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I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. ( 每题一分 , 共 10 分 ). II. Fill in each blank with a word contrary in meaning to the word given in the bracket. ( 每题一分 , 共 5 分 ).
I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (每题一分,共10分) II. Fill in each blank with a word contrary in meaning to the word given in the bracket. (每题一分,共5分) III. Match the words in column A with those in column B (5分)连线题 IV. Define the following terms and give examples. (20 分)每题4分给术语下定义并举例
V. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions. (15分)填空题 VI. Answer the following questions. Your answer should be clear and short. (35分)简答题 Translate the following idioms into Chinese; make a conversation by using these idioms. 问答题
What is the longest word? Because there is a “mile” between the first and the last letter. Smiles Antidisestablishmentarianism anti- dis- establish -ment arian -ism 国家对教会不予承认论 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Hard work 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98% Luck 12+21+3+11=47% Love 12+15+22+5=54% Attitude 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100%
Word Definition Aristotle: word is the smallest significant unit of speech. Bloomfield: a word is a free form, that is to say, the smallest form that may appear in isolation. Each word has two aspects: The external aspect, sound. The internal aspect, meaning. The term word refers to the fundamental unit of a given language, with sound and meaning, capable of performing a given syntactic function.
A bound form is the one which cannot occur on its own as a separate word. A free form is one which occur as a separate word. Concept Word Object (referent) Word refers to the referent through a concept
By level of usage, words may be classified into five categories: Standard words: words frequently used in everyday writing and speaking. Literary words: words chiefly used in formal writing and speaking. Colloquial words: they are mainly used in spoken English, as in conversation among friends and colleagues. This kind of words can also be found in informal writing. Slang words: they cover those daring and new expressions that have not been accepted by the majority of people as standard English. Technical words: words used in various special fields, such as every branch of science.
Concrete words are those which are concerned with objects, things, etc. According to motivation, words can be divided into motivated and non-motivated. The motivated word (opaque): how they are formed cant be explained . The formation of minority words can be explained, they are also called transparent words . According to polysemy and monosemy. A polesemic word has a range of different meanings while monosemic word consists of a single meaning. According to the origin. Native words and loan words.
The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. 舌无骨却能折断骨。 After meat, mustard; after death, doctor . 雨后送伞 After praising the wine they sell us vinegar. 挂羊头卖狗肉 一贫如洗 As poor as a church mouse. Every potter praises his own pot. 王婆买瓜,自卖自夸 Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 只有死人才不犯错误。 Lifeless, faultless. 人善被人欺,马善被人骑 All lay load on the willing horse. While there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 Misfortunes never come alone. 祸不单行。
Word Formation A word is a minimum free form. book, -s work worker work -er books The minimal grammatical units are called morpheme. The term morpheme is derived from Greek morphe and French eme, the former means form, while the latter means the smallest unit. Definition: the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. Word is composed of morpheme/ morphemes. Task: analyze the composition of the following words: - house - guns - unacceptable - lighthouse
Classification of Morphemes: Free form (Content morpheme) Bound form (grammatical morpheme ) Free form can stand alone as a word. Desk, hand, face Bound morpheme must appear with at least one other morpheme. Unfaithful Un- faith -ful contain has more than one bound form, con-, -tain Con- continue, conceive, consider, -tain obtain, maintain They have more than one free morpheme,and are called compound words homework, airsick
Words can be classified into three types according to morphology. is one which contains only one free form, such as man, water. Simple word: is one which consists of more than one free form. Blackboard. Compound word: Complex word: is one which has one free form and one or more than one bound form, such as frankness. Antidisestablishmentarianism Anti-,dis-,establish, -ment, arian,-ism
Three main processes of English word-formation Affixation conversion composition Affixation is a method a word-formation by which new words are created by adding affixes to roots. Affixes: Inflectional affixes Derivational affixes Inflectional affixes do not form a new word with new lexical meaning and do not change the part of speech of the word to which they are affixed. e.g. -s in chairs, pens; (1) plurality -es in boxes, tomatoes; -en in oxen.
Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes are affixes before the root, e.g. unjust, rewrite. As a rule, most prefixes modify the meaning of roots, but not their parts of speech. - en-(em-) as in words like embody, enrich - be- as in words like befriend, belittle - a- as in words like asleep, aside e.g. darkness, liberation Suffixes are affixes after the root By the addition of the suffix, the word is usually changed from one part of speech into another
morphemes. Word is composed of Morphemes Free morpheme bound morpheme appear with at least one other morphemes stand alone as a word
Three types of words Compound word Complex word simple word one free form and more than one bound form. contains only one free form more than one free form Affixes inflectional affixes derivational affixes. don’t change meaning and the part of speech of the old word prefix suffix
Suffixation The main function of prefix is to change the meaning of the base, however, the addition of the suffix not only modifies the meaning of a word (minor role), but also change the part of speech (major role). Noun suffixes Adjective suffixes suffixes Adverb suffixes Verb suffixes
Word Formation Compounding Conversion Affixes Prefix Suffix Assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. Conversion: He desired to be a scientist. He had a desire to be a scientist. zero derivation desire (verb)+0=desire (noun)
Composition/compounding A compound is a lexical unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. Compounds are written in three ways: Solid (e.g. bedtime) (e.g. above-mentioned) Hyphenated Open (e.g. reading material) Noun compounds, adjective compounds and verb compounds
Shortening 1. Clipped word Shortening a word without changing its meaning 2. Acronym a word formed from the initial letter of a word that make up the meaning
Clipped word • Front clipping The shortening may occur at the beginning of the word: Phone--- telephone plane--- airplane bus--- omnibus 2. Back clipping The shortening may occur at the end of the word. photo--- photography advertisement Ad--- mike--- microphone lit--- literature
3. Front and back clippings The shortening may occur at both ends of the word. Flu---- influenza tec---- detective refrigerator script---- prescription fridge---- 4. Middle clippings The shortening may occur at the middle of the word. Maths--- mathematics specs---- spectacles 5. Phrase clippings Phrases have been made into one word. Pub--- public house pop-singer--- popular song singer
Three-D--- Three dimensional film EQ--- Emotion Quotient IQ--- Intelligence Quotient Adversity Quotient AQ--- 6. Journalist clippings Department Cwlth---- Commonwealth Dept.---- Yokohama Y’hama--- Acronym A. Initialism The words are pronounced as sequence of letters. VIP---- UN---- the United Nations very important person ID---- identification card
B. Acronym The words are pronounced as a word. TOEFL--- Test of English as a Foreign Language NATO---- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization AIDS--- Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome Characteristics of Acronyms 1. In everyday speech we often use acronyms that are common in current English to replace long and difficult terms. World Health Organization (WHO)
2. The tendency today is to omit periods after initialisms. GMT/ G.M.T (Greenwich Mean Time) 3. When acronyms become very common, they are usually spelled in small letters radar = radio detecting and ranging If they are proper names, they retain the initial capital NATO 4. Some acronyms have come to share the grammar of standard words UFO (unidentified Flying Object) ufology, ufological UFOs
5. Some initialisms are used as euphemisms. W.C. water closet DOA dead on arrival Blending A blend is a compound word made by blending one word with another word. Blending is formed from two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms. It combines the sounds and the meaning of two others.
1. The front part of the first word+ the back part of the second word Brunch---- breakfast+ lunch Smoke + fog motor+ hotel smog--- motel--- Chinglish--- Chinese+ English Japlish--- Japanese+ English 2. The first word+ the back part of the second word Spaceplane--- space+ plane travelogue--- travel+ catalogue 3. The front part of the first word+ the second word medical+ care Medicaid--- medical+ aid Medicare--- Euroasia--- European+ Asia
4. The front part of the first word and the second word Amerind--- American+ Indian Interpol--- international+ police sci-fi Slang, scientific terms, journalistic terms Backformation Abnormal type of word formation. Affixation and backformation are two contrary processes of word-formation. The former is a method of forming new words by means of affixes while the latter by cutting imagined affixes. A shorter word is formed by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present.
