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Decoding the Crucial Distinctions in Filmmaking - VFX, GFX, SFX, and CGI

Watch this presentation to discover more about the differences between VFX, GFX, SFX, and CGI in Filmmaking. Keep following Enzo Zelocchi to learn about filmmaking.

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Decoding the Crucial Distinctions in Filmmaking - VFX, GFX, SFX, and CGI

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Crucial Differentiators: VFX, GFX, SFX, and CGI in Filmmaking ENZO ZELOCCHI

  2. Visual Effects (VFX): Visual Effects refer to manipulating and enhancing imagery, either captured on camera or generated digitally, to create captivating visuals that would be impractical, dangerous, or impossible to achieve in real life.

  3. Graphics (GFX) Graphics, often called GFX, are a subset of VFX that primarily deal with creating and integrating graphical elements into a visual composition. These elements can include titles, text overlays, motion graphics, user interfaces,

  4. Special Effects (SFX): Special Effects, also known as SFX, involve practical techniques and physical props to create illusions, simulate real-world phenomena, or generate functional elements that can be captured on camera.

  5. Computer- Generated Imagery (CGI) Computer-Generated Imagery, commonly called CGI, involves the creation of digital assets, characters, and environments entirely within a computer- generated environment.

  6. Why it is essential for films Visual Effects (VFX), Graphics Effects (GFX), Sound Effects (SFX), and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) are all integral components of modern filmmaking.


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