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Welcome Students. Mrs. Mosi – 7 th & 8 th Grade Math. Expectations. My expectations are very simple: Work Hard! Take responsibility for yourself and your education. Ask questions when you don’t understand, (during class, before or after school). Help others when you can.
Welcome Students Mrs. Mosi – 7th & 8th Grade Math
Expectations My expectations are very simple: • Work Hard! • Take responsibility for yourself and your education. • Ask questions when you don’t understand, (during class, before or after school). • Help others when you can. • Always act and respond with maturity and integrity.
Materials and Notebook Materials needed for this class: • 5 subject notebook • #2 pencils (at least 2) • Calculator • Red pen (for homework corrections) • Protractor, compass and a ruler. • Dry erase markers (thin tip) • Graph paper Notebook set-up:(All materials must be dated and in the right order). 1. POD 2. Notes and class work 3. Homework The notebook will be checked every nine weeks for a grade.
Daily Agenda • “Do Now” • Homework Check-Correction-Questions • Instruction (lecture, power point presentation, investigation) • Class work/Practice-Questions • Exit slips
CLASSROOM GUIDELINES • Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned “Do Now” when the bell rings. • Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave. Leave the room CLEAN!! • Follow directions the first time they are given. If you need clarification please raise your hand! • Treat each person in this room/school with respect and dignity. We all learn differently. Please respect and understand that! • Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the Omni’s Handbook.
Following these guidelines will result in: • Verbal Acknowledgement • A Homework Pass • Prize Box • Computer Time • Independent Reading Time (reading center) • Math Games • A stress free learning environment • A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
REWARDS • INDIVIDUAL • Verbal Praise • Phone call/Note to Parents • Homework Pass • Prize Box • Computer Time • Independent Reading Time (Reading Center) • WHOLE CLASS • Extra Credit Opportunities • Math Games • Tumble Books Videos • Occasional Candy • Popcorn Day
Not Following guidelines will result in: • Behavior is tracked using these steps: • General warning • Individual warning • Time-out (in class or in another setting)/reflection paper • Teacher –student conference (Infraction Notice)/call home • Referral • This procedure may be altered according to the severity of the offence!!!! • Stop!!!! Think!!! Make a Good Choice!! • Be a Model Citizen!
Let’s Not Go Here! Infraction Notice Offense____________________________________________________________________________________Conference Result _____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date_____________________ Student’s Signature_____________________ Teacher Signature______________________
Special Guideline • This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining , for ANY reason. • Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please…respect the “No Whining Zone” this year! • Can’t is a forbidden word – You CAN!! Can’t is an acronym for: I Completely Admit I Am Not Trying! • Ask 3 before ME!! • Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office (ISS) IMMEDIATELY.
Pledge • When the bell rings stop what you are doing. • Stand and face the flag with your right hand on your heart. • Show respect and do not talk other than saying the pledge.
Tickets for Good Behavior • As individuals, the students are able to earn chance tickets. I pass them out when student’s are reading quietly, when they’re working hard, when they turn work on time. They write their name on their ticket and place it into the chance bucket (there is one for every period). Each Friday, I will pull two chance tickets for each class. Students can pick one item from the prize box if their ticket is pulled (erasers, pens, pencils, rulers, pencil sharpeners, calculators, and other school supplies). • As a class they also earn whole-class rewards by having excellent behavior (every three weeks). The class with the greater chance tickets, is going to be rewarded (math games, computer lab, independent reading, etc)
Classroom Discussions • PLEASE participate! • I want to hear what you have to say. • Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion • If your question is off the topic , write it down and ask later.
Folders • Each student will have a folder (provided by the teacher). • This folder will stay in theclassroom. • In this folder studentswill keep all important handouts that theycan use as references throughout the year, graded work, quizzes/tests, Infraction Notices and Reflection Papers. • The Infraction Notices and Reflection Papers are there to help you keep track of your classroom behavior. Theywill be used to determine student’sconduct grade in each quarter.
Entering the Classroom • You are expected to wait outside the classroom door until I welcome you into the room. • Do not enter until I invite you in. • No students are allowed in the room when an adult is not present. • When you enter the classroom, go to your assigned seat and put your backpack under your desk and out of the aisle.
Being Prepared for Class You need to have all of your required materials for class on a daily basis. • If you do not have a pencil ask to borrow one for that period. Go to the pencil holder and borrow a pencil. • Remember to have 2 sharpened pencils ready in your pencil case. Pencils should be sharpened before the bell. • Let me know you need a pencil by holding up your pointer finger. All work must be done in pencil (HW, Class work, tests, quizzes) • If you do not bring your notebook to class, you will be given a few sheets of paper for the class period, but an X will be given for not being prepared.
