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Hinode/EIS Data Products and Archive Access

Hinode/EIS Data Products and Archive Access. Jian Sun (MSSL). Primary Mirror. Entrance Filter. CCD Camera. Front Baffle. Grating. Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). Doschek, G, et.al SPD 2006. EIS Basics:.

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Hinode/EIS Data Products and Archive Access

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  1. Hinode/EIS Data Products and Archive Access Jian Sun (MSSL)

  2. Primary Mirror Entrance Filter CCD Camera Front Baffle Grating Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Doschek, G, et.al SPD 2006 EIS Basics: work as Imaging Spectrometer to do either raster scanning or sit-and-stare observation four slit/slot sections: 1”, 2” and 40”, 266” core line: Ca XVII (192.8A), Fe XII (195.12A), HeII (256.32A) + multiple project lines temperature coverage: log T = 4.7, 5.4, 6.0 - 7.3 K spatial resolution: 1 arcsec pixels 2 arcsec solar resolution line spectroscopy with ~ 25 km/s pixel sampling

  3. Shift of FOV center with coarse-mirror motion Maximum FOV for raster observation 360  800  800  512  512  512  Raster-scan range 266  slot 40  slot EIS Slit EIS Field-of-View (FOV) Doschek, G, et.al SPD 2006

  4. Data products from EIS Intensity, Velocity and width maps example fits file: eis_l0_20061202_025412.fits

  5. Velocity map (cont.) width map (cont.)

  6. CCD spectra example fits file: eis_l0_20070110_040427.fits

  7. EIS Slot Movie:example fits: eis_l0_20070120_121234.fits --- eis_l0_20070120_1724.fits

  8. Access to EIS data: 1. From various data archives: MSSL: http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB DARTS: http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/solar/hinode Oslo: http://sdc.uio.no/search/API From EIS catalogue GUI tool: IDL> eis_cat From EIS command-line: IDL> eis_dbase IDL> eis_list_study, tstart, tend, studies, [search=search, files=files] (eg. eis_list_study,’1-may-07’,’2-may-07’,studies,search=‘target=Active Region’)

  9. EIS catalogue GUI tool (EIS_CAT):

  10. Hinode obs. Data (CCSDS fmt.) Users ISAS - DARTS DB Info. about Hinode, EIS, etc. EIS level-0 & 2 data Thumbnails XRT & SOT data Visits & requests Hinode data (e.g. level-0 EIS data) MSSL – Hinode SDC MSSL – Website EIS level-0 & 2 data EIS thumbnails Data processing pipeline Hinode/EIS Data Access: from Satellite to Users: MSSL Hinode/EIS Data Archive (webpage: http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/)

  11.   Deliver EIS data to the end-user in a easy way •   See the data first before downloading •   Useful information is provided on website for Hinode/EIS •   Interactive help desk (EIS wiki)

  12. SQL query for complex search Four catalogue tables in EIS DB eis_level0 eis_level2 eis_thumbs eis_studies SQL query examples: Select * From eis_level0 as t1 where t1.DATE_OBS > '2007-09-01T00:00:00' and t1.DATE_OBS < '2007-09-02T01:00:00' Select * from eis_level0 as t1 where t1.DATE_OBS > '2007-03-03T00:00:00' and t1.DATE_OBS < '2007-04-03T00:00:00' and t1.SLIT_ID=‘40”’ and t1.TARGET = ‘Active Region’ order by t1.DATE_OBS

  13. EIS Data Archive User’s Guide: http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/daArchGuides.jsp EIS thumbnails introduction: http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/daArchGuides_thumbs.jsp How to EIS level-2 data: http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/daArchGuides_level2.jsp

  14. There are over 230 EIS studies available for your observation!

  15. but if there are special requirements: Design your study with EIS software tools: eis_mk_raster, eis_mk_study, etc. Submit your science proposal and study design to eis_obs@mssl.ucl.ac.uk EIS operation Access the data from MSSL Hinode/EIS data archive All information about EIS planning and studies are provided on MSSL Hinode/EIS website!

  16. Other useful resources: EIS Mapper:http://www.scs.gmu.edu/~kdere/eis_mapper.html EIS Observing Timeline Database: http://solar-b.nrl.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timeline4.cgi EIS Wiki (Help Desk): http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/eiswiki/

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