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Brazilian Biomes

Brazilian Biomes. Map of Brazilian biomes. http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/presidencia/noticias/noticia_visualiza.php?id_noticia=169. “Pampa gaúcho”. Also known as “campos sulinos”; It covers about 60% of the state of Rio Grande do Sul; It encompasses a big flat area ;

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Brazilian Biomes

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  1. BrazilianBiomes

  2. MapofBrazilianbiomes http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/presidencia/noticias/noticia_visualiza.php?id_noticia=169

  3. “Pampa gaúcho” Alsoknown as “campos sulinos”; It covers about 60% ofthestateof Rio Grande do Sul; It encompasses a big flat area; It isrelativelyrainy (around 1,200 mm per year), without a cleardryseason. However, theoccurrenceofverylowtemperatures in winterinhibitsthegrowthofplants in a way similar to a dryseason; The temperature varies from hot in summer (35oC) tofreezingcold in winter (-4oC);

  4. “Pampa gaúcho” Its maintypeofvegetations is grass, with some bushes andfewtrees (=GRASSLAND). http://www.dialogoflorestal.org.br/biomas/pampa/

  5. Cerrado It is similar to a savanna, withmarkeddry (winter) andwetseasons (summer); Its vegetation is mostlycomposedofgrasswith some bushes andtrees; BeingsurroundedbytheAmazonforest, Atlanticforest, pantanal andcaatinga, its fauna and flora are extremelyrich. Some ofthetypicalanimalsofthecerrado are endangeredspecieslikeonça-pintada, tatu-canastra, lobo-guará, águia-cinzenta andthecachorro-do-mato-vinagre.

  6. Cerrado The temperature ranges from 10oC toalmost 40ºC, withanaverageof 25oC; The yearlyrainfall varies between 1,200 to 1,800 mm per year, concentrated in thesummer. http://geografianovest.blogspot.com/2008/12/cerrado-brasileiro.html

  7. Cerrado http://www.dialogoflorestal.org.br/biomas/cerrado/

  8. Caatinga It has some characteristicsofsavannasandofdeserts (semi-ariddeserts); Yearlyrainfall varies between 240 mm to 1,500 mm, mostlyconcentrated in threeconsecutivemonths. Thissets twomainseasons in thecaatinga: a hot longdryseasonand a hot short wetseason; Its vegetation is composed of trees and shrubs with spines and various adaptations to water deficit.

  9. Caatinga http://naturezabela.wordpress.com/author/agefran/ http://www.panoramio.com/photo/17701189

  10. Pantanal It istheworld’slargestwetland; The yearlyrainfallis over 1,000 mm, withdry (winter) andwet (summer) seasons; Averagetemperature varies between 23oC and 25oC; Vegetation varies amongwhatisfound in thecerrado, in wetlandsand in tropical rainforests; It hastheworld’slargestdiversityofbirds;

  11. Pantanal http://www.lordpalacehotel.com/gps/pantanal.html http://www.jaguarinpantanal.com/pantanal.php

  12. Pantanal

  13. Atlanticforest It is a tropical rainforest, theworld’srichest in diversityoftrees; The yearlyrainfallofabout 2,000 mm; Temperature ranges from 14oC to 21oC; Its biodiversityisextremelyrich, withmanyendemicspecies (they are foundnowhereelse in the world)

  14. Atlanticforest 54% of the trees are endemic, as are 64% of the palms and 74% of the bromeliads. Among the fauna species, 80% of the primates are endemic, and 40% of all mammals, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians and birds. http://eyesnature.wordpress.com/zen-films%C2%AE-of-natures-details/

  15. Amazonforest It is a typical tropical rainforest; Yearlyrainfallofabout 2,000 mm, evenlydistributedthroughouttheyear; Warmtemperaturesthewholeyear (24º to 25oC); It is thought to be the oldest tropical forest area in the world, perhaps as much as 100 million years old; It presents an enormous biodiversity; Plants are distributed in different layers.

  16. Amazonforest http://www.ciflorestas.com.br/conteudo.php?id=3710 http://faculty.nwacc.edu/bhintert/Biology%201544.htm

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