Do Now and Objectives When entering class, you will do so without talking: • Have your “Do Now” spiral notebook and a pencil ready. • Independentlycomplete the “Do Now” question. This counts as class work and will be graded randomly. • There will be NO conversation with anyone, not even Mrs. Mosi, during the first 10 minutes of class . • During the” Do Now”, Mrs. Mosi will go around to check homework. Completed homework get a smile face stamp (red) – 10 points, partially done homework get a turtle stamp (blue) – 8 points. Next day/late homework – 6points. • Students who miss more than 3 assignments on a homework log will receive a phone call home.
Paper Heading On the top right side of the paper you must write: • Name • Student Number (assigned from your teacher) • Date • Period
During Instruction • Listen to the teacher/speaker with full attention. • No pencil sharpening, talking, moving about the classroom, or whispering. • Ask permission to speak by raising your hand and waiting quietly to be called on. • If you don´t understand the concept, ask a classmate by mentioning which part you didn’t understand.
Getting Your Attention When I need your attention: I will raise my hand and count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. • Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. • Raise your hand, and make eye contact with me to show that you are ready to listen. • Quietly, notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised her hand. • Wait silently. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher.
Getting Up During Class • You must raise your hands and ask for permission before getting out of your seats. • If you want to get/sharpen a pencil, raise your index finger. • If you need to see the nurse, hold up two fingers. • If you need to use the bathroom, hold up three fingers making a “W”. • Only one student can be out of his/her seat at a time. If you see someone up, or see that the pass is not by the door, please don’t ask to get up or leave. • There is no need to get out of your seat to throw something away or for any reason. Trash will be thrown away when your are dismissed from class. Keep it at your desk until you are dismissed. • If you need a tissue please do not interrupt to ask. Quietly get up and get a tissue.
ZERO Noise Times • During a quiz or test • When Mrs. Mosi is instructing • During independent work • During the pledge • During the first 10 minutes of class • During PowerPoint notes • When another person comes into the room to speak to me.
Bathroom Policy • Each student will receive 2 Bathroom Passes per quarter. Passes do not carry over, but they are worth 5 extra credit points if not used by the end of the quarter. • Please use the bathroom before, between or after classes. • After you use both of your passes, you may only leave class in emergency situations. • You may not leave the room during the first fifteen minutes or last fifteen minutes of class, and there may be times when I ask you to wait a few minutes so that you don’t miss out on important information. • Only one student may leave the room at a time, and a student may only leave the room once during a class period. No students will be given a pass to the bathroom before 10:45 a.m., or after 3:45 p.m.
Talking During Class Class Discussion There are three ways we will conduct class discussions: • Raised Hands- When you have a question, or when I say that we’re going to talk using “raised hands”, you should raise your hand and wait until I call on you before speaking. • Calling Ball -Sometimes I will use calling ball to call on students at random. Be ready to answer at all times—you will be expected to have an answer (the right answer = prize)!
While You Are Working • Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand the directions. • If you didn’t understand, quietly ask for help from other students sitting around you. • If you are asked to help, be polite and help. • Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. • Respect each other and be friendly. • Use your time wisely. • The amount of talking you are allowed to do in class depends on the kind of work we are doing. • Independent Work - No talking whatsoever. If you have a question, raise your hand and I will come to help you when I’m able to. • Partner work or Group work - Talk a lot about class work, but only with your partner or group members. If you need help, don’t call out, just raise your hand and wait for me to come over.
If You Finish Early • Work ahead on other assignments. • Finish any missing assignments. • Work on an assignment from another class. • Read a book.
When Someone Enters the Classroom Continue working quietly and follow all classroom rules and procedures.
Papers Passing Out Papers • I will pass a stack of papers to each group. Passing In Papers • You will put your papers in the center of your group’s desks. • Mrs. Mosi will assign a student to collect the papers from each group. • Make-up work or late work that needs to be turned in should be put in your class’ box. Never hand me a paper. • Notes from home, recommendation forms, or written questions or concerns should be placed in the basket on my desk labeled “Teacher’s Mailbox.”
Writing Down Homework • During the last five minutes of class you must copy down the homework down in your student agenda. • All homework must be done in pencil, and will be graded on effort . • Late work will be accepted only the next day and will be worth 6 points (full credit 10 points). • Make sure you put your name, date, and number (will be assigned to you by the third weekof school) on your homework assignments. • You should not use pen, nor should you turn in typed or photo - copied homework assignments. • When assigned problems from the textbook, the problems should be written out on your paper to turn in as well as your answer, showing all of your work. • Circle your final answer to each problem. • Red pen will be used for homework correction.
Tests • No talking during tests. • Test papers MUST remained covered. • If you miss a test when you are absent - you must make it up on the day you return. Be prepared! • You will earn an additional 5 points on your test grade if you correct all the wrong answers (must show work).
