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Water Resources

Water Resources. G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition Chapter 14. Dr. Richard Clements Chattanooga State Technical Community College. Key Concepts. The physical properties of water. Availability of fresh water. Methods of increasing freshwater supplies.

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Water Resources

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  1. Water Resources G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13th Edition Chapter 14 Dr. Richard Clements Chattanooga State Technical Community College

  2. Key Concepts • The physical properties of water • Availability of fresh water • Methods of increasing freshwater supplies • Using water more efficiently • Problems associated with flooding

  3. Water’s Unique Properties • Hydrogen bonding • Liquid over wide temperature range • Changes temperature slowly • High heat of evaporation • Great dissolving power • pH • Adhesion and cohesion • Expands when it freezes

  4. Supply of Water Resources Freshwater Readily accessible freshwater Groundwater 0.592% Biota 0.0001% Lakes 0.0007% Rivers 0.0001% 0.014% Ice caps and glaciers 0.592% Soil moisture 0.0005% Atmospheric water vapor 0.0001% Fig. 14-2 p. 314

  5. Surface Water • Surface runoff • Reliable runoff • Watershed • Drainage basin

  6. Ground Water Flowing artesian well Precipitation Evaporation and transpiration Well requiring a pump Evaporation Confined Recharge Area Runoff Aquifer Stream Infiltration Water table Lake Infiltration Unconfined aquifer Confined aquifer Less permeable material such as clay Confirming permeable rock layer Fig. 14-3 p. 315

  7. Use of Water Resources United States Agriculture 38% Power cooling 38% Industry 11% Public 10% • Humans use about 50% of reliable runoff • Agriculture • Industry • Domestic • Power plants Fig. 14-5 p. 316

  8. Too Little Water Acute shortage Adequate supply Shortage Metropolitan regions with population greater than 1 million • Dry climate • Drought • Dessication • Water stress Fig. 14-7 p. 317

  9. Using Dams and Reservoirs to Supply More Water Downstream cropland and estuaries are deprived of nutrient-rich silt Flooded land destroys forests or cropland and displaces people Large losses of water through evaporation Downstream flooding is reduced Reservoir is useful for recreation and fishing Provides water for year-round irrigation of cropland Can produce cheap electricity (hydropower) Migration and spawning of some fish are disrupted Fig. 14-9 p. 319

  10. Transferring Water from One Place to Another CALIFORNIA NEVADA UTAH Shasta Lake Sacramento River Sacramento North Bay Aqueduct San Francisco Fresno South Bay Aqueduct Colorado River Los Angeles Aqueduct ARIZONA California Aqueduct Central Arizona Project Los Angeles Phoenix San Diego Colorado River Aqueduct Tucson MEXICO • Watershed transfer • California Water Project • Central Arizona Project • James Bay Fig. 14-13 p. 323

  11. Tapping Groundwater • Year-round use • No evaporation losses • Often less expensive • Potential Problems!

  12. Problems with Using Groundwater • Water table lowering (See Fig. 14-15 p. 326) • Depletion (See Fig. 14-16 p. 326) • Subsidence (See Fig. 14-16 p. 326) • Saltwater intrusion (See Fig. 14-17 p. 328) • Chemical contamination See Case Study p. 327 • Reduced stream flows

  13. Converting Salt Water to Fresh Water and Making it Rain • Distillation desalination • Reverse osmosis desalination • Desalination is very expensive • Cloud seeding

  14. Using Water More Efficiently • Reduce losses due to leakage • Reform water laws • Improve irrigation efficiency (Fig. 14-18 p. 330) • Improving manufacturing processes • Water efficient landscaping • Water efficient appliances

  15. Too Much Water: Floods • Natural phenomena • Aggravated by human activities • Renew and replenish Reservoir Dam Levee Flood wall Floodplain Fig. 14-22 p. 332

  16. Solutions: Achieving a More Sustainable Water Future • Efficient irrigation • Water-saving technologies • Improving water management See Fig. 14-25 p. 336

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