those who can afford the expenses. and whoever disbelieves [i.e. denies Hajj, then he is a disbeliever of Allâh], then Allâh is All-sufficient, needing nothing from all the worlds.”
Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (S) “Whosoever possesses provisions and conveyance for a journey to the house of God, but, still does not perform Hajj, then his dying is like the dying of a Jew or Christian (Tirmidhi) Importance of Hajj
Purpose of Hajj The pilgrimage also enables Muslims from all around the world, of different colors, languages, races, and ethnicities, to come together in a strong brotherhood and sisterhood to worship the One God together.
Purpose of Hajj • The Hajj is designed to develop Taqwa in your heart and also to bring up your Iman. It is also an opportunity to seek forgiveness of sins you have done throughout life.
Benefit of Hajj Prophet Muhammad said that a person who performs Hajj properly "will return as a newly born baby [free of all sins].”
Hajj is a reminder The Hajj is a reminder of the Grand Assembly on the Day of Judgment when people will stand equal before Allah(swt) waiting for their final destiny.
What is Hajj Hajj is obligated by Allah(swt) upon every Muslim, male and female, who is physically and financially able. Every Muslim must perform Hajj only once during their lifetime.
Ihram • The Ihram garments for men consists of two pieces of white sheet. Wrap the larger sheet around your waist to cover your body from the navel to the ankles. Drape the other sheet over the back and shoulders and wear a pair of stitched or unstitched sandals or shoes which do not cover the ankles. The head should not be covered, The Ihram should preferably be white.
Talbiyah Hujjaj begin talbiyah from the time they wear their ihram and continue it until throwing the first pebble at the AqabahJamarah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, the Day of Nahr (sacrifice).
Should women wear the Ihram? • Women are allowed to make Ihram in any colored dress they wish which fulfills the Islamic dress code. Women's hands and face should be uncovered in Ihram. Their heads should be covered.
Are there things we should and shouldn't be doing while we are in a state of Ihram? • Yes, a Muhrim (someone who is in state of Ihram) must be careful of certain things. These are: • - Keep your head uncovered at all times. Women should keep their heads covered • - Do not shave, cut your hair, clip your nails, use perfume, or wear sewn clothes of any kind • - Do not kill an animal of any kind for any reason, unless it poses a danger to you and to the others.
Day 1 8thZulHijjah Enter the State of Ihram garment and Express intention Stay in Mina Hujjaj Pray Zuhar, Asr, Maghrib and Esha. They read Quran and do Thikr in Mina.
Day 2 9thZulHijjah Mu Hujjaj leave Mina after Fajr prayer and stay in Arafah till sunset. Hujjaj combined Zuhar & Asr prayers and whole day they stand and make dua to Allah(swt) and ask for forgiveness. Al-HajjulArafah After sunset Hujjaj leave Arafah and spend night in open field Muzdalifah Muzdalifah In MuzdalifahHujjaj combined Maghrib and Esha prayers
Halq & Taqsir Day 3 10thZulHijjah After performing Fajr prayer in MuzdalifahHujjaj go back to Mina Tawaf Ramy stoning ceremony Sacrifice
Day 4 11thZulHijjah Hujjaj stay in Mina and go for Stoning Ramyul Kubra Ramy stoning ceremony RamyulUllah RamyulWasta
Day 5 12thZulHijjah Hujjaj stay in Mina and go for Stoning Ramyul Kubra Makkah Ramy stoning ceremony RamyulUllah RamyulWasta
JazakallahKhair! • Thank you all for your attention. We pray that we are all able to perform Hajj soon. • We also pray that we are able to be like the Prophet Ibrahim (A)!