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Industrial Facilities Design. 7 th Term, Batch:2010. Recommended Books:. 1. MANUFACTURING FACILITIES: Location, Planning & Design By:D . R. Sule ……………………………………………. 2 nd Edition 2. FACILITIES DESIGN By : Suderesh Sesharanga Heragu ………….…2 nd Edition. 3. FACILITIES PLANNING
Industrial Facilities Design 7th Term, Batch:2010 Lect#1,2
Recommended Books: 1. MANUFACTURING FACILITIES: Location, Planning & Design By:D. R. Sule…………………………………………….2nd Edition 2. FACILITIES DESIGN By: SudereshSesharangaHeragu ………….…2nd Edition. 3. FACILITIES PLANNING By: Tomkins & White, John Wiley …..….….. Any latest edition 4. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT By: Ritzman………………………………………………Any latest edition 5. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT By: Joseph G. Monks………………………………… 2nd Edition Lect#1,2
Objectives & Scope of the Subject: To cover all phases of manufacturing within the plant such as: • designing a product • choosing manufacturing processes • Developing Production Systems & Associated Plant Layout • Designing material handling & storage systems • Selecting the essential labor resources to operate the plant Lect#1,2
Objectives & Scope of the Subject: • Considering the cost factors that go into the design and operation of plant • Basic location/allocation analysis Lect#1,2
Introduction Facilities: Defn- “Buildings where men, material and machines come together for a stated purpose” • Typically it is to make a tangible product or provide a service • Prime factors of effective facilities are lower cost, higher quality, & Using the less amount of natural resources Lect#1,2
Introduction • Designing a Mfg plant is a bold undertaking that necessitates many complex decisions, each of which significantly affects the profitability of the venture • In broad generalities, we must select a product, design it, produce it, sell it. • Besides financial consideration of raising capital numerous decisions must be made in each step that affect the time & cost of manufacturing the product Lect#1,2
Introduction (Continue) eg: • Improper design or layout of a plant can add considerably to the cost of manufacturing. It may increase the throughput time, setup times, & in process inventories, & may contribute to the over all inefficiency of operations. • For repeated high-volume & tedious jobs, use of robots might reduce production cost, but the same robot could actually add to the cost if the facility must handle many different jobs, each with different characteristics & having a low volume of production Lect#1,2
Historical Development Lect#1,2
Historical Development (Cont..) Lect#1,2
Typical Design Problems in Automated Manufacturing Systems Lect#1,2
Typical Design Problems in Automated Manufacturing Systems (Cont..) Lect#1,2
Typical Design Problems in Automated Manufacturing Systems (Cont…) • Design Problems are those that are taken rather infrequently. They are addressed once in 3 to 5 years or more bcz it is costly to alter a design decision frequently. • Eg: once a plant is built in a certain geographic area, it is difficult to justify moving the plant to an other location within 1 or 2 years of the 1st decision bcz the fixed costs would not have fully recovered within this time period. Similarly, if heavy duty m/cs have already been laid out in a plant, we have to live with that layout for a period of at least 3 to 5 years Lect#1,2
The Role of Facility Planner Facility Planner: “The person responsible for coordinating different departments & achieving efficiency in manufacturing operations” Designation of Facility Planner: For small plants: Supervisor, Manager, Even the president of the company For large Plants: Facility manager, or planner Lect#1,2
The Role of Facility Planner (Cont..) Responsibility: • To develop efficient plant layout & material handling systems; to integerate many tasks & operations within manufacturig Roles: • FP may participate in design & development of quality products that satisfies a known market demand & can be produced efficiently in the plant. Lect#1,2
The Role of Facility Planner (Cont..) Roles (cont..): • FP may help select economic processes to manufacture the product & specify the necessary m/cs & qualifications of the labor to operate these m/cs. • They may formulate the production policies & specify the degree & type of automation • They may develop the plant layout, define the direction of material flow & select the material handling eqpt to accomplish the material transfer Lect#1,2
The Role of Facility Planner (Cont..) Roles (cont..): • They may develop the locations for in-process storage & determine their capacities • They may determine the areas needed for storage & warehousing, design their layouts, & formulate their operating policies • they may be responsible for monitoring the environmental & worker safety against the stated standard laid down by regulating agency Lect#1,2
The Role of Facility Planner (Cont..) Roles (cont..): 8. They may also be responsible for keeping the cost of insurance, taxes, & health care within limits 9. FP coordinate sales, engineering, personnel with production & operations activities such as planning, scheduling, & controlling & contribute to management of these areas Lect#1,2