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CARNIVAL. The Festive Season. What is Carnival?. Carnival is a festive season which typically involves parades combining some elements of a circus, masks and public street party. People often dress up during the celebrations. When is Carnival?.
CARNIVAL TheFestiveSeason
What is Carnival? Carnival is a festive season which typically involves parades combining some elements of a circus, masks and public street party. People often dress up during the celebrations.
When is Carnival? Carnival occurs before Lent, marking the 40 days period that Jesus spent in the wilderness, serving to mark an annual time of turning.
WhyCarnival? Thesix weeks before Easterwere marked by times of penitential practices as abstaining from eating rich foods, such as meat, dairy, fats and sugarin memory of the time Jesus suffered. Therefore, all the food had to be eaten in the previous days, during Carnival celebrations.
How is Carnival celebrated? To celebrate Carnival, we often use masks or dress up, come to the streets and participate in parades, fairs, etc. There are many parties going on downtown and clowns and other circus people also take this opportunity to celebrate and make money.
CarnivalinVenice The Venetian Carnival is known for its use of masks as shown below. It’s a time for people to express themselves without caring about their social background, as wearing masks hides any form of identity.
Carnivalin Portugal In Lisbon, parades, dances and festivities go on throughout the week and feature famous stars from Portugal and Brazil. The country’s folk traditions are celebrated, including the burial of the cod, which symbolizes the end of Carnival and of the festivities.
Carnivalin Rio The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the world’s most famous festival. There the carnival parade is filled with people and floats from various samba schools. It’s a time of great excesses.
Carnivalin Famalicão On the Friday before Carnival, children participate in a parade which roams throughout the city and on the Monday the youth celebrates carnival by going downtown with friends.
Source www.wikipedia.com