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Key factors for R&D development : The role of Catania University and STMicroelectronics

Carmelo Papa Corporate Vice President Emerging Markets General Manager 20 March 2004. Key factors for R&D development : The role of Catania University and STMicroelectronics. International Workshop. Introduction Key factors for development The case of South Korea

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Key factors for R&D development : The role of Catania University and STMicroelectronics

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  1. Carmelo Papa Corporate Vice President Emerging Markets General Manager 20 March 2004 Key factors for R&D development : The role of Catania University and STMicroelectronics

  2. International Workshop • Introduction • Key factors for development • The case of South Korea • Public and private research • ST at a glance • ST in Catania • Conclusions

  3. STMicroelectronics a global semiconductor company Sales by region % of 2003 sales 27 %Europe 14 %North America 5 %Japan 2003 Sales : US$ 7.24 billion 2002 Sales : US$ 6.32 billion over 44,500 employees 17 main production sites 16advanced R&D centers 39 design and application centers 88 direct sales offices in 31countries 44 %Asia Pacific 10 %Emerging Markets* * Eastern Europe, India, Africa, South America, Middle East

  4. Key Factors for development

  5. THE PROGRESS OF THE NATIONSGNP / Pro Capite (US $)1998 Index GNP Pro Capite is in current dollars. The index takes into account the inflation, therefore it gives a better indication of the welfare of the nations than the GNP / pro capite Source: 2002, 1988 : The world Almanac; 1963 : Enciclopedia Geografica Garazanti ; Inflation : Financial Times

  6. Private R&D Expenses GNP/HEAD Public R&D Expenses GNP/HEAD Source: Eurostat 2002

  7. Research in Italy (M€) Private Public NORTH 5701,68 3181,37 SOUTH 495,80 2096,81 SICILY 30,47 294,38 SARDINIA14,4148 Source: ISTAT 1997

  8. Brussels Geneva Crolles, Grenoble Bristol Tours Berkeley Ottawa Rousset Castelletto Catania Noida Agrate San Diego Phoenix Carrollton CR&D Local center Permanent Effort for R&D • ST R&D at a glance • 1022 M$ in 2003 (16 % of sales) • 7500 people worldwide • 3800 people in Central R&D • 3000 CAD seats • 2 main VSLI development centers • 14 local technology/design dedicated centers

  9. Research activity in Catania43 projects with Universities and others entities (L.297/99 ; L.488/92 ; 5°- 6° FW EU) YTD: December 2003

  10. IMM Bologna ex LAMEL IMM Roma ex PSM IMM Lecce ex IME IMM Napoli ex IRECE IMM Catania ex IMETEM Academic Research inside ST Catania • CATANIA UNIVERSITY • DIEES Automation • DIEES RF ADG SUPERLAB CNR IMM • I.M.M. • Headquarters Catania • coordinates • Ex IMETEM Catania • Ex IME Lecce • Ex PSM Roma • Ex LAMEL Bologna • Ex IRECE Napoli • Total floor area over 1000 m2

  11. Employees with a Degree STMicroelectronics Catania

  12. Raw Materials Services Equipment Servizi Materie prime Imprese del settore microelettronico Microelectronics Industry Distributors Original Distributors Original EMS (Contract Manufacturers) Dealers Equipment Dealers Equipment Manufactures Retailers Manufactures Retailers Manufacturers Prodotti di Applicazioni Consumer Industrial Telecommunications Computer Automotive Computer Automobile consumo industriali CONSUMATORE FINALE END CONSUMER Microelectronics Industry Structure

  13. STMicroelectronics impact effect on Catania development Alcatel, Applied Materials, Canon, Olin, Submicro-System,Tegal, Watkins-Jonson … Total 22 TNC • Attracting international suppliers Elmec, E.T.C., Marconi ImpiantiMeridionale Impianti, Phoenix Elettronica, ... • Contributing to local suppliers growth Advice Hitec, Ion Beam, S.A.T., Tecnos Media-Dintel, ... • Spinning off new entrepreneurial ventures Accent, CRF, Nokia, Magneti Marelli (Power Train), Maxim • Attracting new hi-tech ventures in • other technology - based industries

  14. Conclusions • The presence of a good University is essential for the location • of High-tech Companies • Good laws should be applied to foster the collaboration • Quite quickly the High-tech Companies exceed thecapabilities • of the public entities whose bottle neck can stop the development • The national competitiveness becomes eventually the limit for • further developments

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