1) Verbs back formed from nouns ending in -er, -or, -ar beg editor--- edit beggar--- Liar--- lie 2) Verbs back formed from nouns ending in -tion, -sion Automation-- automate negation-- negate donation-- donate 3) Verbs back formed from abstract nouns diagnose enthuse Diagnosis--- enthusiasm--- 4) Verbs back formed from adjectives gloom Drowsy--- drowse gloomy--- lazy--- to laze 5) Verbs back formed from compound words baby-sit Baby sitter--- lip-reading--- lipread
在feminine(阴性、女性)名词后加ess author: Authoress 女作家 heir: heiress 女性继承人 host: hostess 女主人 lion: lioness 雌狮 不要以为加上ess就万事大吉了,它还会耍一些小花样的 actor: actress(不是actoress)女演员 hunter: huntress(不是hunteress) 女猎人
tiger: tigress 母虎 negro: negress 女黑人 master: mistress 女主人 prince: princess 公主 murderer: murderess 女杀手 masculine(阳性)与 feminine 完全不同 bachelor 单身汉 ——maid 少女 boy男孩—— girl 女孩
bull公牛—— cow 母牛 cock公鸡—— hen 母鸡 dog狗—— bitch 母狗 gentleman男士—— lady女士 horse马—— mare 母马 king国王—— queen 王后 monk 和尚—— nun 尼姑 nephew 外甥—— niece 甥女
在名词前或后加上性别名词 man-servant: maid-servant 女仆 cock-sparrow: hen-sparrow 母麻雀 bull-calf: cow-calf 雌小牛 he-goat: she-goat 雌山羊 tom cat: she-cat turkey-cock: turkey-hen 雌火鸡 peacock: peahen 母孔雀 milk-man: milk-maid 挤奶妇
like simile, it also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. Metaphor: The world is like a stage. The world is a stage. objects ----human organs. The eye of hurricane the teeth of a comb the mouth of a river the lip of a cup the tongue of a shoe the leg of a table
Metonymy It involves substitution of the name of one thing for that of another closely associated with it. Her heart rules her head. Heart---feeling, head---mind. He is nice, but he hasn’t got much brain. The kettle is boiling. (water in the kettle) He drank a cup. (a cup of tea or coffee) His favorite dish is fried steak. (Food brought to table on or in a dish) Brevity is the chief virtue of metonymy. It is frequently used in journalistic essays.
Synecdoche A figure of speech that involves that substitution of the part for the whole or the whole for the part. The part for the whole We are no longer short of hands. The teacher gave the students two pencils per head. He manages to earn bread. The whole for the part Australia beat Canada in cricket. The doctor cut him open.
Componential Analysis CA Breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal Components. Bachelor [Human] [Adult] [Male] [Concrete] [Unmarried] Man +Male, + Adult, +Human Woman -Male, +Adult, +Human Boy +Male, -Adult, +Human +Male, +Adult, -Human Bull Cow -Male, +Adult, -Human
Spinster [+Common] [+Concrete] [+Human] [+Adult] [+Male] [+Married] [+Count] psychiatrist [+Common], [+Concrete], [+Human], [+Human] Chicago [-Common]. [+Concrete], [-Animate], [+Count] Wisdom [+Common], [-Concrete], [-Count]
Main Types of Word Meaning Grammatical meaning: the tense meaning -ed, -es, worked, studies the case meaning boy’s, word’s the plural meaning girls, children Lexical meaning: the meaning of a word in dictionary. Go, goes, went, gone, going, possess different grammatical meanings of tenses, persons. The lexical meaning is the same.
Contextual meaning: the meaning of the word is defined by the context. Example: Some of this country are much warmer than others. (a nation or a state) After many years abroad he wanted to return to his country. (the nation of one’s birth) The country is opposed to war. (the people of a nation) We’re hoping to go for a day in the country if the weather’s fine tomorrow. (the land outside cities) This is unknown country to me. (a branch of learning)
Denotative meaning (dictionary meaning) 对事物外部的理解, 外延意义 Connotative meaning intentional meaning which a word suggests or implies. 福 Stylistic meaning that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. Common words, formal words and informal words
the language that is not accepted in serious speech or writing. b). Slang: There are lots of slang for money. Bread dough chickenfeed peanuts buck c). Vulgarism words not usually used by educated persons. Bloody It is a bloody shame. d). Jargon a kind of language that is hard to understand because it is full of special words known only to the people of certain group.
Changes in Meaning Generalization Elevation Specialization Degradation
Generalization the enlarging, widening, extension, expansion of meaning. 皮之不存,毛将焉附? 古义专指动物的毛皮 今义泛指事物的表面部分 江水又东,经巫峡。 古义专指长江 今义泛指河流 饮于河渭。河渭不足,北饮大泽。 古义专指黄河 今义泛指河流
Specialization The process shrinking or narrowing of meaning 词义缩小有以下三类: (1)词义程度的减弱. 饿其体肤,空乏其身 严重的饥饿,已达到受死亡威胁的程度 一般的肚子饿