Class Dismissal • The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. • Do not start packing up prior to the bell – you might miss important information. • Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “ Have a great day!” • Students who have cleaned up their area, packed up their things, and are sitting quietly will be dismissed first.
Scheduled/Early Dismissal • Please let me know as you enter the classroom. (I will be at the door). • Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. • Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time. • If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.
Tardies You should be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. This means that if you walk in as the bell rings, you are still considered tardy. If you are tardy, use the following procedure. Excused: • Place your hall pass/excuse in the assigned spot on the teachers desk. Unexcused: • You will be marked tardy in the Grade Book. • Tardies are cumulative for all your periods. There will will be consequences for every three unexcused tardies.
Absences It is YOUR responsibility to get your make-up work the day you return to class. • You will have one day to make-up work for every day you are absent. • DO NOT ask me about your make-up work during class time. • You are responsible for obtaining assignments when you have been absent . Please check Edline/Homework Calendar and your class folder. • Any makeup tests or quizzes will be made up before school hours Tuesday or Friday morning at 8:15 in the Media Center. • If you need help, stay after school to get it. After one week, you will receive a zero for any missing assessments.
Cheating • Cheating includes the copying of another student’s work-homework, class work, test answers, etc.- as one’s own. • Plagiarism is the use of another person’s original ideas or writing without giving credit to the true author. • Cheating on daily work will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and the parent will be contacted. • Cheating on quizzes, test or projects will result in a grade of 0 and the assistant principal and parent will be contacted.
Phones/Headphones • You may not use your cell phone or any other electronic devise during class at any time. This includes checking the time, text messaging, taking pictures, and listening to music. • If I see or hear your phone or music, it will be taken up and turned in to the office.
Internet Safety • Please beware of inappropriate use of the internet both in school and outside of school! • Facebook • My Space • “ Cyber-bullying” • Instant Messaging & Emails • Know that what you put online can be visible to ANYONE and EVERYONE!
Challenges • In this class, we will follow all school wide rules. • If there is a behavioral challenge during class, I may ask you to stay after class to discuss it, or I may call your parent or guardian. • If you put your head down or fall asleep, I will ask you to stand up for twominutes. • If you have materials out during class that have nothing to do with class, I will take them for the rest of the period or day. • If you write on your desk, I will ask you to clean it. • You may not chew gum or eat or drink anything in my class (water only).
Extra Credit • Offered to the class, not to individuals. • Only 4 or 5 opportunities per year • Don’t pass them up… you never know… • Copy of syllabus and these procedures will be at least one opportunity. Take home and get syllabus signed by parent or guardian (5points) The home quiz on Rules and Procedures will be on Friday, August 31. Quiz is due on Tuesday, September 4. • It will be based upon informationprovided in this presentation and syllabus which was handed to you on the second day of school.
Student’s Reflection Sheet Date: ___________ 1. What inappropriate behavior did you display? Which rule did you break? Begin with an “I” statement! 2. Why was your behavior unacceptable? 3. What will you do differently in the future to display appropriate behavior? _____________________ ____________________ Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature
Mrs. Mosi’s Action Plan Date: ___________ 1. What’s the problem? 2. What’s causing the problem? (Please list the factors) 3. What plan will you use to solve the problem? _____________________ ____________________ Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature
My Pledge to Students • I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. • I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. • I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. • I will work with you to meet learning goals. • I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
Infamous Math Quotes • “ I’m just not good at math” Yes you are, but if you don’t believe me, work with me and you will get better. • “ I can’t come after school for extra help because I take the bus” Talk to you parents & tell them it is important to you. Talk to me. Let’s work together and make it happen! If you still cannot make it, then go home and read through the notes again.
Fire Drills • Line-up at the door • Students are expected to remain absolutely quiet. • Listen for the teacher’s instructions • Proceed out the door, without talking, in a single-file line. • Exit the room to the right.
When a school-wide announcement or class page is made • Stop talking • Listen to the announcement • Then continue working quietly
Walking outside as a class during school hours • Line-up single-file in the classroom. • Be quiet. • Proceed out the door, without talking, in a single-file line. • Listen for instructions while walking. • Wait outside the destination until you have permission to enter.
Important Math Sites • http://www.keypress.com/sketchpad • http://www.quickmath.com • http://www.graphcalc.com • http://www.mathematicshelpcentral.com/graph_paper/gpaper.exe • http://www.math.ualberta.ca/~runde/jokes.html • http://jhartmann.tie.wikispaces.net/file/view/CLASSROOM+MANAGEMENT+updated.ppt
What will I be doing this year? • This course has been designed to address all 8thgrade standards, benchmarks and learning objectives established by the Palm Beach County School District, the State of Florida and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Mathematical concepts discussed in this course will include but not limited to: real numbers, proportional reasoning, probability, geometry and measurements.