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The Celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ

Explore the profound significance of sacraments and liturgy in deepening our connection to Christ's Paschal Mystery and enriching our spiritual journey. Learn how these rituals bring us closer to God's grace and the communal celebration of faith.

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The Celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ

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  1. The Celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ USCCA Chapter 14 Friday, January 3, 2020

  2. January 3, 2020 Liturgy: • Means “publicwork or work done on behalf of the people.” • Is communal in nature, expecting all to participate in it. • Is the action of Christ the HighPriest and of His MysticalBody.

  3. Liturgy: January 3, 2020 • Is centered on the HolyTrinity, directed to the Father as the source of all, through the Son in the unity of the Holy Spirit. • Is the means by which we participate in the PaschalMystery, the passion, death and Resurrection, of Our Lord Jesus.

  4. Liturgy: January 3, 2020 • Refers to the sevenSacraments and all official public prayer of the Church.

  5. Sacraments: January 3, 2020 • Are both visible, with material signs and symbols, and invisible, involving God’s unseen grace. • Are initiated by God to share His grace, His life. • Are built on the saving words and deeds of Jesus Christ.

  6. Sacraments: January 3, 2020 • Total seven. They are divided as: • Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. • Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. • Sacraments at the Service of Communion: HolyOrders and Matrimony.

  7. Sacraments: January 3, 2020 • Are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit. • Efficacious: They make effective (bring about) the reality they signify. (They are like a stop sign that would actually stop a car.) • Christ instituted them, not a mere human being.

  8. Sacraments: January 3, 2020 • The Church, not a particular person, oversees and celebrates the Sacraments. • Sacraments give us a share of the life of God, bringing us into communion with Him and the entire Body of Christ. • The grace of the Sacraments, while always present, does notwork magically on the individual. To tap into the grace of the Sacraments, the participant must have faith in Christ and desire the sacramental grace.

  9. Sacraments: January 3, 2020 • While the Sacraments of the Church are necessary for salvation, God is notbound to them.

  10. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 • Who celebrates the liturgy? • The entireBody of Christ, animated by the Spirit by baptism, celebrates the liturgy. • At liturgy, the ordained priest acts in the Person of Christ the Head of the Church.

  11. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 • How do we celebrate the liturgy? • Liturgy is celebrated using signs, symbols and rituals in an environment set apart for the worship of God. • As God used physical matter (the Body of Jesus) as an instrument of His grace, so He uses the elements of this world to share His life with us. • Sacred images draw us into the mystery of Christ.

  12. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 • The Liturgy of the Word, based on the proclamation of Scripture, is part of all sacramental celebrations. When the Word is proclaimed, Christ Himself speaks. • The action of the liturgy helps make visible the hidden action of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

  13. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 vi. The Church has a rich variety of liturgical traditions or ‘rites’ beyond the Roman Catholic Church. They share in fullness of communion with the entire Church.

  14. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 • When do we celebrate? • Sunday, the day of the Lord’s Resurrection, is central to the life of the Church. • The entire year is divided into the Liturgical Year, broken into seasons based on the life of Christ.

  15. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 • Throughout the year, the Church honors the work of Christ in her saints with special feastdays honoring the saints, in particular Mary, the Mother of God. • The daily Liturgy of the Hours allows the faithful, in particular priests, to mark the key moments of the day with prayer.

  16. Liturgy is the Body of Christ at Prayer. January 3, 2020 d. Where do we celebrate? • While we are encouraged to pray anywhere and always, the place of liturgical prayer is normally the church building.

  17. For Discussion: Many of our non-Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ, along with many Catholics who do not practice their Catholic faith, have trouble finding Christ in the liturgy. Have you ever experienced someone who described Mass like this? Describe your conversation with them? What advice would you give them in order to help them better see Christ in the liturgy? Given the uniqueness of the Lord’s Day and the necessity of gathering as a Body in Christ, why can individual prayer never be a substitute for participation in the Sunday liturgy? January 3, 2020

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